Chapter 233: Zhang Qiling | Tomb Robber: 365 days of touching gold with stars |

This content is first published on boshisw: it’s hungry!

Inside the cave, it was pitch black!

Seven coffins hang on the rock wall above!

Sun Honglei lay on the ground, hummed and got up, cursing in his mouth. When he saw Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling looking at the hanging coffin above, their eyes suddenly calmed down.

“How did this happen?”

Sun Honglei rubbed his buttocks and looked up at the hanging coffin.

“What about them?”

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, but tilted his headStaring at this Hong Lei asked.

“Who knows!”

When I mention this Hong~Lei, I get angry, and there is no good way.

Zhang Chen frowned and his tone became serious: ‘What do you mean? ’

Seeing Zhang Chen’s displeased expression, Sun Honglei hurriedly explained: ‘I was kicked off by Xiaobo just now, and they are still on top! ’

Zhang Chen raised his head, looked at the dark and deep hole, and his face became solemn.

“Something came out!”

Suddenly Zhang Qiling, who had been silent for a while, said suddenly.

Sun Honglei’s heart trembled, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked at Zhang Qiling in surprise: “What is coming out?”

Zhang Qiling didn’t answer, just stared straight at the hole!

Zhang Chen was suddenly startled, and stretched out his arms to block the two behind!

I saw more than a dozen black tentacles shot out of the hole!

“What is this!”

Sun Honglei’s face suddenly paled, and he said in horror.

Zhang Chen pulled the two of them back quickly!

But the dozen or so tentacles spread out in the air as if they could extend indefinitely, and surrounded the three of them in the form of packages!

The phantom of the fire unicorn on Zhang Chen’s back suddenly appeared!

Just as he was about to start, he suddenly heard Zhang Qiling standing behind him saying, “This is a corpse grudge! Let me come!”

Zhang Chen suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhang Qiling in surprise. He really had never heard of this name!

“The grievances of corpses are born in the dead air, transforming into shapes for thousands of years, and transforming into spirits for thousands of years!”

“Because it’s not a living body, it can’t kill you all the time! Although your unicorn fire can suppress the corpse’s grievance! But it can’t kill it completely!”

Zhang Qiling clutched his chest and walked in front of Zhang Chen, turned his head and said in a low voice,

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard it, if it was really like what Zhang Qiling said, it would be really difficult to deal with!

Sun Honglei’s face has already turned pale, and now hearing Zhang Qiling’s bizarre remarks, the whole person is stupid!

The body stepped back, and panic flashed in his eyes!

Although he didn’t touch the weird tentacle, he could feel the difficulty of the tentacle!

If you are drawn or trapped by that thing, there must be only one dead end!

The dozen or so tentacles seem to have intelligence, and they did not attack like Huang Lei and others rashly!

Instead, surround the three and look for opportunities!

Zhang Qiling stared at the tentacles, his eyes slowly became cold, and he was half-kneeling on the ground, biting the tip of his tongue hard!

Then use your fingers to stand with black blood, and lightly dot the black lines on your forehead!

He was completely kneeling on the ground!

The body trembled uncontrollably, and a wild beast-like roar came out of his throat!

Sun Honglei got goosebumps when he saw it!

Trembling legs!

The scene in front of me is not only scary for Sun Honglei, but also very strange for Zhang Chen!

He could feel that the death energy suppressed by Zhang Qiling was gradually being released!

He suddenly noticed that a black vine seemed to grow on Zhang Qiling’s head!

That vine grows in the wind!

Become thick and strong at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Zhang Qiling’s body seems to be a flowerpot in which vines grow!

A rustling sound that made people stand upside down, sounded quietly!

I just heard a cooing sound from Zhang Qiling’s throat, and then the vines suddenly sprang out for several meters, spreading violently in the air!

Zhang Qiling covered his head and let out a low growl in pain, the roots of the vines growing from his forehead have become as thick as his neck!

A look of horror flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, he didn’t understand how such a monster could live in Zhang Qiling’s body!

Sun Honglei is completely stupid. From his perspective, Zhang Qiling doesn’t seem to be alone anymore, just like a vase in the shape of a sculpture!


His existence seems to be just for the black vine to grow!

Even before the fear spread to his whole body, an even more bizarre scene suddenly appeared again!

I saw that every branch of the black vine suddenly turned into a snake’s mouth, and suddenly moved towards the dozen tentacles!

Those dozen or so weird tentacles quickly retreated as if they had encountered a natural enemy!

But it’s a few points slower!

Countless black snake heads were biting on the tentacles, and the tentacles, which were as thick as tree trunks, were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye!

As the tentacles shrunk, the vines on Zhang Qiling’s body became darker and tougher!

The black snake head greedily absorbed the death energy in the tentacles, and went into the hole to continue to bite!

After a few minutes, the vines slowly and slowly shrank, hid in Zhang Qiling’s body again, and a hanging coffin crashed down!

Zhang Chen looked at the fallen hanging coffin and groaned in his heart!

Because he saw that the hanging coffin was shaking on the ground, and the sound of a heartbeat sounded in the coffin!”Zongzi are coming out?”

Sun Honglei also noticed the strangeness of the hanging coffin, and went on the road in horror. </p>

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