Chapter 219 Xu Fu’s Tomb! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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About a minute later, the weird wind stopped!

Huang Lei got up from the ground with a surprised look on his face. He bared his teeth and stretched out his head to look at the beast gate. He said with a fearful expression, “What the hell was that just now?”

Huang Bo and Sun Honglei weren’t much better either, their bodies were shivering because of the gloomy and weird wind!

They all looked sideways at Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen’s eyes were tightly closed, and his breathing was a little short!

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked into the dark beast door, and said coldly, “This is corpse gas!”


Huang Lei almost jumped up, he looked at Zhang Chen in disbelief, his lips moved, and his face was pale.

“Zhang Chen, aren’t you joking? Was the strange wind just now a corpse qi?”

Huang Bo feels that people are a bit stupid. It is not too much to say that the wind was a typhoon. When will the corpse gas become the wind?

“Eight-five-zero” “When the corpse qi is strong to a certain extent, it will form a yin wind!”

Zhang Chen said solemnly, but this gloomy wind was too strong. If he didn’t use his energy just now, he might have been blown away by the gloomy wind!

When the three of them heard Zhang Chen’s explanation, their faces were very ugly.

The corpse gas is so strong that it can cause a violent yin wind, how powerful is this old zongzi!

“That little brother may have opened the coffin! Fat Di and the others may be in danger, hurry in and see!”

Zhang Chen tilted his head and glanced at the three of them before entering the tall beast gate in a flash.

The three hurried to keep up!

Because Zhang Qiling walked the road inside, Zhang Chen was not worried about the existence of organs!

After entering, a wide and deep tomb passage appeared in front of them, and this tomb passage was in a strange barrel shape!

Zhang Chen thinks he has read countless tombs, but he has never seen anyone build a tomb into a barrel shape!

And the barrel-shaped tomb path extends at an upward sloping angle!

Zhang Chen noticed the same, and his eyes flashed with suspicion, but his eyes became clear again. This is the bottom of the sea. Whenever the sea eyes suck the sea water, the tomb passage is likely to be submerged by the sea water!

So building the tomb road upwards can effectively prevent sea water from entering!

It seems that the owner of this tomb is not the same as the murlocs outside, it should belong to human beings!

In ancient history, there are countless strange small countries, and it is difficult to keep strange small countries that have not been recorded in the annals of history living here!

Perhaps thousands of years ago, this constantly ups and downs island may be a land for people to grow!

“Zhang Chen, there are murals on this wall!”

Sun Honglei shouted panting from behind.

Zhang Chen didn’t want to pay attention to these insignificant things, but he heard Sun Honglei shout, “Look, this mural also has a mirror!”

Zhang ChenqianJin’s footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned to look!

I saw that there were indeed discontinuous murals on both sides of the arched passage of the prototype. One of the murals painted a man wearing a black dragon robe, and he was rewarding the person kneeling on the ground with an ancient mirror!

The mirror radiates light in the hall, and at a glance, you know that it is a precious treasure!

“Is this person Qin Shi Huang? The owner of the tomb is not Xu Fu, right?”

Suddenly Huang Bo’s surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Zhang Chen turned his head and saw that there was a mural in front of Huang Bo. Although it was not very clear, he could clearly see the scene of the ancient mirror holding the emperor’s reward and taking a group of children into the sea by boat!

In the clouds in the distance of the mural, the scene of Penglai Immortal Pavilion is also painted!

Judging from the content of the murals alone, it is very similar to the ancient legend of Xu Fu seeking elixir!

Zhang Chen was also slightly startled, and seemed to agree with Huang Bo’s guess. He continued to walk forward and continued to look at the murals behind!

The three of them quickly followed!

Zhang Chen saw the mural on the back depicting that after taking a group of children into the sea, he drove for seven days and seven nights. After that, the sky was dark and the sea was rolling!

Their ship was overturned!

Finally ended up on a circular island!

Zhang Chen walked forward again, and the murals at the back depict the scene where they survived by cutting down mountains and forests, fishing in the sea and collecting pearls!

“It shouldn’t be Xu Fu, isn’t it rumored that Xu Fu went to Japan?”

Huang Bo looked at it for a while and scratched his head suddenly.

“It’s not who Xu Fu is, then there are only 3,000 boys and girls, and the emperor with the black dragon robe and the beard is Qin Shi Huang!”

Sun Honglei is very sure that he has acted in TV dramas during the Warring States Period before, and he has a good understanding of the history of the times. He is very familiar with the unique imperial patterns of the Qin state!

“Hey, I didn’t expect that we found Xu Fu’s tomb by accident!”

“It is rumored that this guy is also a master of swindling, and people as wise as Qin Shihuang have also been fooled by him!”

“I also ask for medicine! There is no immortal medicine in this world!”

Huang Lei said with emotion… .

“Who said there is no immortality in this world?”

Before Huang Lei could finish speaking, Zhang Chen’s solemn voice suddenly sounded!

Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen in surprise, and saw Zhang Chen standing in front of another mural, pointing to the mural and continuing: “This Xu Fu is really capable! He is not a liar!”

The three hurried around.

Sure enough, after seeing the picture on it that everyone settled down on the island, the person suspected of Xu Fu began to use the magma as a fire in the crater in the center of the island to refine the elixir of immortality!

And it seems that the refining is really successful!

The person who is suspected of Xu Fu, take one of the medicinal pills!

And take out the mirror and look at your body!

In the mirror, you can clearly see his internal organs and bones!

“This is King Qin’s bone mirror?”

Huang Lei suddenly said in surprise, he thought this mirror was a bit familiar before, but he never remembered it. Now that he saw the content on the mural, he suddenly realized it!

Rumor has it that the prince swept Liuhe and obtained countless rare treasures. Among them, this mirror of the King of Qin’s bones is the most peculiar!

Rumor has it that it can reveal the internal organs of human bones!

According to the content painted on the mural, it must be the King of Qin who looked into the bone mirror without a doubt!

“All such precious things have been given to Xu Fu, it seems that Qin Shihuang really made a lot of money!”

Huang Bo was surprised.

“Look! It shows Xu Fu’s bones and internal organs rejuvenated after taking the Immortal Drug 2.1. Maybe this guy is really not dead!”

Sun Honglei stared at the mural and continued to look forward, suddenly turned his head and said in surprise.

“Isn’t it right? If he didn’t die, why did he build a tomb for himself?”

“I think this mural is Xu Fu’s fantasy!”

Huang Lei waved his hand and said, as a university professor, he doesn’t really believe that there is an immortality in the world. Although many of his previous experiences have exceeded scientific understanding, some obsessions are still deeply rooted, and if there is no sufficient evidence, it is still difficult to change!

“This may not be a tomb!”

Zhang Chen didn’t know when to detour to the back. He stared at the last few murals for a while, and suddenly stared at everyone.

Everyone was shocked!

I just heard Zhang Chen say again: “This is probably the palace built by Xu Fu!”.

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