“Fatty, open the chicken cage!”

The six-winged centipede had already rushed up, and Jiang Han immediately yelled at the fat man.

“Good!” The fat man opened the lid of the chicken coop!

“Chicken master, we know that your chicken is extraordinary, can break the demon qi poisonous insects, and expel ghosts, we don’t want you to die at the hands of ignorant people, which saved you from the butcher knife.”

The fat man was poor in words, so he panicked: “If you have any skills, just show them all, but don’t break your prestige as a golden rooster.” ……”

“Cluck… Cluck…… Cluck! ”

At first, the stupid angry chicken did not move, but in the next moment, the high rooster sounded!

The angry chicken fluttered a pair of wings, stepped on the chicken cage, and flew violently!

In mid-air, the angry chicken and the six-winged centipede looked at each other, and the angry chicken looked excited.

All things have the principle of living together.

If there is a strong, there must be a solution, chickens are the natural enemies of centipedes.

Even if the angry chicken sees such a large six-winged centipede, it still has the natural advantage in the bones of the animal.

The angry chicken jumped on the back of the six-winged centipede for a while, and the iron beak like a knife pecked at the six-winged centipede fiercely.

After a while, they collided head-on with the six-winged centipede, not giving in to each other.

These two fetish creatures fought with each other, and they were indistinguishable for a while.

Jiang Han, on the other hand, had already arrived in the Hall of Immeasurability.

Looking at the confrontation between the angry chicken and the six-winged centipede outside the Hall of Infinity, Jiang Han suddenly whistled.

This whistle is a hundred words.

When Nu Qing Chicken heard the whistle, he flew into the Hall of Immeasurability.

And this six-winged centipede, isolated from the world under the bottle mountain, has long been unable to understand those beast languages.

And when that six-winged centipede rushed into the Hall of Immeasurability, it touched the steel cable trap that Jiang Han had just ambushed here!

I saw that as soon as the six-winged centipede entered the Hall of Infinity, it was entangled alive by the steel cable of Jiang Han Daming’s fourteenth power, and it couldn’t move.

Seeing this, Jiang Han cast a golden crow knife technique to slash at the six-winged centipede’s body.

And the fat man and others outside the hall also shot at the six-winged centipede.

It’s just that this six-winged centipede has thick skin and flesh, and it is actually stunned that it cannot be killed.


The big centipede roared violently, completely enraged, and actually broke free from the shackles of the steel cable, and slammed into the stone pillar beside him, and the stone pillar collapsed with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, the six-winged centipede rushed towards the fat man and the others.

“Find death!!”

A roar like a dragon’s groan came from Jiang Han’s mouth.

Immediately, Jiang Han threw out the steel cable hard and entangled the tail of the six-winged centipede.

With the blessing of the true dragon bloodline and innate divine power, Jiang Han directly threw the six-winged centipede over fiercely.

The six-winged centipede smashed heavily on the dan well in the Hall of Immeasurability.

The huge force caused the dan well to rotate 180 degrees, and the six-winged centipede fell from the dan well cover.

And Jiang Han, tightly grasping the steel cable, also jumped into the dan manhole cover.

“Lao Jiang!”

“Brother Jiang Han!!”

Sydney Yang and the others quickly came to the manhole cover, but they didn’t know how to remove the manhole cover.

And under the well, there is a huge cave tens of meters deep.

The six-winged centipede is a reptile insect animal, and it can crawl among the rock walls after falling in.

Jiang Han, on the other hand, performed the light skill of swimming dragons, grabbing a rock wall and climbing and landing like a gecko.


The six-winged centipede attacked Jiang Han with its fangs open, sending out a ring of fire.

One person and one centipede, spiraling and falling towards the hole.


Jiang Han knelt on one knee and landed first, saying that it should have landed on the top of a medicine refining furnace.


In the Hall of Infinity, several people were still gathered around the Danjing.

Huba was shocked and said, “I didn’t expect that this platform plane is really a flip cover!” ”

“What the hell is this? How can I open it? Yingzi was a little bit worried, and she was worried about Jiang Han.

“Let’s blow him up!”

The fat man suggested.

Huba quickly retorted: “No, this is a ridge, once it collapses, none of us can get out.” ”

“Go! Let’s go to the crack under the bridge. ”

Sydney Yang was very calm at the critical moment, and he remembered what Jiang Han had said to him before.


The fat man slapped his head, “Didn’t Lao Jiang tell us to go in from there?!” ”


Hu Bayi, Sydney Yang, Fatty, and Yingzi were ready to look for Jiang Han from the crack under the bridge.


And on the other side, under the Dan well.

Jiang Han was still fighting wits with the six-winged centipede.

This centipede is extremely difficult to deal with, the scale armor is too hard, the knife is difficult to open, the water and fire are not afraid, and there are almost no weaknesses.

However, Jiang Han thought of a common disease of centipedes.

Low-intelligence creatures like centipedes are highly myopic and can only see animals in their eyes.

As long as you lie on the ground and pretend to die, the eyes of centipedes cannot detect humans.

Suo Jiang Han took advantage of this and stood motionless next to the Dan furnace.

The six-winged centipede circled around the dan well a few times, but it didn’t find a living thing.

In fact, Jiang Han could completely confront the six-winged centipede head-on and kill it.

But Jiang Han’s task was not only to kill this monster, but also to capture its inner dan.

Therefore, what Jiang Han had to do was wait and wait, waiting for the six-winged centipede to let down its vigilance.

Sure enough, the six-winged centipede dangled in the dan well for more than five minutes.

After finding that there were no other living creatures here, he lowered his vigilance, and the naïve big centipede thought that Jiang Han had been thrown to death.

And the six-winged centipede also took out the centipede Neidan in his abdomen.

This six-winged centipede is no longer an ordinary animal.

After thousands of years, it has cultivated the inner dan, and under this bottle mountain all year round, it even knows how to heal injuries with medicinal stones.

It’s a centipede essence!!

The centipede essence had just taken out its inner tank and prepared to continue cultivating, but Jiang Han suddenly launched the Dragon Light Skill, and with the cooperation of the true dragon bloodline, the speed was extremely fast.

Rushing towards the back of the six-winged centipede, Jiang Han kicked it fiercely, and the centipede Neidan fell to the ground.

After landing, Jiang Han quickly picked up Neidan, and then vacated a distance of 10 meters from the six-winged centipede.

“Is this your Neidan?”

Jiang Han looked at the six-winged centipede, and the corners of its mouth rose slightly.


The six-winged centipede made a warning sound, as if telling Jiang Han not to do anything to his inner dan.

Jiang Han smiled slightly, “After thousands of years of practice, you want to make me a wedding dress, thank you.” ”

Saying that, Jiang Han directly stuffed Neidan into his mouth, and then swallowed it into his stomach.


Seeing this, the six-winged centipede was completely crazy.

This inner dan that he had practiced for thousands of years to refine was actually swallowed by outsiders!

It spreads three pairs of transparent wings, and the reason why the six-winged centipede gets its name Six Wings is the six wings on his back!

Usually, six-winged centipedes do not show their wings.

Once six wings are revealed, it means that it is truly angry!

He spread his six wings, his speed completely exploded, and he almost flew towards Jiang Han.

“Angry? I’ve just started warming up! ”

Jiang Han once again performed fire control sorcery, and a ring of fire was released.

Immediately afterwards, when the fireworks were extinguished, Jiang Han had already jumped on the back of the six-winged centipede.

“Find death!”

Although the scale armor of the six-winged centipede is hard, its wings are vulnerable, which is one of the reasons why he usually puts his wings away.

Jiang Han pulled out his long knife, slashed down, and violently cut off the wings of the big centipede spirit.

This knife went down, and all three wings were directly cut off!


The six-winged centipede roared up to the sky, hysterical!

The next moment, the six-winged centipede crashed towards the mountain, wanting to shake Jiang Han away.

However, Jiang Han’s knife technique was faster, and the golden crow knife technique was cast, and the three throwing knives directly cut off the other three wings of the centipede essence.

Three pairs of wings, all cut off by Jiang Han!

Six-winged centipede, turned into a bald wingless centipede in the blink of an eye…

The centipede inner dan that had been cultivated for thousands of years was swallowed by someone.

At the same time, the three pairs of wings that were cultivated for a thousand years were also cut off…

When did the centipede essence suffer such bullying and humiliation?!

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