“This water system that flows into the waterfall is probably the waterway that the locals found in the process of quarrying, and I see that the nearby riverbed is almost a few decades, otherwise there is this waterway, and when building the tomb of the king, there is no need to dig a canal in the Chaolong Mountain.”

Sydney Yang observed the water flow and said to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han nodded: “This kind of landform is made by water all year round, and the bottom of the mountain has long been washed into a sieve by the tributaries of the Lancang River.” ”

“It is normal for the river to be diverted in the cave, and the lower the flow, the lower and lower the rock, there is an extra tributary, and if it goes on like this, this mountain will collapse early.”

A few people said and walked towards the light ahead.

The caves on the walls are arranged in an orderly manner, and there are steps, which are definitely excavated by hand, and from time to time you can see a white bone on the ground, and some of them still hold weapons.

According to these decayed, corpses and weapons and armor, it can be generally judged that these people are from the Qing Dynasty.

Jiang Han couldn’t help but think of the description of Shaolong Mountain in the Caiyun Inn before.

This should be the officers and troops who used this as a stronghold to fight against the previous rioters.

However, a few people didn’t want to delay time, took sunglasses and got out of the cave, and finally successfully passed through the Dragon Mountain.

Looking at all the mountains in front of you, a large area of primeval forest, green trees, towering mountains, green makes people dizzy.

In some places, there are some clouds and fog, which makes people more mysterious.

Looking back at the Shaolong Mountain, at this moment, Shaolong Mountain was in the middle of the clouds, towering and tall, like a guard guarding the South Heavenly Gate, revealing a majesty.

Right now, several people are between the Nu River and the Lancang River, blocked by the big river!

It’s a completely isolated place!

“Lao Jiang, you take out the human skin map, let’s see how to enter the Worm Valley.”

Huba raised his binoculars and looked at the jungle in front of him, the surrounding flowers and trees were vast, and there were many rare trees, and he couldn’t name them at all, but fortunately followed the map.

“No need to look for a map, there are many golden butterflies in front, let’s just follow them, then the valley must be there.”

Hearing the fat man’s words, several people immediately looked at the place that the fat man pointed to.

In the distance, there is a large yellow and white field of wild flowers and plants, and golden butterflies in the flowers and plants are flying and circling, and they are all very large.

“It’s a nice view, but it’s so big? What the hell is this? Huba asked incredulously with a grin.

“Those flowers are Phalaenopsis, and those butterflies are mostly golden phoenix butterflies, with phoenix butterflies, and Jing County big color butterflies.”

After completing the main quest of Nuqing Xiangxi, the system rewarded Jiang Han with poisonous insects, so Jiang Han was very familiar with these butterflies in front of him.

“Although it’s a butterfly, it doesn’t mean that’s the entrance to the Worm Valley.” Jiang Han retorted.

“According to Chen Blind, decades ago, they entered the Worm Valley and saw a group of large butterflies in front of the valley formed by the Snake River, but who can guarantee that butterflies will not be seen in the rest of the Worm Valley.”

“Lao Jiang is right.” Sydney Yang also nodded, “The human skin map has been separated by 2,000 years, and the terrain has changed dramatically, except for markers and locations, it is no longer possible to use the human skin map for accurate comparison. ”

“That’s right, according to what Chen Blind said, there is a remnant wall in the Worm Valley, which is the remains of an ancient wall that was used to cut off the flow of water when the tomb of the king was built in the lake. Only when you get to that remnant wall can you confirm the location of Worm Valley. ”

This worm valley is too big, and several people dare not choose a rash way.

The safest way is to follow the example of the Lingling Lux, find the snake river, a tributary of the Lancang River, and then follow the snake river into the valley, so as to ensure that nothing is lost.

Without discussion, people directly agreed with Jiang Han’s idea, and after a long time, everyone rested under a slightly flat hillside.

Several people sat down to eat, but the fat man suddenly lost his appetite when he thought of his piranha.

“Lao Jiang, you said that those saber tooth puppets also flow into the snake river, what can I do? Are we inevitable another big war?! ”

The fat man said with some concern.

“It won’t.”

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Han also introduced this knife-toothed viper to everyone: “Knife-toothed viper, mainly living in ancient YD, the ancestor of this fish can be traced back to the tiger tooth source fish of the ice age, this fish is very powerful, can instantly bite the whale in the ocean.” ”

“Later, this creature was extinct during the Ice Age and eliminated by nature, and its descendants were the knife-toothed viper, but they also evolved into freshwater fish.”

“Although these sabre-toothed viper are powerful, they have a huge weakness, that is, they can only live in places with high temperatures in relatively low water, and once these fish lay eggs, the eggs will die immediately.”

“The cave I came to before, the temperature was relatively low, but now the deeper you go, the higher the temperature, and this is their spawning season, so don’t worry about running into them again, but you need to be cautious when you go back.”

After resting for a while, the group continued on their way, and Huba looked at the terrain, trying to find the snake river.

However, in this kind of ghost place, the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique is no longer used.

This jungle is very difficult to walk, no worse than the previous cave.

The beautiful butterflies did not fly around a few people, but the mosquitoes of all sizes made people upset and unbearable.

Fortunately, several people brought enough insect repellents, and these poisonous insects and mosquitoes were annoying at most, and did not attack people.

Seeing that the sun had set, it was certainly impossible to find a suitable snake before dark, so a few people found a relatively safe place to spend the night.

Finally, several people found a very flat bluestone under two large trees, so they built firewood here.

These two large banyan trees are actually quite promising, typical hybrid plants, very thick and canopy.

And interestingly, the two trees actually grow next to each other, and the crown is twisted into a twisted shape, forming an extremely rare “husband and wife tree”!

Under the couple’s tree, Sydney Yang leaned in the direction of Jiang Han.

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