If you take the waterway, you have to pass through a primeval forest that exists between the Lancang and Nu rivers.

The straight-line distance between the two places on the map is not far away, but the actual distance is many times longer, and there are swamps in the places, which is simply a green desert and very dangerous.

As for turning over the Dragon Mountain, it is even more dangerous, the people who have been on the Dragon Mountain have long died, and it has been rumored that the mountain is haunted over the years, and no one dares to go up at all.

Therefore, how to turn over this towering and dangerous Shaolong Mountain has become a big problem for several people.

Just as several people were studying how to spend the Dragon Mountain, the daughter of a proprietress like Caiyunke said beautifully:

“If you want to go to the Shaolong Mountain, there is actually another way, there is a cave tunnel under the Shaolong Mountain, you can follow the river through the mountain, you don’t have to go over the mountain, but…”

Everyone listened to the spirit.

“Peacock sister, but what?” The fat man asked busily.

“Although it is a shortcut to go from there, there are many strange corpses in the cave, which is very scary and scary, and there are fish in the water that can eat people, and no one dares to walk that road now.”

“And there is also a legend here that in the past, there were rebellious bandits who occupied the cave to fight against the officers and soldiers, and the officers and soldiers did not understand the terrain here, and they were helpless, so they had to stone the entrance of the cave to death, and the people inside were trapped alive in the cave.”

“Now whenever I pass by that cave, I put my ear to the rock wall of Mount Chaolong, and I can hear the cry of ghosts.”

Shaolong Mountain, in fact, also has another name called the Tailless Dragon, and there are many caves at the bottom that are as dense as pearl nets.

In recent years, local villagers have discovered a cave with lava inside, and an underground river running through the mountain and flowing into the other end of Chalong Mountain, the so-called Snake River.

What Peacock is talking about is this cave that was discovered a few years ago and can pass through the Chalong Mountain.

Hearing this, several people smiled.

This kind of folklore, several people naturally do not believe.

“What should I do? Isn’t it just some corpses and strange fish? ”

The fat man smiled and said: “Since there is a short road, it is a fool not to go.” ”

Huba Yi also smiled and said: “What’s more, someone has passed through it before, which means that there must be no ghosts, maybe it’s just a relic like a special tomb in ancient times.” ”

A few people, you said a word, obviously did not take this cave seriously.

Whether it is over this mountain or through the primeval forest, it is a laborious and thankless choice, or a dangerous choice.

Then it is better to choose this short road.

“Lao Jiang, what do you say?”

Immediately, Sydney Yang looked at Jiang Han again, and all the decisions were ultimately decided by Jiang Han.

“Of course, I took a short cut.”

Jiang Han said with a slight smile.

After Jiang Han made a decision, everyone put down their hearts and reached a consensus, and walked this cave!

At night, several people spent the night in the Caiyun Inn, and the next day, several people embarked on a trip to Chaolong Mountain at the urging of Jiang Han and Sydney Yang.

Under the peacock’s lead, everyone went to the Shaolong Pass, and after halfway through, Jiang Han saw the location of the cave, so he beat the peacock home.

“Lao Jiang, why do you still give this girl, people can sing and dance well, isn’t it good to be a guide for us?”

The fat man said with a smile.

“We are not going to travel, since we have found the cave, there is no need to let the peacock stay, one more useless person will increase the danger, and this human skin map is enough.”

The fat man nodded.

In case the tomb encounters some thousand-year-old rice dumplings, it is not necessary to scare this little sister stupidly, plus with this sister here, he has to look forward to the baby when he is fat.

Saying that, several people have already arrived at the edge of the cave entrance.

Hu Bayi forgot the sky, and then said to Jiang Han: “The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, looking at this, I am afraid that the sky will change.” ”

Jiang Han nodded, “Let’s quickly start tying the bamboo rafts and advance the mountain in the rain!” ”

There were indeed a few bamboo rafts floating on the water, and the four of them found a relatively strong one, fixed it a little and added a few more bamboo branches to it, so they were ready to go on the road.

After all these busy work, Lao Hu and the fat man dragged the bamboo raft into the cave with ropes, and as soon as several people stepped on the back foot of the bamboo raft, thunder sounded outside the cave.

The cave is surrounded by limestone, and the river has a gentle slope downward slope, and the current is not rapid.

The cave was unusually quiet, even the sound of the gurgling water was extremely small, and the air was strangely quiet.

Bamboo rafts float on the river in the cave, and the surrounding limestone shimmers with blue glows.

“Lao Jiang, why are there still fireflies in this place?”

The fat man muttered.

“This is not a firefly, it is a light moss, a microlizard that emits its own light, they are used to parasitizing on underwater rocks, and if you look at them in the dark and don’t look closely, they are no different from glowing stones.”


After listening to Jiang Han’s explanation, everyone felt incredible.

It is impossible to think that this glowing thing is actually a lizard!

If it’s really a lizard, the head is too small.

“The light on this light lizard is also a phosphorous fire, which indicates that there are animal carcasses here.”

Jiang Han’s words came to an end.

To say that there are animal carcasses here is actually a reminder to everyone that there may be human corpses around.

The air became more eerie and quiet, and everyone was 100% energetic.

Although this light moss lizard sounds a little weird, fortunately, these things are not much dangerous.

“Lao Jiang, I heard that Yun N is like spring all year round, but this water temperature is really low enough.”

The fat man put his hand into the water, and after trying it, he said to Jiang Han.

“Don’t put your hands in the water!”

The fat man’s doubtful voice was exchanged for Jiang Han’s cold drink.

“The water snakes and fish below are very dangerous, especially the knife-toothed viper is an extremely fierce piranha, as long as it smells blood, it will immediately become bloody.”

Several people swallowed their saliva.

Knife-toothed viper!!

Thinking that in the Caiyun Inn before, the hostess and the peacock mentioned that there are fish that can eat people in this cave, I am afraid that this is the thing.

Everyone couldn’t help but shrink their hands, not daring to approach the place where there was water.

Set off and move on, and the cave is like a passage to hell.

Everyone couldn’t help but beat faster, their breathing became heavy, and Lao Hu and the fat man held the bamboo pole a little closer.

Rowing further, I suddenly saw the limestone above my head, and there were actually several ancient stone figurines hanging upside down, exactly the same as the previous car accident!

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