Chapter 198 Death Reincarnation! Forever! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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I don’t know how long it took, Zhang Chen vaguely heard someone calling him, he felt a pain in his neck, and it was a little difficult to breathe, it seemed that someone wrapped his mouth with gauze!

He opened his eyes and saw that three girls, Chana and Fatty Yaya, were bandaging him with tears in their eyes, and Fatty couldn’t stop wearing a tie around his neck!

It looks like he’s going to be mummified like that!

When Fat Di saw that he opened his eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and while wiping away his tears, he shouted to him, “Zhang Chen, are you awake?”

“Are you alright?”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and tore off the gauze. He had the Qilin bloodline, and he took the blood of the Golden Dragon. Unless he died completely, no matter how severe the injury was, he could recover quickly.

But when he undid the gauze, he saw an even more bizarre scene!

I saw that besides Fat Di and other three girls, standing beside him were Huang Lei, Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and Lin Yu!

“May 20” he was stunned again, staring at everyone in surprise: “Aren’t you dead?”

“What’s dead?”

“Zhang Chen, you won’t be beaten in the head, right?”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

“Zhang Chen, look at my finger, what is it?”

Huang Lei stretched out a finger and said to Zhang Chen with a worried face.

“Lin Yu!”

Zhang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to the crowd, so he roared at Lin Yu, and stared at Lin Yu with stubborn eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Yu was taken aback and stared at Zhang Chen dazedly.

“When did you come up?”

Zhang Chen stared at Lin Yu and asked.

“Just now…”

A little confusion flashed in Lin Yu’s eyes.


Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed suspiciously again. Although he didn’t know how long he had been in a coma, Lin Yu definitely didn’t come up just now, but before him.

And he also blasted the back of Lin Yu’s head, but this Lin Yu was not injured!

“I can prove that Lin Yu got on the boat behind me, and I just got on!”

Sun Honglei raised his hand.

Zhang Chen stared at the two of them, he didn’t see the slightest evasion in their eyes, obviously they didn’t lie!

But if it’s what they said, what happened to the dead Lin Yu and the corpse on the deck?

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly stared at the crowd again and said, “Did you hear the seagull (the typo in the previous chapter has been revised, it is the seagull) calling when you came?”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly.

“Have you heard of it too?”

Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen differently.

“I heard it twice!”

Zhang Chen nodded.

“I heard it twice too!”

Yaya raised her hands a little nervously.

Zhang Chen looked at Yaya, and suddenly spoke again after a moment of silence: “Is it you who shot me?”


Everyone gasped. When they came, they saw Zhang Chen collapsed on the ground, injured and unconscious, and three girls from Fat Di were bandaging Zhang Chen.

At that time, they still doubted in their hearts, who could hurt Zhang Chen, but they didn’t think it was an acquaintance Yaya!

Sure enough!

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, Yaya’s expression changed suddenly!

She looked at Zhang Chen in horror, and said with a pale face, “It’s me…”

“But I thought you were the murderous monster on this ship!”


The crowd fell againTaking a breath, they looked at Yaya in surprise. They didn’t understand what the murderous monster in Yaya’s mouth meant!

“You believe me, I really didn’t mean to…”

“When I got on the boat, I saw Zhang Chen’s body on the back deck. When I ran into the cabin, I saw someone similar to Zhang Chen killing Lin Yu. I thought it was a dumpling disguised as Zhang Chen. That’s why I shot…”

Yaya said with a pale face.

“are you crazy?”

“Isn’t Zhang Chen doing well? Why did he die on the rear deck?”

Sun Honglei said in surprise.

“Yaya, calm down, didn’t you drink sea water when you came up from the sea?”

Huang Lei frowned and stared at Yaya, if he drank sea water, he would have hallucinations.

“I don’t seem to drink…”

Yaya recalled and shook her head.

“He’s right! There are indeed murderous demons on this ship, and they may be among us!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and suddenly said to Huang Lei, Yaya said that he saw his own body on the rear deck, and he instantly became enlightened!

“I go!”

“Isn’t it Hong Lei again?”

Huang Lei was stunned. He recalled the scene when Hong Lei and Huang Bo turned into dumplings on the ninth floor of the Nine-story Demon Pagoda!

“What are you talking about!”

“I came up one after the other with you, don’t you know?”

Sun Honglei glared at Huang Leidao.

“Follow me on deck!”

Zhang Chen has already figured out some clues. Every time the seagull sounds, someone will die, and every time a person dies, a new person will board the ghost ship again!

So repeatedly, the reincarnation is endless!

That’s why he saw the bodies of Huang Lei and Sun Honglei after he got on the boat, and after killing Lin Yu, he could still see Lin Yu and Hong Lei Huang Lei who got good results!

And there is another point to confirm his guess!

That’s the time!

He and Chana were the last to board the ghost ship, but in the situation just now, Huang Lei, Linyu and Sun Honglei were obviously later than themselves!

Perhaps there is indeed a demon hidden in him that triggers the killing cycle, and this demon will stay on this ghost ship forever!

Or maybe that demon is really themselves!

But no matter what the result is, Zhang Chen has already thought of a way to prove it!

He now suspects that they are not leaving the imaginary space now!

And he has a faint hunch that he may find the secret of this ghost ship, which is the way to truly leave the imaginary space!

When everyone heard Zhang Chen’s words, their faces suddenly became ugly, as if they had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen…

Although they were a little scared in their hearts, their strong curiosity also drove them to follow Zhang Chen towards the front deck!

When everyone walked along to this deck!

Fat Di threw up on the railing on the spot!

I saw that the deck was full of dilapidated corpses, and the bright red blood water almost soaked the entire deck!

“how so….”

Yaya’s pretty face turned pale, and she stared at the corpses on the deck in a stunned manner. Although these corpses were dilapidated, it was still possible to tell from their appearance and stature that these corpses belonged to Huang Lei and Sun Honglei!

5.6 And the weirdest thing is that there is more than one!


Sun Honglei’s face turned pale, like a duck being pulled by his neck, staring at the disgusting scene in front of him with his eyes full of ghosts.

He saw his body lying on the deck, and there were more than one!

And his death scene is exactly the same!

“Aren’t we on some ghost ship?”

Huang Lei stared at Zhang Chendao with a pale face.

“Yeah! It’s a ghost ship!”

Zhang Chen nodded, stared at the crowd and said solemnly: “And it’s still a ghost ship that keeps reincarnating!”


“I see!”

“Huang Lei and Hong Lei seem to be killed by Lin Yu…”

He didn’t speak for a while, and Huang Bo suddenly pointed at Lin Yudao with a strange expression.


Everyone subconsciously took a step back and looked at the innocent Lin Yu in horror. .

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