Chapter 151 All the guests are killed! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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The two groups of guest members all showed expressions of surprise, staring curiously at the white light eyeballs!

This place is originally a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere, and the lion-headed beast exudes a vicious and decadent aura, but only those eyes, like something from the sky, are otherworldly!

The lion-headed human beast, motionless, just stared at the group of guests in the projection.

Everyone’s eyes are attracted by the strange and beautiful eyeballs. Everyone standing at the entrance can only see the white light surging in their eyeballs, and at the same time, their minds are faintly attracted.

But the guest group in the projection seems to be different!

Their expressions are different, but they are all happy expressions, and there is light in their eyes, as if they are separated from reality and enter another realm!

“Is this a hallucination?”

Huang Bo was surprised.

Zhang Chen nodded, his expression extremely solemn, because he also had hallucinations when he saw the future, you must know that he has delusional eyes and will not have hallucinations at all!

Everyone looked at their future self in stunned eyes, and saw that they were actually walking towards the lion-headed beast, but their bodies were getting softer and slower.

In the end, they fell collectively in front of 583 lions and beasts!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

The group of guests standing at the entrance took a deep breath, this was obviously some kind of illusion!

After the guest group fell to the ground in the projection, the lion-headed beast finally moved. He opened his mouth, and the mouth opened wider and wider!

Sun Honglei’s body was swallowed directly by the giant mouth!

Standing at the entrance, Sun Honglei saw that he was swallowed by a lion-headed man, his face turned green, and he looked at Zhang Chen with wide eyes: ‘Am I dead? ’

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, just continued to watch, all they saw was the projection, no matter what happened, they couldn’t stop it!

I don’t know how big the belly of the lion-headed human beast is. After Sun Honglei, who weighed 167 pounds, was swallowed, his belly didn’t bulge at all.

Instead, he continued to import with Huang Bosai!

The corners of Huang Bo’s mouth twitched, he never imagined that one day he would see himself die with his own eyes!

Then Huang Lei, Lin Yu, Zhang Chen, and three girls!

When everyone was swallowed by the lion-headed human beast, the projection suddenly disappeared!

A smell of decay and vicissitudes came from the surface, and everyone felt that the visual (cbea) field suddenly became clear, just like the high-definition picture quality was suddenly adjusted to 4k picture quality.

All the details of the entire fourth-floor hall are clearly displayed in front of them!

The walls that are as black as ink on all sides, the lion-headed one-eyed stone sculpture, the iron chains with the thickness of the arms, and the lion-headed monster kneeling on the ground are all clearly presented in front of them!

“Those eyes are weird! Shall we cover them?”

Sun Honglei said with a little trembling, they just saw their own death with their own eyes, that feeling is really terrifying!

He doesn’t want to die yet!

Huang Lei and Lin Yu are also pale and have no idea!

The only one, Zhang Chen, looked very calm. He frowned and stared at the lion-headed monster in a deep voice: “I suspect that the problem is not that eye!”

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“The eyes we saw in the projection just now did not have hallucinations, which means that the eyes of that thing can’t give people hallucinations. I suspect that the smell here may contain some kind of drug!”

“It won’t produce hallucinations just by smelling it, but it will produce hallucinations when paired with that eye!”

Zhang Chen analyzed that, otherwise, his delusional eyes would not be able to see through the illusion, unless the illusion came from his own heart!

“Then cover your eyes and plug your nose?”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said.

“It’s useless, unless you don’t breathe! Or it will still be poisoned!”

Zhang Chen shook his head.

“Then what to do?”

Huang Lei is also stupid. Unless he goes back now, going forward will be a dead end.

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, just frowned and thought.

But Lin Yu suddenly said suspiciously: “I think the projection we just saw is not necessarily what we will experience in the future!”

Everyone was stunned, and looked at Lin Yu in surprise, as if they didn’t understand what he meant!

Zhang Chen also stared at Lin Yu, with a complicated expression, he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“If what we see is the projection of our future experience, then in fact, the moment we see the projection of the future, the projection of the future is no longer our present future!”

Lin Yu paused.”Dr. Lin, are you still in the mood for tongue twisters now?”

Sun Honglei didn’t understand, but his face turned pale as he remembered.

Huang Lei pondered for a while, and seemed to understand Lin Yu’s meaning a bit, but he still had a little doubt: “You mean that when we see the projection of the future, it means that we have changed now. Since it has changed, So the future we see now is not our future now?”

“Well, so to speak!”

Lin Yu shook his head and continued: “For example, when we were on the third floor, the future we touched the mechanism, but after we saw the projection, we avoided the mechanism. From that moment on, we and the future projection we saw were completely different. It’s not the same anymore!”

Huang Bo didn’t know much about it, but he roughly understood what Lin Yu meant. He thought about it and pointed to the lion-headed human beast and said, “However, even if it changes, what’s the use? Isn’t that thing still standing there?”

“We have changed, which means we may not die!”

Lin Yu said anxiously.

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly: “It’s still uncertain what the projection of this imaginary number space is about. It’s not very meaningful to study this now. Even if the death just now is not inevitable, if it is not handled properly, it will still die!”

Everyone was stunned, feeling that Zhang Chen’s thoughts were pulled back to reality in an instant!

“Well! Let’s find a way to deal with that monster first!”

Huang Lei said solemnly.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Zhang Chen again. Seeing Zhang Chen’s brows stretched out, they should have thought of something!

“This thing is full of dead energy. It doesn’t look like a living thing. I don’t understand why he can still move, but since it is a dead thing, then I can deal with him!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

Everyone was startled and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise: “It’s better to strike first?”

Zhang Chen nodded heavily, motioned everyone to step back, and suddenly pulled out the black gold ancient knife from behind, and the ancient black gold made a humming sound!

I saw Zhang Chen stretch out his finger and gently slide on the blade, and a layer of bright red blood covered the dark blade!

At the same time, the sound of the chain shaking came from everyone’s ears, and everyone turned their heads in horror!

I saw the lion-headed monster kneeling on the ground and suddenly stood up strangely…

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