Chapter 167 The nine-story demon tower is finally hidden! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Seeing this, everyone cheered up and hurriedly followed. Although they couldn’t help Zhang Chen share the pressure in the face of dumplings and monsters, as long as they didn’t cause trouble to Zhang Chen, that would be the best result.

Zhang Chen’s figure quickly entered the seventh floor, everyone was stunned for a while, and they quickly walked up when they heard Zhang Chen’s safe voice.

According to the level of the demon tower, the ninth floor is likely to hide the secrets of the imaginary space, and the seventh and eighth floors should be extremely powerful tower guards!

The next experience is bound to be an evil battle!

But what surprised everyone was that the seventh floor was actually empty!

Zhang Chen also stood at the entrance with a look of surprise, carefully searching around.

“Isn’t that right?”

“Why is there nothing?”

Sun Honglei touched his head suspiciously.

“Yeah, Hong Lei can see that something is wrong, there must be something weird here!”

“There is a saying, the most dangerous place is the safest place, and the safest place is the most dangerous place!”

Huang Bo also nodded.

Sun Honglei nodded slightly, it was rare for Huang Bo not to dismantle his stand.

Lin Yu and Huang Lei also touched their chins, their faces puzzled. Looking at it like this, there is nothing on the seventh floor. Even if there is danger hidden, they cannot tell where the danger is!

But we can’t stop moving forward just because there is nothing, and finally Zhang Chen has to make up his mind.

Seeing Zhang Chen’s serious expression, Huang Lei seemed to be thinking about something, so he asked tentatively, “Can you see what’s wrong?”

“It’s really not right…”

Zhang Chen said slightly.

When everyone heard Zhang Chen speak, they suddenly became quiet and looked towards Zhang Chen.

Huang Lei looked nervous and continued: “What’s wrong?”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath, turned his head to look at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Huang Lei: “The eighth floor is wrong!”

“Eighth floor?””Isn’t this the seventh floor?”

Huang Lei was surprised and didn’t understand what Zhang Chen meant.

“Normally speaking, there must be a master on the seventh floor, but now it is empty, and there is absolutely no way that the sixth floor is an opponent of the seventh floor, but now the seventh floor is empty, it can only mean that the seventh floor is empty. The master of the eighth floor has gone to the eighth floor, or the master of the eighth floor has come to the seventh floor!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

Everyone shuddered.

Zhang Chen’s words are very reasonable, only these two kinds of speculations can you explain why the seventh floor is empty!

Can’t this seventh floor be an empty room?

“Then what do we do now?”

Huang Lei gasped after hearing this, as if things were getting weirder and weirder, but he also knew that shock and fear alone would have no effect, and he had to find a way to deal with it!

“Go up!”

The black-gold ancient knife in Zhang Chen’s hand lit up with golden flames, and the flames shone on his angular facial features, making him look extremely domineering!

Fat Di and the others looked at Zhang Chen’s face a little lost…

Several other people, seeing Zhang Chen’s appearance, also secretly probed in their hearts, a man should be like this!

Zhang Chen didn’t hesitate too much, and walked straight to the seventh floor, and he didn’t seem to be worried that there would be a mechanism here!

Everyone followed cautiously and went up the stairs, but they did not touch any organs.

・・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・・・

Everyone couldn’t help but have more confidence in Zhang Chen.

Eighth floor!

Everyone was stunned again, and there was still nothing in their eyes!

The atmosphere suddenly became silent!

After more than ten seconds, Huang Lei said in shock: “How can this happen?”

“Could it be that our analysis was wrong just now?”

Huang Bo and the others were all confused. Originally, they were all prepared to fight fiercely, but they didn’t expect the seventh and eighth floors to be empty!

A strong sense of unease enveloped everyone’s hearts.


That feeling is even more terrifying than seeing a zongzi cheating a corpse!


Zhang Chen, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke again, and his eyes were clear and solemn at this moment.

Everyone was stunned again, and looked at Zhang Chen in shock.

“Things on the seventh and eighth floors should be on the ninth floor…”

Zhang Chen said immediately.

“The ninth floor?”

“Exquisite Queen?”

Everyone took a sigh of relief. The nine-story demon tower is respected by nine. Besides the statue of Queen Jingjue, will there be anything else from him?

The ancient hierarchical system was extremely strict, and each class had a world of difference. In the nine-story demon tower, a building that symbolized power and belief, it is even more impossible for things to leapfrog!

But according to Zhang Chen, how could the owner of the eighth floor enter the top of power and status?

“The final secret of the nine-story demon tower should be revealed!”

Zhang Chen sighed with emotion, and the dignified look in his eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by an indomitable arrogance!

He strode to the last stairway to the ninth floor! .

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