“This stone gate is built so strangely, the toad’s mouth is actually a door, I don’t know what is inside, is it a tunnel to the main tomb?” Sydney Yang questioned.

“There is nothing wrong with the mark on the turtle shell pattern, this should be an underground passage, and you must be able to reach the nearest cave location of the water dragon halo, and those who go to worship from the Ming Tower are estimated to have passed through this road, as for why this uses toads as decoration, it may just be a custom.”

Toads have many meanings in ancient times, some toads are three-legged toads, some are called golden toads, and in some places, toads are symbols of poison.

However, this toad does not have the so-called three legs, nor does it show the color of gold, what it is used for, can only be explained by the cultural customs of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

“Whatever he is doing with this toad, even if there are 100 toads in it, Lao Tzu’s Thomson submachine gun, even if this toad boss comes, he will be plugged.”

The fat man raised the submachine gun and said with a humble smile.

For the fat man who sees the gun as his life, it is simply a shot in hand, I have it in the world!

A few people were ready to enter the tomb, but Jiang Han did not forget to remind a few words, “There must be many organs in this tomb of the king, this stone gate alone is so hidden, so the mechanism inside must be very powerful, don’t make too much movement after going down, but don’t be afraid.” ”

The three nodded in unison, and then started together, Lao Hu and the fat man threaded the rope on the two iron rings of the stone gate, and with a strong pull, the stone door opened, revealing a pitch-black passage.

Sydney Yang also threw a flare, and the darkness of the basement was illuminated.

Following the depths of the passage, several people saw that the passage was filled with countless white bone ivory, like a large martyrdom ditch.

The vision inside the flare’s passage is clearly presented in front of everyone’s eyes.

There is a hole at each end of the channel, and the two sides are piled with white bones, and a rough analysis of the larger ones should be ivory, and the bones of some other small and medium-sized animals, and in front of the channel, there are sparkling water waves, roughly estimated to be the groundwater of the snake river.

Several people never expected that this entrance turned out to be a martyrdom ditch, and from the scale, it was very large.

As for the front, there is another flowing water, then this tunnel should lead to the main tomb of the king.

Several people discussed at the entrance of the cave, and there was no bamboo raft to enter this time, and it was good if the water in front was shallow.

But if it’s deep, you might be going to swim over, so Sydney Yang took out 4 shark wetsuits from her backpack.

One thing is that Shirley Yang was really well prepared this time, and several people put on shark diving suits, replaced the flashlight battery on their helmets, and prepared to go in.

The fat man is too big, and the tight shark wetsuit is very uncomfortable to wear, so he plans not to wear it.

“If you don’t wear it, you can’t do it, this underground river flows cold, if you don’t wear special clothes, it is easy to cause hypothermia, and even high fever, if you don’t wear it, it’s better to go down.”

Sydney Yang’s attitude is very strong.

The fat man still nodded one day, it was safer to wear it than not to wear it, but he looked at Jiang Han again and muttered in his heart.

“It’s not Lao Jiang, why are you special. You don’t wear them when they’re all worn? ”

Several people had already changed into shark diving suits, but Jiang Han did not mean to wear diving suits at all.

Sydney Yang glanced at Jiang Han, but did not say something reproachful like a fat man.

Can that person Jiang Han be compared with ordinary people?

Saying that several people were ready, all kinds of tools and physical objects were ready, and entered the tunnel.

This passage to the entrance is clearly artificial.

There are clear stones all around, and the stone seams are actually painted with red paint, and the bricks are very neat, like tunnels in ancient tombs.

On both sides of the passage, neatly arranged are all elephant bones, the skeleton of the whole elephant, which was obviously slaughtered by outsiders and transported over.

It is very common to have the bones of elephants in burial pits, because of the homophony of elephants.

And elephants, which are large and very gentle animals, also represent auspicious and powerful.

In ancient times, it was already popular to enlarge the bones of elephants in burial pits many years ago.

And the bones of these elephants are specially buried in half, not all of them in normal burial pits.

This shows that the owner of the tomb does not care much about these worldly things, and the other half of the burial also has the meaning of ascending and soaring, which further proves that this sacrifice king is really a righteous person.

Along the way, Jiang Han also counted the number of all the corpses of these elephants, a total of sixty-four.

The tusks are too many to count, and the other bones should look like dogs, horses and slaves.

“The tomb of a small king like the ancient Dian Kingdom has made such a big face, just for the sake of a king, hundreds of thousands of people have suffered from this, and built such a large tomb with the blood and sweat of the common people, and in the end, the sacrifice of the king is just a feathering and soaring, and it is empty, which really suffers these innocent Li people.”

Huba said angrily.

“His grandmother’s, if I want to say ah, when you encounter this kind of tomb, you should pour him as much as you want, let’s call this the Sky Walking Road!” The fat man also said on the side.

“I also didn’t expect that this tomb of the king would be so large in size just as a burial pit.”

Sydney Yang’s tone was also full of surprise, “What is this thing?” ”

Sydney Yang suddenly asked, and the old Hu people also came over and shone a flashlight at the bend place.

This is no longer a tunnel, but a part of the stone wall of the main tunnel, several meters deep.

The bear’s face was scattered with several long bamboo poles, and the fat man took his hand over, who knew that these long bamboo poles were still intact at first, and they turned into ash after touching them.

“What’s going on?”

The fat man is confused, 200 years of things, rotten at the touch of it.

“The grooves in the stone walls of this tunnel are supposed to be used to put these long poles, but what are these bamboo poles for? Is it measuring water depth? ”

Sydney Yang questioned, but compared to the weird waves of the tomb of the king, this bamboo pole naturally seemed to be no big deal.

So several people moved on. _

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