Chapter 200: Collective Death! Time and space to zero! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s expression instantly turned gloomy!

Instead of resisting, just like Fat Di, staring at everyone coldly!


Huang Lei breathed a sigh of relief and felt his scalp tingle for a while. Originally they were comrades fighting side by side, but for some reason they became enemies who needed to kill each other!

“Can only one side be sacrificed?”

Lin Yu’s eyes flickered, and his expression was a little gloomy. Zhang Chen and they were not in the same camp, which meant that his side was bound to lose!


Zhang Chen stared at everyone coldly.


Hearing Zhang Chen’s expression and attitude, the people who were still fantasizing suddenly sank in their hearts. It seems that in the current time and space, they can only sacrifice!

Lin Yu stepped back slightly, and Huang Lei also moved towards Lin Yu, followed by Sun Honglei, Yaya and Chana.

“Xiaobo, come here! I suspect that the real Zhang Chen is dead!”

“They said so much that they just wanted me to die as soon as possible!”

Sun Honglei stared vigilantly at the somewhat hesitant Huang Bodao.

I saw Huang Bo sighed, then scratched his head suddenly and walked to Zhang Chen’s side, staring at Sun Honglei with a solemn expression: “I’m sorry, I belong to the past too!”

“Who did you kill?”

Huang Lei was shocked and got goosebumps all over!

He didn’t expect that Bo Ge is also a devil!

“It doesn’t matter who I kill! What matters is that you all die!”Huang Bo said gloomily.

“Zhang Chen, let’s start!”

Fat Di glanced at Zhang Chendao.


Zhang Chen nodded, his expression gradually cooled down, and the murderous aura on his body was spreading!

“Zhang Chen, are you really going to kill us?”

Yaya’s face was pale, and she looked at Zhang Chen with disbelief.

“Zhang Chen, you can do this…”

Huang Lei opened his eyes wide, with fear on his face, all of them together could not be Zhang Chen’s opponent.

“It’s useless, one of us must die!”

Lin Yu shook his head, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and looked like he was waiting for death.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Zhang Chen slowly raised his palm!


With a crisp sound, the direction of Zhang Chen’s wrist suddenly slammed again, and stuck it on Fatty’s neck!

His fingers slowly exerted force, and Fatty’s arm was lifted up in the air, and his shocking eyes stared at Zhang Chen!


Fat Di spat out a few hoarse words from his throat and said in horror.

Huang Bo, who was slowly confident, was also shocked by this scene. He looked at Zhang Chen in shock, and murmured, “Aren’t you like us, you belong to the past?”


Zhang Chen didn’t answer, the other hand snapped onto Huang Bo’s neck in an instant, and said coldly, “You guys forget that the past time and space can never be unified with the present time and space!”

“If you want to achieve the unity of time and space, you must kill everyone in the past time and space!”

“Including myself!”

“Zhang Chen…”

Lin Yu noticed the change and suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Zhang Chen’s hands were stuck on the arms of Fat Di and Huang Bo, he was stunned!

But when he heard Zhang Chen’s words, he instantly understood!

indeed so!

This is the time and space of wireless reincarnation. Even if you kill them, the new ones will reappear. In the past, Zhang Chen and Huang Lei Fatty will never be able to maintain the unity of time and space with the new ones!

If you want to leave the ghost ship, you must kill the demons from the past!

Although he can still be resurrected, Zhang Chen’s willingness to sacrifice his behavior is indeed shocking!

“You thought you could go out like this…”

When Huang Bo heard Zhang Chen’s words, there was a hint of sarcasm in his frightened eyes. Before he finished speaking, there was a crisp sound from his neck!

The head slumped to one side weakly!

The same goes for Fatty!

Zhang Chen put down the two corpses, his eyes flashed with complicated colors, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be even darker!

The chirping of seagulls came from the dull air!

The air fell into a strange silence. According to Zhang Chen, he was the next one to be damned!

“After I die, the new me will reappear and will forget all the memories just related!”

Zhang Chen said quietly.

“Don’t worry, we will help you remember!”

Huang Lei took a deep breath and said solemnly.


Zhang Chen nodded slightly, as if explaining to future generations, and looked at everyone quietly: “But before I die, we still need to make sure of one thing!”

“What’s up?”

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen in surprise and said in unison.

“Move all the corpses on this ghost ship to the deck, I want to determine the number of corpses!”

Zhang Chen said.

“Are you suspecting that there are still fish that slip through the net?”

Huang Lei said in surprise.

“Well! I have to make sure that the number of bodies is the same!”

Zhang Chen nodded, if the number of corpses of a certain person is one less, it means that person is in the previous time and space!

“Time is running out, you can supervise each other and act together!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the surrounding mist and said solemnly.

“it is good!”

Huang Lei nodded heavily and greeted everyone towards the cabin.

Soon, the rear deck of the ghost ship and the bodies in the cabin were all carried out.

Huang Leiqiang was disgusted. After counting all the corpses, he looked shocked and said to Zhang Chen: “Now all of us have seven corpses. Only you have six corpses… So”

Halfway through his words, as if he couldn’t bear it, he let out a long sigh.

Everyone also sighed. According to Zhang Chen, now they can leave the ghost ship as long as Zhang Chen commits suicide!


Zhang Chen suddenly grabbed Huang Lei’s neck and twisted suddenly, Huang Lei was killed instantly!

Everything was changing so fast, everyone didn’t even react!

Zhang Chen committed suicide as promised, why is it now?Did Zhang Chen suddenly change his mind?

“what are you going to do?”

When Sun Honglei saw Huang Lei collapse weakly, he looked at Zhang Chen in horror.

Zhang Chen’s expression suddenly became hideous again, and he walked towards the crowd coldly: “I underestimate you!”

“It turns out that you are hiding so deeply!”

“But it’s useless! Kill all of you, and reset all events to zero, we can still go out!”

His palm caught Lin Yu’s neck again!


Lin Yu died instantly.

“Zhang Chen, are you crazy?”

Sun Honglei roared.

“I ask you, why are there no bodies of Huang Lei and Fat Di here?”

Zhang Chen grabbed Sun Honglei’s neck and said coldly, if they found all the bodies on the ship, then the bodies of Huang Bo and Fat Di would definitely be there.

Now there are only the corpses of their living people, and the number is exactly the same as what he had guessed before, which can only prove that all of them are doing tricks!


Sun Honglei’s face turned red, and he looked at Zhang Chen in horror, but he couldn’t say a word!

Zhang Chen no longer hesitated, and simply killed everyone neatly!

The sound of seagulls is endless! (King Lee’s)

He looked at the corpses all over the ground, and his expression was still solemn. After these people got on the boat, they must have undergone some kind of change before they became demons!

He wants to figure out what made them change, but it seems that time is too late!

Clearing all deaths seems to be the best solution at present!

According to time calculation, Huang Lei and Fat Di, who died the earliest, should be resurrected and uploaded immediately. He must commit suicide immediately to ensure that he and them become the same time and space person, so that it is possible to leave this ghost ship!

It’s just that, everything goes back to the starting point. They only see each other killing each other again, and the person who becomes a demon will hide his identity, so that this infinite reincarnation will continue!

“In the end how to do!”

His clear thinking became chaotic again with the death of everyone!

“You must find out what makes everyone a demon!”

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and the palm raised between his eyebrows was slowly lowered. He looked at the misty sea, and his eyes suddenly became firm.

A figure in the distance suddenly swam in the direction of the ghost ship…

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