
After hearing this voice of the system, Jiang Han was stunned in place.

I never expected that this Guanshan Taibao was actually related to his mysterious identity in this world!

“Guanshan Taibao, Guanshan Taibao…”

Jiang Han chewed these two words carefully, thinking that when he was in the Dragon Ridge Cave before, the clue figure related to the mysterious identity was Professor Nasun.

Professor Sun’s identity in the original play is the last Guanshan Taibao.

“It seems that his identity is inextricably linked with Guanshan Taibao…”

However, this does not mean that he must be a descendant of Guanshan Taibao.

Of course, there are other possibilities, such as saying that his identity is an enemy of Professor Guanshan Taibaosun.

No speculation can be conclusive until the final identity is revealed.

It was as if when he was in the Exquisite Ancient City, his identity in his previous life was the husband of the Exquisite Queen, which Jiang Han never dreamed of.


“Lao Jiang, if you don’t let you take something, you have collected the token, what danger can this corpse have?”

“This corpse has corpse poison on it, it was left by Guanshan Taibao, as long as you touch him, we will kill each other, and in the end, no one wants to stay here.”

“Cannibalism, how can it be so evil?!”

The fat man wiped the sweat on his forehead, but fortunately he had withdrawn his hand just now.

Jiang Han explained: “Guanshan Taibao will inject drugs into the body to prevent the bite of mountain poisons, and after a long time, it will become toxic pus, and once people come into contact, they will lose their minds and entangle and kill each other. ”

“Guanshan Taibao has always been confused, at first it was just a legend that could not be true, but I didn’t expect that the wild history really had the Great Ming Guanshan Taishan.” Sydney Yang said with a serious expression.

The paper man that Jiang Han said before was made by Guanshan Taibao, and Sydney still didn’t believe it.

But now that the body and token of Guanshan Taibao are here, Sydney Yang must also acknowledge the existence of the mysterious sect of Guanshan Taibao.

After leaving this Dan Palace, everyone searched for a long time in this ancient tomb, and still did not see any coffin of the tomb owner.

“Lao Jiang, where do you say this tomb can be? We searched for such a long time, and the coffin of the tomb owner did not see ah. ”

The fat man couldn’t help but mutter.

Jiang Han did not answer, he did not know where the coffin of the owner of this tomb was placed so far.

According to the plot of the original play, the coffin of the owner of this tomb is actually not at the bottom of Bottle Mountain, but at the top of Bottle Mountain.

However, the original play did not explain the specific location of the tomb owner’s coffin.

It was Chen Yulou and the partridge whistle that touched the mechanism of the mountain, causing the bottle mountain to collapse, and the tomb owner of the original tomb revealed its original form.

Therefore, whether it is for the completion of the main quest or the organ at the bottom of this bottle mountain, you must go here.

But…… How can a mountain collapse?

is a big question.

Jiang Han said, “The coffin of the owner of this tomb is not here, but on the top of the mountain. ”

“Mountain top?!”

Several people immediately looked at Jiang Han with a look of astonishment.

If it’s at the top of a mountain, why are you still here?!

Moreover, are not all the nations underground or hidden places, and where are the tombs buried on the top of the mountains?

Jiang Han said: “The body of the Bottle Mountain is shaped like a treasure bottle, the belly of the mountain is hollow like the belly of a bottle, and the Dan Palace Treasure Hall is built in it, and everyone who comes to the tomb here pays attention to the cave, but ignores the bottle mouth in the mountain.” ”

“Since ancient times, this mausoleum has been built underground, even if the mountain is cut into a rafter, and the burial through stones will build this mausoleum in the deepest part of the mountainside, and the ancient tomb of this bottle mountain cannot be measured by common sense.”

“They put the mausoleum on the top of the mountain, and the bottom of the mountain made a false grave to disturb the sight of others. The Yuan people turned the Dan Palace into a tomb in Bottle Mountain, and they had the intention of suppressing this cave, which is a method of disgust with victory, and it is indeed rare to use the mausoleum to dislike the town objects. ”

“Coupled with the Miao Village near here, the things that are tired of victory are all at the highest part of the roof, which shows that the ancient tomb of this bottle mountain should be in the top of the mountain!”

After listening to Jiang Han’s words, everyone was stunned.

“Lao Jiang, according to what you mean, we are here for a long time?”

Since the coffin is on the top of the mountain, doesn’t it mean that they came for nothing.

Below is the tomb set up by the general of the Yuan Dynasty with the ancient emperor and the Dan Palace.

The real owner of the tomb is actually on it!

“Not really.” Jiang Han said, “If you want to find the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty general on the top of that mountain, you must trigger the organ below. ”

The fat man blinked.

Everyone also had the same expression.

It’s not really redundant, and if you want to find the real coffin, you need to trigger the mechanism below.

In addition, some treasures were also found below, plus Jiang Han also swallowed a thousand years of inner dan, which is also worth the trip.

The fat man thought about this mechanism one after another, and he also felt tired.

So I sat down against the bridge to rest.

“Fat brother, what is the pattern behind this bridge?”

Yingzi was next to the fat man, and felt that the totem carved on the bridge seemed to be a little different.

It doesn’t look like it’s carved up, the cracks are deep, and it seems that you can press down.

“What pattern.”

The fat man moved his fat body, and the sapper shovel on his backpack just hit the totem of the pier.

That totem really hid a mystery, although it was pressed into it by the fat man’s butt.


Immediately afterwards, the entire underground palace began to shake, and at first the shaking was not large, but it became more and more intense, as if it had been shaken.

“I lean! What the fuck isn’t going to be, is it?! ”

The fat man quickly stood up, looking flustered.

“Fatty! All told you, don’t move, don’t move! Well, I’m afraid this underground palace is going to collapse! ”

As soon as Huba felt his feet shaking, as if it was an earthquake, he began to scold the fat man.

The fat man looked aggrieved, but he had nothing to say.

“Lao Jiang, go quickly, this underground palace seems to be collapsing!”

Sydney Yang hurriedly said to Jiang Han.

The surrounding rubble rolled down, and even the beams of the underground palace showed signs of breakage.

However, Jiang Han looked as usual.

This fat man, the critical moment is crooked again!

What Jiang Han was looking for was the mechanism that made the mountain collapse.

“Follow me, I’m afraid it’s too late to come!”

If you have to climb the centipede ladder when you go back, it must be too late, so you can only take other roads.

But of course, Jiang Han will not panic.

When I came, I used the Lei Ding Cave to listen to it, and I was already familiar with these three palaces and six paths.

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