Time Traveler

Chapter 77: nuclear arsenal

People who read this technical information are dazzled, and they even see the detailed alloy material formula... Although I don't understand it, I can only think of one word, and I don't know it.

This technical information should be sent to the Pentagon for data backup by the research company responsible for the research. The technology of this world's top engine is useless for half a dime, but it may be of great use to the country.

Although it is only 2G data, for a country with a very strong industrial base, the value of this is immeasurable, but if you rashly send data after you go back, it may be a bad thing. Trouble is good, so this matter must be carefully considered.

After roughly browsing the data information on a hard drive, it was still snowing outside. Anna and Amy were still attending the women's federation party and didn't come back. They stayed at home by themselves and could only continue to read the information.

I connected a hard disk again, I thought it would be some useless data that can only be viewed, but I accidentally discovered the storage location of strategic nuclear weapons, etc. First close the data... Well, these are still only available for viewing Look, useless things, the legendary black technology has not been seen.

I took a cursory look at the information, deployment situation, maintenance situation, storage location, many detailed introductions of the vehicle, etc... It was a bit dazzling, but it was of no use to me, and I couldn't use the nuclear bomb, as if I gave it to myself. One can't detonate... Just as I was about to unplug the hard drive, I suddenly found a briefing on the reserves of tactical nuclear bombs and special tactical nuclear bombs (neutron bombs), but it caught Li Yunfei's attention and couldn't help but click on the information and check it carefully. .

According to the data, some of these reserves were created by Ukraine when the Soviet Union disintegrated, and Ukraine was really unable to maintain those strategic and tactical nuclear bombs, so a lot of them were recovered and not destroyed. Of course, some of these reserves were indeed developed by themselves...

According to the data, these tactical nuclear bombs come in two forms, one is similar to mines, or it is in a suitcase mode, which is very convenient to carry. The equivalent is between 100 and 2,500 tons of TNT, and there are more than a few hundred in number. Of course, a large part of this is the weapons reserves that the US imperialists have made themselves.

The installation and detonation methods of these things are described in the data. It looks very simple. Li Yunfei said that it can be operated. Just turn on the protector after installation and activate it, leave a safe distance, press the controller in your hand, and you can directly control the remote control. Detonation, of course, it can also be detonated by a timer. Anyway, it seems that detonation is quite simple from the introduction...

Li Yunfei was a little uneasy when he saw this thing. He should get a few of these things and keep them for emergencies. This thing is definitely a magic weapon to overcome the enemy and win. These things are stored in three bases. One base is quite close to Atlanta. It is more than 400 kilometers away in Mississippi. If you drive a helicopter over, you will arrive soon...

The heavy snow outside finally stopped, and the sun shone brightly on the earth again. The originally quiet camp suddenly became lively. Many people walked out of the room to play in the snow, especially the children who were very excited to see the heavy snow.

Without the industrial civilization activities of human beings, this winter is a little colder than previous years, and the temperature has dropped to -10°C, which is extremely rare in Atlanta. According to some locals, there are few sub-zero weather in previous years. . Fortunately, there were plenty of supplies to prepare for the winter, so everyone was not worried about the sudden heavy snow, but seemed extremely excited.

As a southerner, Li Yunfei rarely sees the scene of heavy snow closing the mountain, especially after going to the city in recent years, he may have seen snow a few times, but the snow is more than half a foot deep. Haven't seen it for many years.

So he also walked out of the room and went up to the roof, looking at the white expanse all around, a huge snowfall, the snow was a foot thick, and everything in the distance was quiet. However, the surrounding area of ​​the camp was indeed quite lively. Many children were playing with snowmen, while adults were watching, and some people also joined the action of making snowmen and had a great time.

Now the population in the camp has grown to 325. In the past three months, there has been no other accidental death in the camp except for an elderly man who died of illness. Occasionally, one or two people overheard the broadcast and went up the mountain. Depart to camp. So over the past few months, dozens of people have increased, but basically all the people within a radius of 100 kilometers have been attracted. Recently, there have been no new people going up the mountain for more than ten days.

In the three-month camp, the erection of a large antenna was finally completed, and the short-wave radio broadcast was opened. Because a professional person in this field came to the camp last month, he also flew a special flight to the sub-base to help. A set of antennas is also assumed, so although the two bases are separated by thousands of kilometers, communication is indeed possible. It uses a form similar to broadcasting. This side sends information to that side and receives it, and then sends information to that side. Receive here. There should be other technologies that can achieve communication, but the 'expert' can only play with this broadcasting technology, and will not play with other means, so it can only be done like this.

The development of the branch base in Washington is also quite good. The number of people has grown to 150 people. The development of the two camps is very good. The only pity is that the virus research is not smooth, and it may take a few months. I've got it done, and I don't know if I can get that thing out before I leave.

After the disaster, 99.9% of the human beings died, and the survivors were extremely rare. Judging from the current situation, the survivors can be said to be one in ten thousand. At least within a few dozen kilometers near Atlanta, the original population of several million is now There are only a few hundred people left, and now they are basically gathered in the camp.

The sun goes down, and the sky gets dark faster in the winter. Soon everyone will go back to their own homes to cook. Now the camps are no longer organized together to create a large dining hall, but everyone will be able to do it on their own. If you want to cook and eat, Anna and Amy should also go back to the room to make dinner!

Suddenly there was a crunching sound of feet stepping on the snow, the sound was very low, and he seemed very cautious, probably because he was afraid of disturbing himself. Knowing that it should be Anna is right, she just likes to play like this.

She must be going to blindfold her eyes to guess who I am, and then she can barely guess who I am by scratching and scratching. In fact, it takes so long to guess who she is. ?

Well, maybe, she just likes to play like this. In fact, she likes to play like this, and it is no surprise that Anna was also held in Li Yunfei's arms after she staged a scene of recognizing people by touching her chest again.

"Dear, what were you thinking just now? Why did you think so deeply?" Although he asked Li Yunfei to go down for dinner, he really didn't want to go down so early after being held in his arms, because at this moment, he was only his own.

"I'm thinking of you. I really want to hold you like this every day." This is really what I said in my heart. It would be really good if I could hold you every day.

"I also hope that I can hold you on my back every day... My dear, why are you always so energetic?" It was just that she vaguely felt the active little brother after holding it for a long time, but Anna was very curious. Why is Li Yunfei always so interested? Doesn't it mean that men only have a fresh period for women for a few months, and after a few months, they are not so interested. At first, I thought that Li Yunfei was willing to do more with himself to maintain two or three It's only been a month, I didn't expect that now it seems that I am more and more obsessed with myself.

"The food you make is too nutritious, so I look energetic!"

"Dear, let's go back to eat, we will have something to eat after you are full!" Anna said something indifferently, and immediately broke away from Li Yunfei and hugged and went downstairs. Fortunately, she ran fast , otherwise, if you continue to tease, you will be on the spot in minutes to rectify the Fa.

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