Time Traveler

Chapter 86: 10 times the speed of sound ion ball

After cutting down the bushes for two hours, he cut a one-kilometer-long path abruptly, and only then did he feel a little labored. (This is the data calculated according to the vibrations and times sent back by the smart bracelet)

In fact, if you go to the world of the walking dead with your current physical quality, it is possible to cut down nearly 10,000 zombies in one go. Cutting zombies is not as difficult as cutting down bushes, and even easier.

During the period, he also encountered a sudden attack by a poisonous snake, but he was not bitten, but was decapitated. The wild boar has indeed seen it, but it seems to be very clever. When he saw himself cutting something with a knife, he ran away in a hurry.

After more than two hours of progress, I finally came to a depression surrounded by mountains on all sides. This depression is not very large, about 70 to 80 meters in diameter. Generally speaking, it is relatively flat. It is used to experiment and practice the cow. The forced fireball technique is really good.

There is a bare rock wall more than 20 meters away. It should be sandstone. The rock wall is more than 30 square meters. I am not afraid that my fireball technique is not accurate, and it will cause some fire...

The mental power is concentrated at the center of the eyebrows, and the energy array that can gather the plasma is activated in an instant. The mental power is almost 10% of the mental power absorbed by the energy array in an instant, and there is even a slight dizziness when the mental power is extracted in an instant. .

And that energy quickly spread along the tendons to the palm, and then gathered a high-temperature particle ball out of thin air outside the palm of the palm.

It does look a bit like a fireball, with a hint of red flame on the outer layer, but the inner core is more like a hot white. Although the fireball is extremely hot, his arms seem to have the heat of the fireball he made. have innate immunity.

After the fireball is formed, you don't need to do too many movements with your hands, you just need to push it out. As for the target of the attack, this can be pulled forward by mental power. Of course, it is quite difficult to pull it. Basically, there is no room for turning around, because the speed of the high-temperature ion ball is too fast. According to the data introduction, the forward speed of this ion ball is ten times the speed of sound...

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a hole the size of a football was blasted out of the stone wall opposite, and the depth was seven or eight centimeters. Although the power of the fireball was only 10, the actual destructive power was quite amazing. Such damage, Even an elephant might fall to the ground with one shot.

Of course, there are also a lot of disadvantages. For example, it takes nearly one second to launch the ion ball, the launch frequency is also slow, it takes about five or six seconds to recover, and the attack distance is relatively short, only about 30 meters, which is not very practical. No one stood there stupidly and bombarded his own fireball, and he was already shot and killed by the other party in a second.

However, all of this is temporary. I believe that with the growth of mental power in the future, the speed of energy storage will definitely increase, and now that I can play with a fireball myself, it is very good to pretend to be a ghost.

After practicing for more than an hour, the originally flat mountain wall was battered by fireballs, and hundreds of layers of potholes were punched out. Only then did the exercise end with satisfaction.


After returning from the mountain, he went straight to the gold shop in the city, and found more than a dozen more reliable gold shops to sell some gold.

It is still very necessary to get a little cash. It is not suitable to sell too much in a gold store, but each gold store sells one or two large gold bars, which is really not a problem.

Although most of the gold bars I got were printed with different patterns in English or something, it looked like they were brought back from abroad, but the shopkeepers didn't care about this at all.

It is someone's ability to bring gold back from abroad. After buying it, it will be turned into gold water in minutes, and it can be turned into jewelry. This kind of gold bar recovered at a discount can at least increase the profit by 10%. Do not earn it.

Of course, Li Yunfei doesn't care about the profits that are eaten. Anyway, he has a lot of gold now, and it is okay to be eaten by some profits. Also, it is an industry rule to charge a handling fee for recycling gold.

In general, the exchange of gold went very smoothly, and in one afternoon, I got more than six million in cash.

In today's society, this amount of money is not a big deal. You can't even buy a good house in a big first-tier city, but looking at the bundles of hundred-yuan bills in the storage space, I still feel in my heart. I feel very at ease, and I don’t panic when I have money in my pocket.

After thinking about it for a long time, I was not in a hurry to send money to my family. Instead, I was going to start a company. I originally decided that the office would be troublesome, so I was a little nervous.

However, when I saw a service platform that specializes in handling all relevant procedures on my behalf, I immediately felt that things had become simpler. All I needed to do was spend some money and provide some simple information, and the other party could help me get all the documents. After paying a fee and signing a contract, the other party directly patted his chest and promised that he would handle all the formalities for himself within three or five days.

The first day I came back has passed in this busy time. To be honest, when I returned to the empty room, I couldn't help but think, Anna and Amy, if they were here, this room would have been cleaned up very warmly, no? It's like turning this nice room into a doghouse.

Sitting on the bed, I started exercising the primary inner strength. Now I plan to practice the primary inner strength before going to bed at night, and practice meditation before getting up in the morning. This way, the effect of separate exercises will be better.


Meditation in the morning, primary internal strength in the evening, in addition to exercising during the day, I continued to improve the Xiaowei assistant, cut out some functions, and created a trial version. After the company is done, it is ready to promote this thing. It is more comfortable to spend a little money and spend the money you earn in an upright manner.

But in the past two days, I discovered a very strange thing. My gratitude and willingness is still slowly increasing, and it can increase by more than ten points every day. I don't understand what is going on.

"I have been staying at home for the past two days, but I haven't gone out to do good deeds, so how can I get the power of the wish? Could it be that in the world of The Walking Dead, there are still people who are grateful to him, so can they still obtain the power of the wish? It's just that what is this wishing power used for?" Li Yunfei was at a loss for the gratitude wishing power~www.wuxiamtl.com~ quite confused.

However, this matter was quickly put aside, because the business license that the agency had handled for him was all completed, which meant that his 'bag' company was officially established. Things went extremely smoothly. It was only three days later that the "Magic Smart Software Company" was established.

Although my company is only one person, it is very similar to a leather bag company. Of course, my company is different from those leather bag companies. It has core technology and a registered capital of 3 million...

"Sir, do you still need other services on our platform? If you want to promote the products you designed, we can actually help, as long as you pay a certain fee, we have a way to get your software on the hot search. Version……"

The receptionist on the phone is very enthusiastic about promoting her business. The little **** the other end of the phone speaks very standard Mandarin, and her voice is very nice. Maybe I don't need to find a professional voice actor, this girl is very good. .

"Well, the promotion is not in a hurry, girl, your voice is really nice, are you interested in earning some extra money?"

"Sir, please show some respect, even if you can't get business, don't think about unspoken rules..." The tone of the little **** the other end of the phone changed, obviously there was some misunderstanding. It can be seen that the other party must have been subjected to this aspect before. of harassment.

"Stop, who wants to unspoken rules for you? I just want to ask you to provide some basic sound recordings for my software." Li Yunfei also explained it, but he still found it a little funny, what if he heard the voice of the phone? Unspoken rules, is there anyone who only pays attention to the sound?

"...This, I'm really sorry that I misunderstood you. How long does it take to record the voice, and how much can I get paid?"

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