Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 797: Falling out on the spot

"The Ice Soul Sword is mine!"

Gou Hao approached the Ice Soul Sword, and the expression on his face became ecstatic. He reached out and grabbed the Ice Soul Sword.

At this moment, a big hand that was as pale as withered suddenly grabbed the hilt of the Ice Soul Sword and pulled the Ice Soul Sword up from the ground.

Then, a creepy aura shrouded Gouhao's head.

The hair all over Gou Hao's body suddenly stood up. At this critical moment, the strength of his Reincarnation Realm genius was fully revealed, and he actually stepped back five or six steps at this moment.

And just as he retreated, a sword light also fell from the sky and struck hard at the position where he was just now.

Gou Hao broke into a cold sweat and looked up with lingering fear. He saw that the golden-haired evil corpse was actually holding the ice sword in his hand. He was looking at him sinisterly with his eyes without any emotion. His eyes were deep. There was a fierce light that was not human.

Gou Hao secretly screamed, "Oh no!"

"Senior Rakshasa, help me!"

Gou Hao shouted while running towards the Rakshasa Poison King.

At this time, not only the Rakshasa Poison King's expression changed drastically, but Ruan Yanran, the old man, and Su Chen on the side also cursed secretly in their hearts.

It's okay for Gouhao to seek death himself, but don't drag others on his back!

But it was too late to scold Gou Hao at this moment, because the golden-haired evil corpse had already rushed over.

"Back to the door!"

The old guard beside Ruan Yanran shouted lowly.

Several people immediately retreated to the doorway of the carved door.

Su Chen nodded secretly, this place can be attacked or defended, it is indeed good.

"Resist together!"

The old guard shouted lowly, and immediately took action together with Ruan Yanran.

The Rakshasa Poison King and Gou Hao also came to their senses and started attacking from the side.

The golden-haired evil corpse was besieged by four people, and could only swing wildly with the Ice Soul Sword. The swordsmanship seemed to have no rules at all, just hacking and slashing randomly.

Obviously, this golden-haired evil corpse has no mind, let alone any swordsmanship.

But even so, the strength of the golden-haired evil corpse's true energy was far greater than that of the four of them. Even if it was used randomly, its combat power was extremely terrifying, making the four of them overwhelmed and unable to resist.


The golden-haired evil corpse struck with a sword, and the powerful real energy was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, hitting Gou Hao and the old guard.

The two of them didn't even have time to hum. They were knocked out at the same time and hit the door frames on both sides. Blood spurted from their mouths. Their injuries were miserable.

Just a face-to-face confrontation with the golden-haired evil corpse, the two of them had already suffered serious injuries.

It has to be said that the strength of this golden-haired evil corpse is really too powerful.

Gou Hao and the old guard were injured at the same time. They did not dare to get close to the golden-haired evil corpse anymore. While taking the elixir to restore the injury and true energy, they walked around the golden-haired evil corpse and attacked from a distance.

The golden-haired evil corpse suddenly lost its target. In addition, Rakshasa Poison King, Ruan Yanran and Su Chen were all alchemists, and they would not attack the golden-haired evil corpse at close range. They also continued to wander and attack, which made it even more difficult. The golden-haired evil corpse was overwhelmed and was led around by the five people. It could only keep bumping into the tomb.

Boom, boom, boom, several pillars in the tomb were broken by the golden-haired evil corpse. Half of the entire tomb collapsed, and the walls were in a mess, full of traces of collisions.

After a while, the golden-haired evil corpse became exhausted, and the aura on his body became dim, far from being as strong as it was at the beginning.

To put it bluntly, although the strength of this golden-haired evil corpse is strong, its spiritual intelligence is still too low after all.

"The Ice Soul Sword is mine!"

Gou Hao's eyes were filled with sparkle. Taking advantage of the moment when the golden-haired evil corpse fell, his figure swooped towards the golden-haired evil corpse like an arrow, snatched the ice soul sword from its hand and held it in his hand.

Afterwards, the first thing Gou Hao did when he got the Ice Soul Sword was to insert the Ice Soul Sword directly into the chest of the old guard at the side.


The old guard was caught off guard and was pierced through the heart with a sword. His eyes only had time to show shock before he died on the spot.

"Uncle Li!"

Ruan Yanran exclaimed, and watched the old guard fall down in front of her in pain.

"Gou Hao, do you dare to kill members of my Ruan family?"

Ruan Yanran asked in disbelief. In her opinion, Gou Hao was only competing with her for treasures, but Gou Hao dared to kill people. This was something Ruan Yanran never expected.

Gou Hao smiled playfully: "If I don't kill you, will you still be left to compete with me for the treasure?"

"Aren't you afraid that my Ruan family and the Gou family will fall out?"

Ruan Yanran asked.

"Sister, why are you wasting your time here? Why don't you run away quickly?" Su Chen was also speechless. Ruan Yanran was still too young after all, and she was still questioning Gou Hao here.

You know, since Gou Hao dares to take action, he must not

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