“Corpse King?!”

As soon as they heard the two words of the corpse king, everyone couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

“Corpse King, do you mean that we are not far from the coffin?”

Huba asked.

Jiang Han nodded, “Keep up!” ”

Immediately, everyone walked towards the bottle mountain that had collapsed.

Everyone walked through the forest, where the grass stacks grew very vigorously, and some of the straw was actually taller than a person.

Finally came to the bottle mountain that had collapsed.

Sure enough, I saw a coffin, placed above the ruins.

“This is also too evil, the mountain fell, this coffin appeared so blatantly?”

The fat man also felt that the coffin had to be buried under the ruins, but he didn’t expect it to be placed on the bright side.

Huba wiped his nose and said, “So this is more certain, the one you came across fat, is the mechanism to find the coffin.” ”

“Purple gold coffin.”

Sydney Yang was puzzled: “Could it be that in this coffin is the corpse of that Yuan Dynasty general?” ”

“It should be like this, the collapse of the mountain directly shook out this purple-gold skeleton, as for why it is placed here in the open, obviously the role of this organ is to find the coffin.”

The fat man smacked his tongue and said: “Ya, in order to find this coffin, he actually blew up the entire mountain, but it was really a big deal.” ”

“Brother Jiang Han, this really shouldn’t be the Xiangxi Corpse King, right?” Eiko also spoke timidly.

The fat man said boldly: “There are so many of us, and there are guns and Lao Jiang, and we are afraid that a dead body that has been buried for hundreds of years will not be successful?” ”

“Just go and see.”

Immediately, Jiang Han and the others walked towards the ruins.

But what everyone didn’t expect was that the person pressed under the purple-gold light country was not a person.

A white-haired black-clawed arm, exposed.

“The corpse has changed!”

The fat man looked at the nondescript arm and was so frightened that he thought that the corpse was moldy.

“Don’t be afraid, this is not a corpse, it’s just a white ape.”

Jiang Han squatted down, looked at it carefully, and then spoke.

Like the plot of the original play, the first thing found was not to believe in the corpse king, but a thousand-year-old white ape.

The thousand-year-old white ape is just a saying, it should not have lived to a thousand years, but it is indeed a very powerful character, and the momentum is great.

“It’s okay, it turned out to be a monkey.”

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, and saw a monkey face along the slit of the coffin.

“The Xiangxi Corpse King turned out to be a white ape, and this group of villagers was majestic, but he was just a broken monkey.”

The fat man also kicked the arm of the white ape corpse.

But in the next moment, the white ape’s eyes suddenly opened, it was a pair of scarlet eyes, and then tightly grabbed the fat man’s ankle.

“I lean, he’s not dead, he’s not dead!”

“This beast corpse has changed!”

The fat man broke free of the white ape with great force, but he was already scared to death.

“I rely on Lao Jiang, this monkey’s vitality is too tenacious, this can’t be smashed.”

The fat man gasped, but fortunately the white ape did not break free from the shackles of the coffin board, and he couldn’t come out for a while.

Jiang Han said: “This thousand-year-old white ape is not a corpse king, but an old monster that is about to become a refined monster, it is covered with white hair, and when the white hair transforms into silver, it is either a spirit beast or a monster.” ”

“No wonder it can scare people, it turns out to be an old monster who is about to become fine.”

The fat man quickly retreated 10 meters away from the white monkey.


The white man was pressed, one hand pounding the coffin board fiercely, and his mouth kept screaming, as if he wanted to escape from here.

“Brother Jiang Han, is it crushed and hurts?” Eiko asked.

Jiang Han shook his head, “Listening to his voice, he should be directing the other apes under him.” ”


“Bang bang!”

As soon as Jiang Han’s voice fell, a yin wind blew, and in the grass pile where several people came just now, a broken stone suddenly flew in.

Bigger stones, even the size of bricks!

“I lean!”


Fatty, Yingzi quickly picked up the gun and hit the stones in the air.

Sydney Yang took out the King Kong umbrella protection body of the mountain moving faction.

“There must be something in the haystack!”

Huba yelled while dodging the rocks.

“Fatty, old Hu, grenade!”

Jiang Han ordered.

Immediately, the fat man and Lao Hu took out grenades from their backpacks and threw a few at the bushes in front of them.


A succession of explosions directly blew up the bushes in front of them.

After a while, the voice calmed down, and no more stones flew over.

What few people didn’t notice was that after the bomb subsided, the white ape pressed by the coffin board became even more crazy.

“Lao Jiang, what the hell is this, will you encounter something unclean again?”

Huba asked with a cold sweat.

The fat man said: “Whatever he is, just look at it in the past!” ”

The fat man probably shouldn’t be a terrible thing, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to use the little trick of throwing stones.

Jiang Han said, “No need to look, it’s just some little monkey grandchildren.” ”

“Damn, it turned out to be a group of wild mountain monkeys doing something strange.”

The fat man felt particularly unangry and was actually played by Monkey Sun.

Jiang Han said with a smile: “There are often groups of wild mountain monkeys in the Mengdong River Valley, and the monkeys know that people have alcohol and dry food, so they often stone people in this deep mountain and old forest to rob them of food.” ”

In fact, Jiang Han could have rushed over and subdued those monkeys and grandchildren by himself.

But this little matter will be left to Lao Hu and the fat man to solve.

“It’s really time for these monkeys to come out and scare Lao Tzu to death.” The fat man still cursed.

“It’s all this white ape.”

Jiang Han said: “They are all white apes, he is the leader of these monkey suns, and he often commands his apes to kill people and seize wealth.” ”

Several people immediately followed Jiang Han’s footsteps and came to the side of the white ape.

How smart the white ape was, knowing that he couldn’t help himself, he actually pretended to be dead again.

Sydney Yang crouched down to observe the white ape.

“This old ape’s coat color has changed from gray to silver, it is no longer an ordinary thing, judging by what he does at this time, he is by no means a good class on weekdays.”

The fat man felt that something was wrong, he was still moving quite happily just now, how did it stop now.

“This white-haired old ape won’t blow up here, right?”

“This white ape also has nearly a thousand years of Daoism, and is a fast-growing thing with a deep mind, not like an animal, but more like an evil person with evil intentions.”

Having said that, in fact, Jiang Han is pointing out that this white ape is pretending to die!

“Then Fat Master I’ll do a good deed today, except for this scourge!”

The fat man took out his pistol and prepared to kill this white ape!

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