Chapter 169 Wordless Book! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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He carefully compared it, right here!

After reading the contents of the picture, everyone felt a chill and stood upside down!

Looking at the boy in Shekou in horror!

The content of the painting is a scene from thousands of years ago. The boy is the high priest in the mouth of the snake in front of them. The black hole space that can devour slaves, cattle and sheep is there!

The stone beads glowing red in his hand are likely to be mysterious objects that summon the dark space!

“This boyThe child should be the high priest of the Jingjue Kingdom, with the ability to communicate the imaginary space! ”

Lin Yu looked at the little boy and said solemnly.

Everyone nodded slightly, the content of the painting has clearly recorded the identity and ability of the little boy!

It just makes everyone puzzled. According to what Zhang Chen said before, the vigilant queen of Jingjueguo has the ability to communicate with imaginary space. Why are they looking at the high priest instead of the Jingjue queen?

Could it be that this little boy is the Queen of Absolute Essence?

But how is this possible?

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

The Queen of Jingjue must be a woman, and the genders don’t match!

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, but opened half of the book, but found nothing on it!

“Wordless Books?”

Huang Bo said with a look of surprise.

“What wordless book, do you think it’s a fantasy world?”

“There is content specified on this, but special methods are required to make the content appear!”

While shocked, Sun Honglei suddenly pouted.

Zhang Chen turned his head to look at Sun Honglei and said, “You know?”

Sun Honglei grinned and said, “I’m just guessing, maybe try it with a flashlight!”

Speaking of which, Sun Honglei flashed a flashlight and illuminated the empty pages with a side light!

But the strange thing is that there is nothing on it!

“Your method doesn’t work either~!”

Huang Bo pouted.

Zhang Chen looked thoughtful, it was really weird that there was no text on it.

According to his conjecture, this book should record what happened in the past or the future, but he didn’t expect anything.

So what’s the point of this book?

And it is also painted on the stone carving. The high priest is reading the content of the second half of the book page. It is impossible that there is nothing on it!

And he previously speculated that the masters of the eighth floor and the seventh floor should be on the ninth floor, but now that he is on the ninth floor, he has not seen the masters of the eighth and seventh floors!

what is happening….

Zhang Chen feels that a huge mystery is shrouding him!

“Right! I know what’s going on!”

While Zhang Chen was thinking about it, Sun Honglei suddenly shouted in shock.

Everyone was taken aback by Sun Honglei, and stared at Sun Honglei in annoyance, but seeing his surprised expression, they waited patiently for him to continue.

Zhang Chen also stared at Sun Honglei with furrowed brows.

“Don’t be surprised, tell me what bad idea you think of!”

Huang Bo said a little depressed.

“The first picture on this stone is the high priest reading the contents of the Wordless Book. There are two possibilities. Either the high priest is a liar and is making up!”

“Either there’s something on it, we just can’t see it!”

Sun Honglei said excitedly.

Everyone looked disappointed, they didn’t expect him to be so excited just to say these nonsense.

“If you can’t think of anything, just shut up!”

“This sudden shock scared the person to death!”

Huang Bo was dissatisfied.

“Listen to me, let’s ignore the first one!”

“If it’s the second type, then let’s close our eyes and see according to the high priest’s appearance. Maybe we can see it?”

Sun Honglei stared at everyone with a solemn expression.

Huang Bo’s eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, he took a deep breath, opened his eyes to Zhang Chen and said, “I think you can try it!”

“Brother Hong Lei, this is a good idea, maybe you can only see the contents of this book if you close your eyes!”

Chana, who hasn’t said anything, also said.

Fat Di and Yaya glanced at Cha Na in surprise, and nodded in approval.

“It’s talking, it’s unlikely. The high priest has the ability to understand ghosts and gods. We can only imitate the appearance. If everyone has the ability to read with their eyes closed, wouldn’t everyone be a high priest? ”

Huang Lei shook his head and said.

“I think so too, it’s unlikely!”

“But it seems that there is no other way at the moment. Why don’t you just die and be a living horse doctor, let’s try it!”

Lin Yu nodded at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen frowned, stared at Sun Honglei for a while, and suddenly took a deep breath and said, ‘Okay! You can try it! ’

Sun Honglei was immediately overjoyed, it seemed that his opinion was accepted by everyone, and he was very happy.

“However, everyone needs to stand in a row and touch the book with their hands!”

Zhang Chen suddenly changed the subject.

Everyone nodded slightly, and seemed to think that Zhang Chen’s method was more secure. Since he tried it, he would try his best.


Sun Honglei hesitated and nodded.

Under Zhang Chen’s arrangement, everyoneStanding in a circle around the stone platform, all of them stretched out their hands on the books.

After Zhang Chen counted one, two, three, everyone closed their eyes.

His vision turned pitch-black, Zhang Chen’s mind moved slightly, and he fumbled with his fingers on the book, but he didn’t find anything like Braille.

He was a little disappointed, he didn’t see any words or pictures in the book…

He was about to open his eyes, but suddenly realized that something was wrong. While groping, he touched a hairy and extremely cold finger! .

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