The sound of the mechanism coming from below the river channel has not stopped, and the sound of plopping pupae falling into the water behind him came.

And the sound is getting denser, apparently a large number of human chrysalis fell into the water.

“Go quickly, don’t care what’s behind, and try to rush out of the river before you are caught up!” Jiang Leng drank.


The fat man and Lao Hu agreed, and quickly stroked the bamboo pole to increase the strength of the advance.

The speed of the bamboo raft parade increased, but Sydney Yang hit a flashlight more than a hundred meters in front of the top of the cave, and there was also a section of copper chain hanging from the river of more than 100 giants, and the gray-brown human skin looked extremely terrifying and chilling.

“Lao Jiang, the number of human chrysalis is too much!”

The fat man’s voice was a little frightened.

Originally, I thought that I would just pass through quickly and avoid the pursuit of those human chrysalis, but I didn’t expect that there were too many human chrysalis in front.


The sound of falling water sounded again, and this time, the people hanging in front of them fell off their chains one after another, like bombers.

The human chrysalis in front also fell off!

“This time, it can be determined that this river channel for the construction of the tombstone of the king must have set up a mechanism!”

Jiang Han’s expression became serious.

It is certain that this must be an organ, but it is not yet certain, what will be the fame of these people when put into the water?

And at this moment, the river in front of him suddenly calmed down, the thick chain with mottled green traces on his head hung coldly in the air, and the air fell into an eerie silence.

So calm!

Everyone felt panicked, there must be danger behind this calm!

“Purr, gurgler…”

At this time, the river suddenly appeared like a pot with strings of bubbles, and everyone immediately shone flashlights on the surface of the water, just in time to see a human chrysalis half-sunk on the surface of the water.

Ren Yong’s dry skin was soaked by the river, and cracks immediately appeared, and the originally blurred face became clear, revealing a miserable expression of extremely painful struggle.

Several people shone on the face of the chrysalis with lamps, as if time had gone back and the dead suddenly came to life, and the appearance was terrifying and frightening.

The fat man shrunk his head and did not dare to look, and at this time, the crack on the chrysalis of the man rapidly expanded, and it was already half the size of a palm.

Jiang Han’s eyes narrowed, because in that crack, worm eggs came out!!

The egg comes alive at the sight of water, expands rapidly, and grows rapidly at a speed that can be seen in a slow-motion playback.

“Groove, what the hell is this?!”

The fat man yelled, the bug that has never been so fast, and the Resident Evil is not so fierce, right?!

The egg hatched into a finger-sized water wasp with fins that could breathe underwater on its side and a pair of transparent wings on its back.

The swimming speed was extremely fast, and he swam towards everyone’s bamboo raft!

“This is a water buff bee, a kind of insect that likes to attach to floating objects to lay eggs, and it is common to see buffaloes in the fields suddenly go crazy, it is this water buffalo bee!”

Jiang Han didn’t dare to say too much nonsense, and if he was bitten by this insect, even if he didn’t die, he would be half dead.

What’s more, now that the hell mode has been turned on, being bitten by this group of things may really die.


The fat man had never seen this kind of poisonous insect, and the dense little things rushed towards him, so he slapped away with the bamboo pole in his hand, and many water bees fell into the water.

Lao Hu attacked the water bee with a bamboo raft.

Sydney Yang took out a diamond umbrella to resist,

“Back off!”

Jiang Han drank coldly to everyone, and hitting with bamboo poles was obviously not the most effective means.

These things have to be cut and rooted!


I saw Jiang Han, who exerted fire control, and countless flames erupted from his mouth.

As soon as the water beast bee touched the flames, its transparent wings burned to ashes, but the water beast bee had some water on its body and would not be burned to death immediately.

But without wings, those water bees can only fall into the water.

Jiang Han directly threw a wall of fire in mid-air, this fire can burn for half a minute, and the water bumble that wants to pass through the wall of fire will eventually break its wings and fall.

In this way, there is almost no threat of water bees.

“That’s not right, Lao Jiang! I know that I was in YN for a pot, and I never heard that this thing could fly! ”

In fact, Lao Hu knows this thing, and he encountered water bees when he was a soldier before.

However, even if an ordinary water bee can jump out of the water, it is less than half a meter tall, and then falls.

How can this thing fly in the air?!

“Obviously things here are different from those outside, and the creatures we see are more difficult to deal with than normal.”

The fat man said with disdain: “It’s not Lao Hu, you are better than me, just this thing crawls out of the skin of a dead person, even if it is a lobster and a taste, I won’t touch a bite.” ”

“Not all water bees are cut out of dead people’s skins.”

Huba was speechless, if all the water bees in the whole world were coming out of human chrysalis, Old Hu vowed never to touch this thing again.

“Don’t be happy too early, although these water bees can’t fly to the surface, they won’t give up, they will be attached to the back of the bamboo raft, once there are too many of them, the bamboo raft is difficult to bear, we are very likely to encounter the sinking raft.”

Jiang Han gave everyone a dose of preventive injection, “and once you fall into the water, it is even more dangerous.” A bite by them is not sure what the result will be. ”

These water bees have mutated, and they are not sure that the toxicity is greater than normal.

“Then let’s not grind, hurry up and swim, just get out of this waterway!”

The fat man swallowed wildly, already realizing the seriousness of the situation.

Jiang Han also performed water control sorcery, increasing the speed of the parade that the bamboo raft could withstand to the maximum.

On the other side, Sydney Yang also threw a barometer into the water and measured the depth of the water, about 13 meters.

This is a dangerous number.

Finally swam out of the fork in the road. It is a straight, man-made waterway that leads to the interior of Chaolong Mountain.

The bamboo raft paraded half the distance in the river, and suddenly a behemoth in the darkness suddenly opened its eyes!

It turned out to be a big python with green scales!!

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