The fat man and Lao Hu also saw what Jiang Han meant, and the fat man directly copied the Thompson submachine gun and aimed it at the coffin, which was a strafing shot.

The powerful fire of the submachine gun directly beat the jade coffin into a sieve, and the red liquid inside gushed out like spring water.

Originally, Jiang Han still wanted to handle it himself, but this kind of trivial matter was simply handed over to Lao Hu and Fatty.

As the liquid in the coffin flowed into those wriggling python red threads, it was as if it had been withdrawn from the soul, trembling for a while, and then it became tasteless, fell one after another, and turned into dead branches and leaves.

Seeing that the liquid in the coffin had all been exposed, the fat old Hu and Jiang Han also went down from the canopy.

Sydney Yang, who landed early, was not injured, but was a little frightened, not big.

Although this battle is only a few minutes, it is very long and thrilling for Old Hu Fatty and Sydney Yang.

Sydney Yang was just about to ask something, when suddenly the ground trembled violently, and the two old banyan trees could not support it, and actually broke in half at the rhizome.

This situation is very strange, the place of the break is not at the top, but at the root, as if something big is about to break the ground under the tree.

Immediately afterwards, the thousand-year-old husband and wife tree was actually topped up by the root and belt tree!

At this time, the thunder in the sky suddenly became more violent.

The old couple tree came out of the cracked opening, and black smoke billowed from it.

The thunderstorm in the sky and the black smoke in the crack formed a whirlpool centered on the old banyan tree, surrounding several people.

Due to the violent shaking of the old banyan tree, the red jade coffin on the canopy finally could not support it and fell down with a bang.

The blood in the coffin has all flowed in, leaving only the fat and naked white-bearded old man’s corpse, and the big python that has been stripped of snake skin, and the body of this person and python has completely rolled out, exposed to everyone’s eyes.

However, in the next moment, strange things happened one after another, and the corpses of the python and the white-bearded old man just rolled down in less than two seconds, and turned into a dry and charred charcoal.

The speed at which this corpse was killed was simply unbelievable, if it were not for the calm and windless forest in the forest, otherwise, the oxidized bones would probably have been blown into powder.

Several people retreated, and the fat man and Lao Hu had already aimed their guns at the position of the root of the tree.

No matter what it is, first give a shuttle bullet, Sydney Yang also took out a propane injector, wanting to set fire to the base camp.

At this time, the things that emerged from the roots of the tree gradually took shape, and stopped Sydney Yang’s hand and said: “Don’t worry, it’s a stone statue, go over and take a look first.”

Sydney Yang nodded, and Jiang Han approached the root of the tree, revealing a huge stone statue in the dirt underground, carrying a short monument on his back.

This stone statue is no stranger to everyone, it is a big.

Zhao Tu: Also known as Baxia, is a mythical beast in ancient Chinese legends, the sixth son of the ninth son of the long Rui beast dragon of the scale worm, looks like a turtle, likes to bear weight, and the turtle under the stele is also. It is a symbol of longevity and good luck. It always struggles forward with its head held high, its four feet tenaciously propped up, it tries to move forward, and it always does not stop.

The prototype of the butt may be a turtle. Zhao and turtle are very similar, but on closer inspection, there are differences, Zhao Ti has a row of teeth, while turtles do not, and the number and shape of nail pieces on the back armor of Zhao Ti and turtles are also different.

But anyone who knows one of some myths will not be unfamiliar with this statue.

However, the size of this butt is definitely something that several people have never seen in their lives, and the fat man looked at it and estimated that it was at least a thousand pounds. Moreover, the rhizome of the old banyan tree was completely wrapped around the butt, and it seemed that it was deliberately pressed under the tree.

The big turtle held its head high, stepped on the ground on all fours, and made a posture ready to strike, and on the bulging ghost armor was Tuan Xiangyun, a short monument stood on this cloud, and black gas emerged from the feet of the big turtle and rushed straight to the sky.

After a while, the black smoke cleared, and the dark clouds in the sky ran away.

“Lao Jiang is such a big tourmaline, we have never seen such a big one when we visited the temple fair, the main thing is that this thing is too big, it is not easy to pull it back, otherwise it will be sent again!”

Huba said with disdain: “What are you kidding? Do you think the big stuff must be good? Even if you get this thing back, no one wants to buy it, who wants to buy something so big?! ”

“If I want to say that you have never seen the world, it must be your old Hu, haven’t you seen the landlord and the rich man? In the current economic situation, the rich man’s house is bigger, and thousands of acres of grain fields are counted as a dick, how much space can this cunt occupy? It is enough to pull out a hundred and eighty square meters. ”

The fat man then looked at Sydney Yang again, “Or you can ask our chief of staff Yang how big the villa is in the United States.” ”

Sydney Yang smiled and did not speak, but the meaning was already obvious, there was a big, there was no problem.

“Old Hu, I see that you are a native old hat, after so many days with the big golden tooth, you haven’t learned some real skills, isn’t there an old saying? Touch the head of the butt, live to eighty-nine, touch the tail of the butt, pick up gold everywhere, I heard the big golden tooth say, this thing is an auspicious thing, but there are people who are willing to accept this thing. ”

Seeing the exchange between Lao Hu and the fat man, Jiang Han smiled unconsciously.

“Although the fat words are good, there are indeed people who are willing to specifically collect this, ask you that set of words is nonsense, don’t say touch the, is to touch the chicken feathers, it is also this set of words, specially used to fool the foreigner.”

Jiang Han said with a smile, in fact, this two-sentence phrase was learned by Big Golden Tooth from Jiang Han.

“What?! I said how these words are bubbling, and after a long day of trouble, it turned out to be nonsense. ”

The fat man was speechless.

“Also, it must be corrected, this is not a zhao butt at all, but a pepper diagram that looks very similar to the zhao.”

Jiang Han said after approaching the statue, Zhao Tu and Jiao Tu look very similar, and it seems that everyone can easily associate with that auspicious thing from a distance.

But look closely at this is not Zhao Tu, but Zhao Tu, the brother of Zhao Tu, the ninth son of the dragon! _

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