
Yingzi shouted, and the whole person had already fallen into the hole in the ground.



Huba Yi, Fatty, Sydney Yang shouted.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the white-haired ape actually broke out, such a thick coffin, the white-haired ape monkey can actually push!

Most importantly, it affected the innocent Yingzi.

Moreover, the purple-gold coffin was entangled with vines, and the white ape who had just pushed the coffin hard away, did not know that the vines were also entangled on his body.

The purple-gold coffin, Yingzi, and the white ape fell into the hole together

In the next second, Jiang Han jumped and jumped out of the cave.


The cave was roughly estimated to be 30 meters deep, and Yingzi already felt that he would die when he fell.

However, at this time, a steel cable in the air fell from the sky and entangled Yingzi’s body, which was the life-saving steel cable in Jiang Han Daming’s fourteenth situation.

In mid-air, Jiang Han stepped on the rock wall and performed the light skill of the dragon, like a gecko, controlling his figure in the air.

And he pulled the rope hard and pulled Eiko into his arms.

“Brother Jiang Han!”

Yingzi was held in Jiang Han’s arms, and she learned that she would definitely be fine, and she couldn’t help but feel relieved.



“Lao Jiang!!”

And the other side.

Above the mouth of the cave, Sydney Yang, Fat Man, and Huba gathered around the edge of the cave and roared loudly.

The hole is deep, dark, and you can’t see the bottom at a glance.

Several people’s faces showed panic.

“Fat man, let’s not panic first, there should be Jiang Han in Yingzi, and even if the corpse king wakes up, there is Lao Jiang in it can last for a while.”

Huba Yi said seriously: “But let’s not be stunned, hurry up and get the rope!” ”

Although they found the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book, Yingzi and Jiang Han had already fallen into the cave, and their lives and deaths were uncertain, of course, it was impossible for the three of them to leave on the spot.

Sydney Yang took out the magic weapon of the mountain-moving faction Flying Tiger Claw from his backpack as a rope, and prepared to enter the cave.


Below the cave

It’s still in ruins.

The stone beams of the collapsed palace, all kinds of ruined coffins that have been smashed, dust rushed into the sky, and treasures were everywhere.

The purple-gold coffin and the white ape that fell first disappeared for the time being.

After a while, Princess Jiang Han held Yingzi, only with a light skill of swimming dragons, and landed safely on the ground like a flying cornice.

“Brother Jiang Han.”

After landing safely, Yingzi was still blushing with her cheeks in Jiang Han’s arms.

At the critical moment, it was Jiang Han’s eldest brother who saved her life, and just now Jiang Han’s own hug was still a princess hug.

This is the first time Eiko…

“Brother Jiang Han, are you all right?”

A blush appeared on Yingzi Shui Linger’s face, and she lowered her head and asked shyly.

Jiang Han smiled, “I should have asked you this.” ”

Yingzi shook her head vigorously, “Don’t worry, Brother Jiang Han, I’ll be fine.” ”

Jiang Han nodded, and began to observe the surroundings.

The entrance of this cave is very large, and I don’t know where the purple-gold coffin and the white-haired old ape fell.

Yingzi also walked around with Jiang Han, and on the wall, she saw a pattern similar to a bead.

“Brother Jiang Han, look at this!” Yingzi said.

“This is a wild historical record of the dust beads.”

Jiang Han glanced at it and then diverted his attention.

Now that the two Dragon Bone Heavenly Books have arrived, the whereabouts of the dust beads can be determined.

All they have to do now is get out of here.

However, Jiang Han also knew that if he wanted to leave here, he had to kill the white-haired old ape and the thousand-year-old corpse king.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

A low roar that came from his throat swirled around the underground palace.

Following the sound, the thousand-year-old corpse king actually crawled out of the purple-gold coffin, and the corpse king came down the stone beam, his body stumbling, as if he had not adapted to walking for the time being.


Yingzi was so frightened that she almost screamed, and quickly covered her lower mouth.

The corpse has changed!

The legendary thousand-year-old corpse king has really changed his corpse!

“Brother Jiang Han, this corpse king is more powerful than the red-haired monster in the tomb of General Jin Guo we went to before?”

Eiko asked in a very small voice.

Jiang Han’s gaze was cold: “This Xiangxi Corpse King is more than ten times stronger than the red-haired zombie before.” ”

Eiko’s pupils dipped sharply.

“Yingzi, you stay here and don’t move around for the time being, I’ll meet this corpse king when I go.”

Yingzi nodded vigorously, rushing over rashly would only become a burden for Jiang Han.

In the next second, Jiang Han jumped out in one step and appeared in the center of the underground palace, looking at the Xiangxi Corpse King.


The Xiangxi Corpse King trembled, and a green smoke came out of his mouth.

[Ding-dong… Detecting that the Xiangxi Corpse King has been transformed, start the final side quest to kill the Xiangxi Corpse King and the white-haired old ape! 】

Obviously, this Xiangxi Corpse King and the white-haired old ape who now does not know where are the biggest bosses of the trip to Xiangxi Bottle Mountain.

As long as you kill these two, you can end the mission of Xiangxi Bottle Mountain and you can successfully complete it!

And at this time, the Xiangxi Corpse King on the stone beam moved, and the red eyeballs actually turned into white pupils.

The feet trampled hard, and the stone beam actually shattered in half, which showed the terrifying power of the Xiangxi Corpse King.


Jiang Han of the Xiangxi Corpse Dynasty jumped straight over, opening his mouth and preparing to bite.

This Xiangxi Corpse King has a special ability, as long as the humans who have been bitten by him will become his zombie puppets.

“Find death!”

Jiang Han drew his golden long knife from the fourteenth position of the Great Ming Dynasty.

On the occasion of the arrival of the Xiangxi Corpse King, the dragon-elephant like a skill, and the same four major methods drove a knife fiercely displayed, slashing heavily on the chest of the Xiangxi Corpse King.


The Xiangxi Corpse King felt a huge force attack, and his two-meter-tall body directly rolled in the air and flew out.

“Click, click!”

After landing, the Xiangxi Corpse King was surprised to find that the armor on his chest was actually smashed by Jiang Han’s knife.

I have to say that Xiangxi’s disappointment after this corpse was transformed was indeed extraordinary.

Jiang Han’s sword couldn’t actually chop it to death, it just shattered the armor.


The Xiangxi Corpse King stretched out his arms and roared up to the sky, he had been completely enraged, and it was the first time he had seen such a powerful human being!

He casually grabbed a stone that weighed half a ton next to him and threw it towards Jiang Han.

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