I also went over to watch the excitement and see what they would do.

What should we do next? Wei Ze leaned beside Liang Jia's table and asked.

We pretended to have a chat and incorporated the pictures into the chat. In the end, just send the screenshot to QQ to talk about it. It said that students in our school had a conflict with the school. I just want to see this picture, Liang Jia said, clicking on a picture.

Aren't we going to expose the food poisoning if there is a conflict? Chen Xiao asked in confusion.

You are stupid. The school must be highly sensitive to the word poisoning. Even if it were posted, it would be immediately removed by public relations. Yan Ran said.

Yes, we can't die before we leave. It's not worth it. So when the screenshots are sent out, we need to change the title and secretly use Chen Cang to lure others to explore. Liang Jia drew pictures in his notebook and analyzed.

Wow, it's so profound, Chen Xiao sighed.

Idiot Shang Ning slapped Chen on the head.

If we can send it out, someone will help us, such as No. 13 Middle School, Liang Jia said leisurely.

Not only the 13th Middle School, but also the 8th Middle School, the 9th Middle School, the 16th Middle School, etc. These schools have been feuding with the First Experimental School for a long time. Several schools fight each other in admissions every year and denigrate each other. What do you mean when you post on Weibo? I will say bad things about you when I go to recruit students. Anyway, it’s just to grab good students. Moreover, several schools are particularly disgusting with others. For example, after the college entrance examination results are released every year, several schools will pull up banners in front of each other's doors, saying how many people in their schools have passed the 985 and 211 exams. One time, a bully from No. 13 Middle School came to the door of No. 1 Experiment. No. 13 Middle School took a big poster and pasted it directly on the big pillar of No. 1 Experiment. He just came to disgust No. 1 Experiment, shouting that his school was not good but how many students had passed the exam? A Tsinghua University. This made the leaders of the first experimental school and the students very angry. Who do you think you are in the 13th middle school? You are doing this all day long. As a result, there was constant diss between the two schools, and there were even CP fans.

It is estimated that as soon as the pictures and videos are released, major middle schools will help to study it further.

I posted it on QQ with the intention of letting them see it, but it was just a borrowed knife to kill people.

Others were dumbfounded. Are all high school students so strategic?

So Yuan Wenxi and Liang Jia chatted on their mobile phones.

Did you know? There was a fight between our school students and the school leaders just now.

Wow, is it true?

Can I still lie to you? I even took a photo. I'll send it to you right now.

Come, come, come

Five or six photos were sent. In the photos, people were gathered in a circle with dark heads. It was very noisy, and it really felt like a fight.


Why else? We wanted to put up a poster for a basketball game, but the school wouldn't let us, so the two parties got into conflict. This experiment was so damn...

Yeah, yeah, that's too scary. Why set up a blackboard if you don't allow postings?

Okay, that's enough, Liang Jiada said.

Yuan Wenxi took a screenshot of the picture and sent it to QQ space.

Things were posted at 11 o'clock that night. At 11:30, the news about an experiment in Jiangcheng broke: A student from the experiment is suspected of having a large-scale conflict with the school due to a football match. Then there was a photo of a large number of students surrounding a black object under a street lamp. , the posture was like fighting with the school.

The incident happened suddenly, and the school was not prepared at all. When the school leaders first saw the news, they were a little confused. It was a basketball game. It was ridiculous. How could anyone believe such a thing? They hesitated whether to issue a statement, so they The heat continued for a whole day, and finally the fuss got a bit loud before a statement was issued saying it was just a rumor. Once the matter broke out, how could netizens easily believe the school's one-sided words? So enthusiastic netizens used the keyword poisoning in the small note on the picture to find out the specific poisoning incident in the school, as well as some shady things in the school and canteen. personal relationship. One link after another. Parents saw online that such a big thing happened in their children's school. How could they agree? They went to the school to make trouble and asked for an explanation. The Internet is also clamoring for an explanation.

When the students saw someone supporting them, they immediately expressed their attitude: If the school does not change the cafeteria, we will not eat. We will defend our rights to the death and restore our health. It is quite the attitude of a student movement.

Now, students, please go and eat first, the school leader called over the radio.

Students sit motionless in class and do not go to the cafeteria.

The head teachers of each class asked each class to go to dinner, but the students still did not go.

In fact, the class teacher also wanted the students to make a fuss. If he didn't make a fuss this time, it would be difficult for him to have such a good opportunity in the future. So he just pretended to trick the leaders into calling for dinner, yelled and left without anyone listening, and asked them to cheer up. Persistence is victory.

When the students see the teacher's attitude, Okay, teacher, we will stick to it.

For a time, the Education Bureau and the province paid attention to the matter, and the school quickly conducted crisis public relations to admit its mistakes, appease the people, and solve the problem.

The cafeteria has been renovated from top to bottom, and the school has installed surveillance cameras in the cafeteria so that students can directly see the activities inside the cafeteria through the large screen.

The students immediately went into a frenzy after hearing the announcement from the school.

Yan Ran saw the crowd reveling and remembered a picture: the golden sun broke through the clouds and spread into several strands towards the broad sea level. How comforting!

He heard Liang Jia and Wang Yu joking and laughed.

The author has something to say:

thank you and bow

Chapter 25 Chapter 25

After this incident, Yuan Wenxi and Wei Ze were reconciled. There was no big feud at first, but the boys just disagreed with each other, and they announced that they would become brothers with Liang Jia.

After a few days of commotion, the students realized that the monthly exam was coming again. It had not been a few days since last time.

ah? well!

Yan Ran was reviewing his homework seriously, with only the correct answers in his mind.

The desire for achievement.

He must do well in the exam so that he can choose a seat first.

The exam came as scheduled, and the teacher entered each examination room with the test paper and shielding device.

Please ask the invigilator to distribute the test papers

When Yan Ran took the test paper and answered the questions, there was a fierceness in his eyes, as if he wanted to make the paper surrender to the pen.

Each of the four exams was completed at the sound of a bell, and Yan Ran was in excellent overall condition.

After the exam, Yan Ran went back to class.

Tablemate, do you want to eat together? Liang Jia asked when he saw him coming back.

Wait for me. Yan Ran hurriedly put his things back, picked up his lunch box, and went with them.

Now they eat very casually. They can eat together if they can get together. It doesn't matter if they can't get together.

After the meal, it was time to cross the tribulation again.

The students had not read the extracurricular books for more than a few minutes before the class representatives began to grab space and copy answers.

Ah the student put down the magazine in his hand.

Yan Ran took the initiative this time. When he saw the answer borrowed from Liang Jia, he corrected it along with him.

He's good at Chinese, good at mathematics, and good at English. He feels more at ease with each subject, but now he's still not good at comprehensive science.

He looked at the answers nervously, and only after finishing the review did he realize that this time there was no problem at all. Even what you were told was right! Transferred?

Yan Ran shook his head.

The day the results came out, Shang Ning came over to tell them about the results.

Of course, Liang Jia was still number one, and Yan Ran was ranked eighth in the class this time.

Li Yangfei came to the class with a smile after holding a post-exam summary meeting.

This time, our class is still first

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