Chapter 230: Lei Qilin Upgrades! Tomb Robber: Touching Gold With Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold With Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read

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Zhang Chen frowned, secretly asking what is in this spirit body, is it really so terrifying?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Zhang Chen saw that Zhang Qiling didn’t look like he was lying, so he nodded slightly, and his expression became solemn again!

There are three coffins left in the seven coffins!

These three are Martial Arts in the Three Saints, Giant Gate!

There is also the broken army in the slaying wolf!

Originally, according to Zhang Chen’s plan, he opened the martial arts and the giant gate first, and finally opened the army!

But who would have known that Zhang Qiling’s body suddenly changed!

It is impossible to open the coffins in sequence!

He has a hunch that the monsters in these three coffins must be extremely difficult to deal with!

The red bald bald just now: Yiyong camel and the monster in the coffin is nothing compared to it!

He couldn’t help but look solemn!

Zhang Chen nodded slightly to Zhang Qiling and everyone, motioning them to stay away from here to avoid accidents!

Everyone held their breath and looked at Zhang Chen with anxiety on their faces. If the coffin of Xu Fu, the owner of the tomb, could not be found this time, the consequences would be extremely serious! twenty one

Huang Lei even prayed secretly in his heart!

Zhang Qiling, who has always been calm and unusual, has a strong nervousness in his eyes at this moment!

His vitality is not enough to support waiting too long!

If the three coffins on the ground don’t have the immortality medicine, then he should be buried here!

“Congratulations to the host for beheading the red 辏 [the urn is limited to death and the penalty is embedded.”

“Thunder unicorn attributes have been improved!”


When Zhang Chen heard the system’s voice, he was stunned for a moment. He felt that the power of the unicorn in his body had undergone some subtle changes!

He let out a low voice!

With his hands on his chest, the phantom of Thunder Qilin reappeared!

Compared to before, this light blue thunder unicorn is much more solid and huge!

Obviously this time Zhang Chen did his best!

The light blue thunder unicorn is mighty and domineering. Although it is a phantom formed by lightning, it gives people the feeling that they can leap into the sky at any time!

I saw that with Zhang Chen’s voice, the Lei Qilin suddenly opened his mouth and spit out three blue thunder balls at the remaining three coffins!

The thunderball is the size of a basketball!

As soon as he touched the coffin, it exploded!

Although it exploded, it was not an explosion, but unfolded to completely wrap the coffin!

An even more bizarre scene appeared!

After the thunderball bursts open, it becomes a larger hollow thunderball!

Although it is not as solid as before, it is still extremely blue!

The coffin wrapped by lightning suddenly shook strangely!

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, he actually slowly rose into the air!


Huang Lei’s face was full of surprise, and he stared blankly at the three coffins suspended in the air!

Each of these coffins weighed thousands of pounds. He didn’t understand how this thunder light could have such great power, and it could actually carry thousands of pounds into the air!

Sun Honglei and Huang Bo were also full of surprise, but in addition to shock, there was also a deep look of envy and admiration in their eyes!It seems that he did not think about the reason like Huang Lei did, but only felt shocked and worshipped!

Zhang Qiling, who was standing against the wall with his chest supported, after seeing such a shocking scene, his slightly nervous eyes flashed with deep surprise and puzzlement!

It seems that he doesn’t understand what Zhang Chen is doing!

But soon!

He will understand!

The shocking eyes stared at the coffin, and even a hint of ecstasy flashed in the depths of the pupils!

I saw three coffins wrapped in thunder light reflected in his dark pupils!

The inner appearance of the three coffins actually appeared faintly!

“Blood Corpse… Giant Corpse Turtle…”

Zhang Qiling looked at each other in turn, his eyes were full of shock, but there was no body of Xu Fu in the first two coffins!

When his eyes fell on the third mouth, he suddenly grew his eyes, and his dark eyes flashed with light!

In the third coffin, lies a man with his hands folded!

And you can faintly see the man wearing a golden crown and a fancy dress!

Such a shape!

Basically, it can be confirmed that it is Xu Fu!

“Xu Fu?”

Not only Zhang Qiling, Huang Bo, who was beside him, also saw the outline of the corpse in the coffin, and couldn’t help but be surprised!

“Really! It seems that we are lucky!”

Huang Lei wiped the sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief!

He was still worried just now, but in the blink of an eye, the goddess of luck will come!

Lin Yu, who was lying on the ground, also woke up at the moment. He opened his eyes with some difficulty, when he saw three blue lightning balls wrapped around three coffins, and he could still see the monster in the coffin!

He stared again, tilted his head and fell over!

Zhang Chen, who was controlling the lightning ball, naturally had already identified the contents of the coffin. In the coffin of the broken army star, it seemed to be Xu Fu’s body!

He clenched his fists!

The other two coffins fell instantly!

The thousand-year-old coffin fell heavily on the ground, and the entire underground palace trembled!

The third coffin slowly fell to the ground under Zhang Chen’s precise control!

Thunder Light has eliminated most of the dead energy in the coffin!

If there is no accident, Xu Fu’s body should not change!

After the thunder light dissipated, the coffin returned to its dark color!

Zhang Chen leaned forward slightly, his expression seemed to be extremely solemn!

Huang Bo seems to see that 360 Zhang Chen is ready to open!

He pulled out a candle from Lin Yu’s package and ran to the southeast corner to light it!

Although this practice is not very useful, it can bring them a little comfort!

Zhang Chen took a deep breath, put one hand on the coffin, and slowly pushed the coffin away!


The heavy coffin lid made a harsh sound and was slowly removed from the coffin!

When he opened one-third of the way, the strength in Zhang Chen’s hand increased by a few points. With a sudden force, the lid of the coffin slipped off quietly!

A breath of dust that has been covered for a long time is coming!

Although everyone in the guest group was not in front of the coffin and could not see the corpse in the coffin, they could still feel the breath!

They are all shocked!

Sure enough, it is indeed the coffin of ancient and modern strange people. This strange atmosphere is indeed something that ordinary coffins do not have!

But Zhang Qiling’s brows are slightly wrinkled!

And Zhang Chen, who was standing in front of Xu Fu’s coffin, was stunned when he looked at the dark coffin!

“Isn’t it Xu Fu?”

Zhang Qiling asked abruptly, his voice was a little apprehensive!

Everyone’s heart just loosened up, but the appearance of the two made them nervous again!

I saw Zhang Chen suddenly turn his head, with a very strange expression on his face!

Taste it carefully, the expression seems to be strange to the extreme surprise! .

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