Chapter 204 Dragon Claw Phantom! One claw shatters a hundred coffins! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Just like a plane bombing, countless coffins flew up!

The stench of corpses permeates the entire sea!

The dark corpse aura rises into the sky!

Everyone covered their mouths and looked at the surrounding sea in horror. The huge vortex was attracting the ghost ship to approach!

The coffin board flew into the sky and fell rapidly!

A dozen or so dark coffin boards even fell on the deck!

After hitting the steel deck, it was torn apart!

And strangely, these dark coffin boards don’t look like wood, let alone metal!

Instead, it looks like the hard shell of some kind of shellfish!

If you look closely, you can also see that there are layers of lines on it that are similar to annual rings!

“what is this….”

Zhang Chen’s eyes were full of surprise, he had never heard of shell coffins!

Just when Zhang Chen was about to pick up a piece to check, he suddenly heard Huang Bo’s exclamation!

“I go!”


Zhang Chen suddenly raised his head and saw dead bodies sitting in the coffin without a lid!

Those corpses were charred 21 black all over, but they didn’t rot!

Sticky liquid dripping from your body!

One of the dead corpses suddenly stood up, holding a pitch-black spear in his hand!

He has pointed ears, unusually wide palms, and thin webs in the middle of his fingers!

And the skin on the body is also extremely terrifying!

All are fine scales!

Where is this person, it’s just a mermaid!

Zhang Chen was shocked, he suddenly understood why these coffins were not made of wood or metal!

What’s in this coffin is not a human at all, but a mermaid!

Objectively speaking, mermaids and humans are not the same species at all, they just look like humans!

Zhang Chen’s eyes are full of coldness!

Sun Honglei also noticed the monster jumping towards the boat with a black spear and stepping on the coffin!

When he saw the scales and vague facial features on the monster, he suddenly shouted: “Fuck! This is a fish dumpling!”

Everyone was shocked, and after a closer look, they found the difference between this zongzi!

Now the color has changed greatly!

With the appearance of the black mermaid zongzi, the mermaid zongzi in the other coffins crawled out one after another!

Densely jumped towards the ghost ship!

Huang Bo found a fire axe from the cabin and slashed at the mermaid who jumped on the deck!

Huang Bo guarded the door of the elf queen for half a year, and practiced a kung fu in the hallucination!

Although the previous memory is gone, Kung Fu has formed muscle memory!

The body of the mermaid zongzi was instantly cut off by Huang Bo’s axe!

The black liquid dripped on the deck, and the half of the body was still beating on the deck, it looked extremely weird!

But what’s even scarier is that!

The mermaid zongzi, whose body was cut off halfway, did not fall down, but instead stabbed Huang Bo with a black harpoon-like spear in the only remaining hand!

“I’ll go to your uncle!”

With the sound of a gunshot, Sun Honglei smashed the head of the mermaid dumpling with a shotgun!

Half of the body of the mermaid dumpling fell to the ground with a bang!

Huang Bo broke out in a cold sweat, and the harpoon almost stabbed him just now!

“Just break their heads!”

Seeing this, Huang Lei hurriedly picked up the harpoon of the mermaid dumpling as a weapon, staring nervously at the dozen or so mermaid dumplings that were jumping towards the deck.

After hearing Huang Lei’s words, everyone who was a little dumbfounded by the shocking scene immediately reacted!

A fiery emotion flashed in the desperate eyes!

So many dumplings give people a great sense of despair!

But Sun Honglei’s shot gave them hope of victory!Lin Yu, Fatty Di Yaya and Chana also rummaged through the cabin to find the weapons they had in hand!

The face is solemn, waiting for the mermaid to come!

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Honglei’s marksmanship didn’t know what was wrong, but he suddenly became extremely accurate, and the gunshot rang out!

The heads of the three mermaid dumplings who had just jumped onto the deck fence exploded instantly!


Huang Bo thumbs up!

Sun Honglei was overjoyed and continued to pull the trigger towards the heads of the other mermaid dumplings!

But unfortunately, the bullet was empty!

He grabbed angrily, raised the butt of his gun and smashed it at the head of the mermaid Zongzi!


The butt broke instantly!

Mermaid Zongzi’s body also froze!

Those round and bulging eyes without the slightest anger stared at Sun Honglei!

Sun Honglei was sweating all over, just stared at mermaid dumplings!

A few seconds later, the mermaid dumpling suddenly stabbed at Sun Honglei with a harpoon!

“Damn it! Is this head made of iron!”

Sun Honglei was shocked, turned around and ran!

The speed of the mermaid zongzi was extremely fast, leaping several meters, and the harpoon in his hand precisely forked at the back of Sun Honglei’s heart!

Huang Bo, who was fighting with other mermaids, saw the situation on Sun Honglei’s side, and his face changed greatly!

Shouted out, Hong Lei, be careful!

The fire axe in his hand was suddenly thrown out!

The fire axe circled in the air and slashed at the body of the mermaid zongzi!

But the mermaid zongzi just glanced at it, and the big hand covered with scales and webs slapped it and pushed the fire axe away!

“I’ll go! This one doesn’t seem to be the same!”

Huang Bo looked surprised, the body of this mermaid zongzi was not only one size bigger, but even the color of the human body was a little lighter!

Obviously this mermaid dumpling is a powerful character!

The ones just now are all small!

Looking around all the time, Zhang Chen with a dignified face saw that the situation was a bit uncontrollable, and a strong ruthlessness suddenly flashed in his cold eyes!

The matter of Haiyan has not been resolved yet!

These mermaid dumplings are coming to court death!

Then he will simply kill him!

He clenched his fist violently!


The crisp sound of the joints sounded like a bomb!

A layer of golden light suddenly appeared on his arm!

A layer of looming dragon scales emerged!

With the appearance of dragon scales!

A shock actually spread out like a shock wave!

Everyone with their backs to Zhang Chen who was fighting with the mermaid also seemed to have noticed Zhang Chen’s mutation!

They all turned their heads in shock, looking at Zhang Chen in shock!

In their minds, the picture of Zhang Chen picking up his right arm with a holy bead suddenly appeared in the ghost cave!

“Is this the power of the golden dragon claw?”

Huang Bo muttered to himself, and his heart turned upside down!

I saw Zhang Chen spread out his palm and waved it suddenly in the air!

The black coffins gathered around the sea suddenly exploded!

The corpses of countless mermaid dumplings shattered instantly!

Sun Honglei turned his head in horror, and saw the body of the mermaid zongzi chasing him burst into black mist in front of his eyes!

In the haze, he seemed to see a golden dragon claw flashing across the sea!

It’s just that the phantom of the dragon’s claw is extremely thin, and it’s hard to detect it if you don’t look closely!

After a palm!

Hundreds of black coffins and countless murlocs were sucked into the depths of the sea by the terrifying suction of the sea!

Although the mermaid dumplings are gone!

But their ghost ship has also arrived at the center of the sea eye! .

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