Time Traveler

Chapter 81: There's even a BOSS

But the happiness didn't last long. Just after having a celebratory lunch, I suddenly received a message asking for advice, and then I completely lost contact. I really don't know what happened.

It may be that someone wants to pick the fruit of victory, but what is a little bit confusing is that there are so many weapons and equipment in the camp over there, how could it be easily taken down? Is there still such a powerful organization in this world? Could it be an internal ghost or a ghost from Sean at all... It seems impossible to think about it, there is really no need to do this.

With all the doubts in his head, the best way is to hurry up and figure things out. I can wait for the vaccine to be used. Everyone in the camp is looking forward to the arrival of the vaccine.

If it is really attacked, it is actually not safe to drive a helicopter in the past. There are still many bazooka in the world. If you drive a helicopter and accidentally get shot by the bazooka, you will die.

However, it was too slow to drive there, but in the end, I chose to fly over, but the route was slightly changed, avoiding the highway for dozens of kilometers, and the possibility of being attacked was still not attacked, unless the other party was an immortal.

30 people were quickly assembled, and two Black Hawks also dispatched, hurriedly flying towards Washington. The vaccine is too important to be missed.

This time, Li Yunfei did not become a pilot, but sat in the back as a door operator. He needed to recharge his batteries. He didn't know what would happen when he arrived there. He must be 100% ready to deal with it.

Although he detoured for dozens of kilometers, he still quickly arrived at Washington's camp. Since there may be danger, of course, it is impossible to drive directly there. Instead, he stopped seven or eight kilometers away from the camp and prepared to move forward on foot. , The distance is a bit far, but it is easy to be discovered if you are too close. If this place is really attacked and captured by others, it is not a good thing to be discovered, and you will definitely be prepared.

The sky was getting darker and darker. It was already past six o'clock. After more than half an hour of rapid marching, the Central Plains of the Research Center was in sight, a little over a kilometer away.

He took out the telescope and observed it carefully for a long time. It seemed that the camp had really not been captured. Sean and several key members were tied to a square, and even the two doctors were arrested. The research center seems to have been captured without any damage. It is very likely that an undercover agent appeared inside, and the research center's protection did not play any role and was captured...

Suddenly, I saw a familiar and unfamiliar person in the crowd. Negan, the guy who looked very arrogant with a stick, saw him and I was basically sure that this incident was probably this guy. It came out, but how could he be active here? Why did it come out so early?

"Glen, Mike, you all lead the team, go to the south and north, I will go from the front, and after I launch an attack, you will quickly launch an attack and reinforcements..." As a captain, although there is no wisdom and talent, this is not a fight but a sneak attack That's all, by acting separately and attacking at the same time, you can easily shoot the few heavy machine gun firepower points that make the enemy dizzy.

"Yes, sir." Mike saluted and quickly left with a dozen soldiers.

"Brother, take care!" Glenn also said that he was cherished and took the people away, attacking head-on alone, what is this concept? But it's no surprise that I've witnessed too many miracles in the past. Anyway, Captain Li personally went out to fight the enemy, and the enemy would have no good fruit to eat.

By the night quietly approaching, approaching a distance of about 600 meters, and quickly climbed up a big tree. The field of vision is very good, and you can see the situation in the research center. You only need to kill the four heavy machine gun shooters here. , other rifles are impossible to threaten themselves.

There were some vague noises in the square. It seemed that Negan was very likely to do that thing. In between, Negan took what he thought was a great stick and walked to kneel and formed a row of a dozen people. In front of me, I started to play the game of roll call...

"Negan, you are dead, you are dead, you have provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked, and your head will definitely explode like a watermelon!" Seeing that Negan was about to click on Dr. Andrew, seeing this and that Sean also shouted anxiously. If Andrew was hit, he would definitely die, because a person was beaten to death by Negan more than half an hour ago.

"Well, it seems that the roll call is not good, and you were interrupted. Maybe we should change our strategy and start directly from you..." After Nigan finished speaking, he raised his big stick and was ready to face Sean. Greeting from the head, but an accident happened, and he smashed other people's heads, but his own head exploded first.

The legendary ultimate boss just shot his head off with a single shot, and before the person fell, everyone was still in a daze.

"Could it be that the curse has come to pass?" This was everyone's doubts, even Sean was quite puzzled, but it was only a moment's wonder, the sniper at the headquarters camp arrived.

It's just that four people's heads exploded in a stunned moment. It was not until this time that everyone realized that they were attacked. Sean and others also rolled on the spot and avoided it. Some people still wanted to open. They shot Sean and the others, but they were killed one step ahead. It was Mike and Glenn who shot them.

More than 30 people scrambled to the ground in a mess, and began to look for the target of the sneak attack. A few people quickly rushed to the location of the heavy machine gun, but it was basically a place of death. Whoever goes will die.

The battle was fierce, but it ended very quickly, but in less than a minute, more than a hundred people brought by Negan were wiped out, and only a few survived. The people on the ground, as long as the others did not throw away their guns and surrendered on the ground, were all killed.


This time, there was indeed an undercover agent sent by the other party in the camp. It has been lurking in the camp for more than a month. Negan's forces are clearly attacking, and it is indeed difficult to capture this camp. , so a celebration party was held, and the undercover agent drugged everyone during the celebration, so the camp was captured like this.

Among the casualties, one person was killed by Negan, and two people were injured by stray bullets in order to make his group submit.

As for the prisoner, although he said that he was just trying to make a living, he didn't get any forgiveness, so he was given a bullet. Everyone has their own difficulties, and everyone should pay the price for their actions. If he is not executed, the member who was crushed to death will die too wrongly. If the vaccine thing is completely under Negan's control, and I don't know what kind of moth he will come up with, it's better to kill him.

Now that Negan's power is discovered~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and there are hundreds of people, of course, they have to go over and receive them, and Negan's diehards must be taken and killed, so as to avoid other accidents.

Everyone did not rest. Even those people in the camp who were arrested and taught a lesson for a long time still did not choose to rest. They participated in the operation together, and planned to take advantage of the night to kill him by surprise. After a few surrendered prisoners gave the specific location of the camp, more than 100 people drove more than 20 cars and killed them in a mighty manner.

In fact, Li Yunfei was indeed dispatched first. Of course, as a sniper, he could not be dispatched with a large group of troops. Instead, he carried a gun on his back and rode a mountain motorcycle and quickly moved towards the predetermined target.

The battle was much easier than expected. Those guys sounded like die loyalists. They surrendered after resisting a little bit. They were frightened by a very perverted sniper, but they surrendered immediately after being shot a dozen times. . In such an apocalyptic world, we can only live better if we see the wind and become the grass on the wall.

In fact, what they thought was right. Li Yunfei didn't get a headshot for those who threw away their firearms and surrendered.

As long as these people's usual behavior is not too extreme, they can all save their lives. Only a few people are too ruthless. Now the boss of Negan has been killed, so these people usually do a lot of coercion. People who did evil things were identified one after another.

"Captain..." Mike came again to ask if he should deal with those bastards.

"Don't ask me, you can discuss these matters with Glenn in the future." Li Yunfei interrupted him directly, and wanted to execute the prisoners himself. How could he always ask himself to do this kind of thing.

"Okay then!" Mike hesitated for a while and decided to consult with Glenn.

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