After coming out of the cave, several people gasped at the mouth of the cave, as if they had survived the disaster.

That white-haired old ape and the Xiangxi Corpse King were indeed too difficult to deal with.

Especially these two thousand-year-old monsters actually joined forces.

“Lao Jiang, what about this cave?!” The fat man turned back to Jiang Han and asked.

“This is not a general naturally formed underground cave, this should be the ancestral cave of the Bottle Mountain Tomb.” Jiang Han said, “Fatty, you blew up this place with explosives!” ”


The fat man agreed, lit the explosives, and was immediately thrown into the hole.


A violent explosion sounded, rubble and soil slag rose into the sky, and the ancestral cave was filled in a lot.

“Brother Jiang Han, is this corpse king really as evil as you say, and he can turn into a zombie after being bitten?”

Yingzi suddenly thought about what Jiang Han said to him in the cave, and felt incredible.

“That’s right, it’s called a mausoleum.” Jiang Han said.

“What is the mausoleum?” Several people heard an unfamiliar word again, and they became suspicious.

Jiang Han gasped and said, “Nine times out of ten, this modern general used the secret medicine of the Western Regions to subdue his body. Before entering the coffin after death, the Yuan people will soak in the juice of the five poisonous herbs, and once someone bypasses the mechanism to open the coffin, the secret medicine of the corpse will flow out, becoming a source of poison, spreading to the surrounding phantom poison. ”

Jiang Han said, “This is the mausoleum.” ”

“Light is hallucinogenic, the living person sucks a little more will die immediately, become a part of the mausoleum, spread ten to hundred, until beyond a hundred zhang, there is no more life.”

Sydney Yang said abruptly: “No wonder you said just now that you want to blow up this tomb, you are afraid that this mausoleum will destroy all the surrounding creatures.” ”

Jiang Han nodded.

This spell spread from the Great Food Country to Middle-earth, but there are not many people who know how to configure this medicine in the past generations, and the person who presumably poisons is also an absolute master.


After coming down from the bottle mountain, several people went to the museum to rest for the time being.

Yingzi’s calf was a little injured, and Jiang Han helped her bandage the wound.

Jiang Han said with a smile: “It didn’t hurt the bones, but now you can’t move too much, lest the wound become serious, otherwise it will become a scar.” ”

Eiko changed into a sky-blue outfit, like an angel coming out of the prairie.

Looking down at Jiang Han, who had a serious face, a red glow could not help but appear on Shui Ling’s face.

It was as if a clear blue sky on the grassland had a rising sun.

“I don’t mind.”

For some reason, Yingzi God said a sentence in a grim manner.

Jiang Han smiled, feeling his charm that had nowhere to place, and conquered a little beautiful girl.

“Lao Jiang, now that the two dragon bone heavenly books have been found, Lao Hu and I have been reading for a long time, and we haven’t seen a doorway, you can interpret the mystery on this tortoise shell.”

Sydney Yang came to Jiang Han’s room with the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, and she was already impatient.

The fat man and Hu Bayi also came together, the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book was related to the lives of the two of them, and these two people also attached great importance to it.

Jiang Han then took the Dragon Keel Heavenly Book and began to study the symbols on it, and Sydney Yang and everyone gathered around Jiang Han.

In fact, when he first saw the Dragon Keel Heavenly Book, Jiang Han already had a general understanding of the words on the Heavenly Book.

“This piece of the Heavenly Book is the second piece of the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, and what is recorded on it is about the exact location of the dust beads.”

Jiang Han said after taking a magnifying glass to observe it.

Sydney Yang’s eyes flashed, and he immediately became excited.

Her efforts were not in vain, Yun Dust Pearl was finally born, and the wish of their clan for thousands of years was finally coming true! !

“Lao Jiang, then don’t sell it, quickly tell me, where is this dust bead?!”

Fat people are originally anxious, and now they are about to get out of.

Jiang Han smiled, “To be precise, the exact location of the dust beads is in Yun N!” ”

Cloud N!

“Lao Jiang, why are you so sure?” Huba asked.

Jiang Han immediately aimed the magnifying glass at the two words on the tortoise shell.

This character in Chinese is the abbreviation of Yun N. And this word is dedication, dedication of contribution. ”

“Lao Jiang, it’s a bit far-fetched to determine that it is Yun N with a single Dian character.”

The fat man questioned.

There are many words densely packed on this tortoise shell, and I can’t identify a word, so I lock it as cloud N.

No matter how rare this Dian Zi is, the reason is obviously not sufficient.

Most importantly, fat people don’t want to go through the extra troubles.

“Fatty, don’t interrupt Lao Jiang first.” Huba said: “These two words have been determined, and the meaning behind these two words should also be known by Lao Jiang.” ”

“Besides, Lao Jiang, your cultural skills are not just understanding these two words.”

Jiang Han smiled.

Regardless of how Huba Yi himself has grown, his eyesight has grown a lot.

“You’re right, of course I know all the above text, but the rest are very obscure for you, and these two can tell you a thing or two.”

“This Dian character, specifically refers to the ancient Dian Kingdom, the artifact of the dust bead has extraordinary significance for the ancient monarch, it symbolizes power and prosperity, so to find the dust bead, you must first know his value in history, so that you can deduce his possible whereabouts.”

“Lao Jiang, you quickly continue, it’s all about to kill the fat man.”

For the fat man who is acute, Jiang Han’s hanging appetite is indeed about to kill him.

Jiang Han said with a smile: “The ancient Dian Kingdom is a magical kingdom, which historians call a lost country, which existed as early as the Yin Shang period and perished in the Western Shang era. ”

“The Shang Dynasty is the second kingdom of China, but this ancient Dian kingdom rarely exists in the Chinese history books, how did they die?”

Sydney Yang asked with a serious face, obviously she had not heard of this wild history.

“In the middle of the fall of the ancient Dian Kingdom, there was a very serious civil unrest, and some people in the country left into the mountains and lived in isolation. Since then, these people have slowly disappeared from the long river of history, and all that future generations know about him is only from a book called “Introduction to Different Examinations”. ”

Although the fat man couldn’t understand it, he nodded his head again and again like listening to a story, and a sense of mystery sprang up in his heart.

“But Lao Jiang, it’s useless for you to say this, this Yun and Xian, there is no connection.” The fat man muttered.

“In the late Shang Dynasty, some people in the ancient Dian Kingdom believed in witch gods and evil arts, and these people who admired evil gods left the ancient Dian Kingdom to avoid chaos and migrated to live in the deep mountains on the banks of the Lancang River.”

“And the leader of these people calls himself the king of sacrifice!!”

Speaking of which.

Everyone opened their mouths and couldn’t help but lean back.

In this way, Yun and Xian will all be brushed together!

PS, the update is coming, the update has indeed been less in the past two days, and there are some things at home that delay the update, and there is no face to beg for this and that. But tomorrow will officially resume the update, and soon it will be Cloud N Worm Valley!

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