Time Traveler

Chapter 38: Find some gold and save it first

Li Yunfei woke up naturally when the sky was slightly bright. Since he came to this world, he has gradually developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, because there is really nothing to entertain at night. Coupled with the fact that he has practiced that meditation every day recently, it has made his life extremely regular. This time-travel has indeed corrected his previous habit of staying up late and not sleeping every day.

The first thing to do after waking up is still to exercise the meditation technique. This thing has gradually become an instinctive habit. You can feel it. Maybe after a while, there will really be some changes, because the place between the eyebrows. Some shadows have appeared in the light spot.

Although it's very blurry and can't see clearly, but this makes me curious, I look forward to seeing something, and I don't know if it will really open a legendary eye or something like a see-through eye. If there are some magical abilities, it would be a great thing.

The white light spot between the eyebrows lasted for more than half an hour. In theory, it can last a lot of time now, but time can't be wasted like this. No matter what, in this dangerous world, you have to rely on physical fitness, strength and physical strength to save your life. is the key.

Therefore, it is enough to meditate once a day in the morning and evening, and half an hour is enough. If you have time, it is more cost-effective to wield a knife a lot to practice swordsmanship and strength and physique. At least before returning to the real world, this physical exercise cannot be relaxed for a moment, improve one's physique more, and have more hope of survival.

Running in circles along the outer dirt wall of the camp, while constantly waving a long knife, in order to master the technique of slashing and slashing during the movement, and destroying zombies during the movement is more efficient and safer than standing in place to destroy the enemy. , so that those zombies will never touch their possibility.


Everyone can take a day off during the week, so in today's camp, except for a few people who are on duty on duty, basically all of them are still sleeping soundly, including the members of the collection team that they led.

Li Yunfei didn't want to stay in the camp to rest, but planned to go to the city alone to get something. A few days ago, I was collecting things in Niancheng. I passed a very luxurious gold shop and found that there were a lot of gold jewelry in it. I even saw some gold bars, so I was going to get all those things back and talk about it.

If you can return to the real world alive in the future, and the things in the storage space can also be brought back, then you don't need much, you only need to bring back a ton or two of gold, and you can get it for tens of thousands of dollars. chic...

People in this world have lost interest in things like gold. Maybe for them, gold is not comparable to the same weight of food or the same weight of weapons and ammunition.

"Darryl open the door, I'm going to go shopping in the city." I got into a truck and asked Daryl, who was on duty, to open the door. In the current camp, there are simple earthen city walls everywhere that can pass through, and a gate is also installed at the entrance and exit. With an extra-large wooden door, two people will take turns on duty twenty hours a day, so the camp can be said to be quite safe.

"Did you give up rest again today?" As for Li Yunfei's diligence, not only Daryl was curious about Li Yunfei's diligence, but everyone else in the camp was also curious. Everyone felt it was strange. It stands to reason that no one would give up the rare opportunity to rest. Right.

"Hey, I can't help it. Maybe Anna and Amy will ask me for gifts again, and they can't send duplicates, so I can't do it without going around the city..." Li Yunfei explained by the way.

"You deserve to be annoyed by the two girls, who made you step on two boats!"

"What do you mean by stepping on two boats? We are just discussing Chinese cuisine with them. Without the exchange of experience with Anna Amy and the others, do you think you can eat pheasant, stewed mushrooms, and braised crucian carp? "

"Let's go, the ghosts believe that you didn't take the opportunity to get on them!"

Daryl wouldn't believe that the meat delivered to his mouth would not be eaten, and no one in the camp would believe it. Although he was a little uncomfortable with the fact that one person was dating two people at the same time, it was all voluntary, and no one said much. what.

Li Yunfei is basically too lazy to explain. In fact, although it is not true, there are still some things about hugging, hugging, touching, and scratching. Don't say how pure he is, at least in his imagination. Hundreds of times.

The reason why I keep a certain distance is that I am afraid that I will get better. If I accidentally have a child or something, what should I do? To stay in this world and be a father? So now it is limited to touching and grasping, and chatting about Chinese food and so on.

When it comes to food, these foreigners have to spoil the food. The crucian carp, grass carp, etc. fell on the ground, and they can't do it at all. I knew a few kinds of food and told Anna and the others that they tried to make it. Then the two of them often came over to discuss Chinese food with themselves. In fact, they were really discussing how to cook more often.


The feeling of going out alone is completely different. When five people come out together, you need to be careful, so as not to expose the storage space. When you are alone, the efficiency of sweeping things is simply too high. Li Yunfei is going to spend some more days, wait for that. After a few of them had improved their experience in dealing with zombies, let them go in a team, one by one, to collect supplies.

The truck stopped in front of a large gold store. From the floor-to-ceiling display window, you could see the situation inside. There were more than a dozen zombies moving. After hearing the sound of the car, they all came to the window and waited in line. .

Put on the protective suit, took out the knife, checked the surroundings, and there were no zombies around, so he didn't have too many worries, jumped out of the car, and pried open the electric door.

It took just over a minute to clean up more than a dozen zombies in the hall, and I was not in a hurry to smash the glass to get the gold chain, but was looking for the security room of a large gold shop. Generally speaking, I can get a lot of Weapons, first collect weapons and then collect other things, it has become a habit, for now, weapons and ammunition are more important than gold.

However, it was a little surprising that in the security duty room in the corner, no weapons were found~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But I got some ammunition. Anyway, I don't dislike any ammunition.

I searched the manager's room, the reception room, and the VIP room, but found two very small and exquisite pistols. It seemed that they were not used for self-defense, but for playing because they were small and impractical. After searching for a long time and finding no other weapons, he returned to the hall and began to pry the cabinet to get the gold.

The counters were pried open one by one, and there was no need to think about the tons of gold. Although this is a large gold store, all the accessories and gold bars on the counter add up to more than 100 kilograms. Of course, taking this thing back, for a poor man like him, it becomes a millionaire in seconds, because the value of the gold itself is at least 25 million or more.

Of course, this is a large jewelry gold store, and it is impossible to simply sell gold. There are also some valuables, such as gemstone necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc., which are also collected.

Although these things are said to be very troublesome to sell, they don’t take up much space, so they can be used as collections. Maybe it’s a good idea to give them as gifts. In fact, the real value of these jewelry may be much higher than that of gold. For example, some are regarded as treasures of the town store, and the price of gemstone necklaces is as high as more than one million US dollars.

With these gold guarantees, in the future, there is no need to specialize in finding gold. There is enough gold to spend on yourself, and for those gems, in fact, you can't spend that much money at all.

If you can go back to these gold gems, you can completely make yourself a rich man. If you can't go back, then everything is just a cloud. Of course, if you see the gold you can get at your fingertips, you will still put it away. Anyway, this thing doesn't take up much storage. space.


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