"What is black scale feather wood? I only know it is golden nanmu."

The fat man didn't know much about this wood, but looking at Wu Tianzhen's appearance, this thing must be something very precious, right?

"You really don't know your level. Even the emperors in ancient times might not have much of this thing."

Qin Mo looked at the fat man's surprised expression and smiled at him.

"Black Scale Feather Tree, it is said that this is a drop of blood from a black scale beast in the prehistoric times. When the blood falls on the earth, it will form a towering tree. This sapling can grow ten meters a day."

"However, because this tree grows tall and has a fast growth cycle, many people regard it as an ominous wood. Little do they know that this wood can keep the living young forever, but if it is a dead person, it will absorb the evil spirit of these black-scaled beasts and will become a drought demon after ten thousand years."

"No wonder these zongzi have green hair, which is more powerful than those with black hair. It is because of this reason."

When Wu Tianzhen thought of the things he saw in the notes before, he still disdained them. Now that he saw them with his own eyes, he couldn't help but admire his grandfather.

You know all these things? Is this a collection of myths from all over the world?

Qin Mo looked at Wu Tianzhen with more praise.

It must be said that Wu Tianzhen is a mobile encyclopedia in tomb knowledge, but most of it is just talk on paper.

The real practical operation is still Uncle Wu San.

The fat man touched his face and looked at the coffin with bright eyes. There are a total of one hundred. Not to mention all of them, even one can make a person rich enough to rival a country.

Damn it, if this is taken out, it will be a fortune. With this, who can rob tombs?

"Fatty, don't think about this thing, you can't take this coffin with you."

Qin Mo saw the fat man's expression and knew that he had other ideas.

"Why? If we take this thing out, we will definitely get rich. We will never have to worry about food and drink in the future."

When the fat man heard this, he was immediately unhappy. This was to prevent him from getting rich.

Wu Tianzhen looked at the fat man and wanted to kick him.

"Your uncle, you want everything. Qin Mo must have a reason for saying this. You can talk about it after you listen to him."

Wu Tianzhen was so angry that he cursed. If it weren't for this attitude of wanting money over life, Pan Zi wouldn't have become a zongzi.

Now that I think about it, I want to scold them.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's formal smile on his face became even more intense.

"This black-scaled featherwood has been sleeping like a zongzi for thousands of years. There is only evil energy in it. Even if a living person lies in it, he will turn into a zongzi. This black-scaled featherwood itself is the root of the evil energy."

"Otherwise, these corpses wouldn't have turned into green-haired dumplings so quickly. The owners of these coffins are all trusted followers of King Lu Shang. They have been robbing tombs with King Lu Shang for many years. Do you think they have no money?"

Qin Mo's words shocked Fatty and Wu Tianzhen.

Yes, those who followed King Lu Shang to fight tombs should not have nothing to drink.

Wu Tianzhen looked at these coffins, and combined with the murals on the wall he saw before... he instantly understood something.

"Don't tell me that all this money was exchanged for this thing?"

Wu Tianzhen pointed to the coffin beside him in disbelief.

Qin Mo smiled without saying anything, and the meaning was very clear.

Damn, they have been digging graves these years. Unlike the tomb raiders, they took a few things, but they plucked feathers from the passing geese and left nothing behind.

This is detrimental to their virtue and will also affect their descendants, so they chose not to have descendants and just want to bury themselves.

If one day I can become a drought demon...

Damn, isn't this the end?

This drought demon is not an ordinary zongzi, it is the ancestor of zongzi.

There is no grass growing within a hundred miles.

And it has its own independent consciousness, which is equivalent to eternal life in disguise.

This thing is indeed much more useful than money.

Wu Tianzhen's face was pale to begin with, and now it is even more frighteningly pale.

"Fortunately, fortunately we are here, otherwise if these things get out, what will happen?"

"Fatty, you better stop caring about money and your life. Don't even think about this coffin."

Wu Tianzhen hurriedly persuaded the fat man, fearing that the fat man would do something bad.

If he took the coffin away without his knowledge, it would be troublesome.

"Is it that serious?"

The fat man frowned, as if he was in a dilemma.

Damn it, I risked my life and almost became the food for Zongzi, but in the end I couldn't eat it. What a pity!

"Well, the matter is very serious. This thing cannot be moved. You will harm others. Didn't you say that you are a good socialist youth? You can't do things that harm the society and the people."

Qin Mo looked at the fat man with a chuckle and put a hat on him.

The fat man smacked his lips a few times when he heard it, and finally said nothing.

Damn, he blocked all the ways back. What else can he say? The main thing is that these words were said by himself.

Damn it, why say these things for no reason?

The fat man regretted it very much.

"Come on, brother Qin Mo, I'm doing this for your sake. I gave up the opportunity to become rich enough to rival a country."

The fat man's heart was bleeding.


Qin Mo said with a faint smile after hearing this.

Wu Tianzhen's mouth twitched. The fat man's greedy appearance was really shameless.

At this time, his stomach was still rumbling.

Wu Tianzhen's face was a little embarrassed. If he said he had eaten a full meal, he had eaten before coming in. Now he was running for his life and encountered zongzi. Now his physical strength has been almost exhausted.

"Haha, you kid……"

The fat man had just finished speaking, and before he could laugh at me, he heard his stomach start to growl.

"You are so ashamed to laugh at me? You are the same, aren't you?"

Wu Tianzhen sneered.

Qin Mo remembered his own space, where he put a lot of food, and then, as if performing magic, he took out some braised food and cooked food, as well as some water.

Wu Tianzhen and Fatty were stunned when they saw Qin Mo take out all these things as if performing magic.

Does the Qin family have this unique skill?

The cooked food is still hot, and it can heat itself?

"Eat, aren't you hungry? Pan Zi and Zhang Qilin will wake up later and there will be food too."

Qin Mo calmly picked up a chicken leg and started eating it, his eating manner was very elegant.

Wu Tianzhen and Fatty couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, and didn't care about the surrounding environment, and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Fatty ate a few bites, and saw that there was only one chicken leg on the ground. Just as he was about to reach out to take it, he saw something familiar appear again.

And it snatched his chicken leg away.


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