Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 794 Evil Bone Relics

"I can let you go, but stay away from me. If you mess around again, don't blame me for being rude."

Su Chen said calmly that although he was angry at Ruan Yanran's previous threats, he also knew in his heart that she was not the one who attacked him, and she did not know about it.

What's more, Su Chen didn't intend to take advantage of a woman who was recovering from her injuries.

At that moment, Su Chen pushed Ruan Yanran to the side hard, and then he moved his body. In just one breath, his figure flashed into a passage on the side of the hall and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I will definitely get this debt back!"

Ruan Yanran's beautiful eyes were fixed on Su Chen's leaving back, and the anger in her eyes was burning until Su Chen's back completely disappeared, and then it gradually calmed down.

Afterwards, Ruan Yanran took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged again, and began to exercise to heal her injuries.

On Su Chen's side, he randomly chose a passage to enter. After entering the passage, he found that the passage was very narrow and could only accommodate one person barely walking.

As he walked forward, he used all his soul power to be on guard against whether the white-haired evil corpse that Ruan Yanran had just dealt with would suddenly jump out. You know, that kind of white-haired evil corpse is equivalent to the strength of a strong person in the Reincarnation Realm.

Moreover, in addition to the white-haired evil corpse, there are at least three strong men in the Reincarnation Realm in this palace. Apart from this, I don't know if there are anyone else who came in before.

Therefore, Su Chen always maintained a high degree of vigilance when moving forward.

However, no enemies appeared all the way down this passage.

As he walked, he encountered several forked roads. Su Chen chose one randomly based on his intuition. After walking for a while, he encountered several forked roads.

He found that the palace was like a huge maze. When he walked to the back, even he couldn't remember the way he came.

In this way, after walking around for a long time, Su Chen found a small, dilapidated room.

This small room is really small and inconspicuous. Half of the roof and walls inside have collapsed, and there are broken bricks and stones everywhere.

It seems that no one has been here before.

Su Chen sacrificed the Bloody Demonic Sword to clean up the collapsed area.

As he continued to clean up, he gradually discovered that something seemed to be buried in the collapsed pile of rocks.

Su Chen slowed down his movements and carefully cleared the stones one by one. After a while, he found a withered hand in the pile of stones.

Next, not only the hands, arms, body, head, limbs... also appeared one after another.

There was actually a whole dried corpse buried in this pile of rocks!

The bones had obviously been buried for many years, exuding an aura of eternity. But even so, the skin and flesh on the bones were intact and not rotten, just completely dried.

Su Chen knew that this meant that the owner of this corpse was at least in the Reincarnation Realm during his lifetime. Only those who are strong in the Reincarnation Realm can keep their flesh and blood incorruptible after death.

I just don’t know whether this corpse is from the people in this ruined palace or a later explorer.

This is no longer known.

"It's better to bury you."

Su Chen didn't want to see the bones exposed in broad daylight, so he planned to dig a hole and put the bones in the ground.

However, just as he was moving the corpse, something suddenly fell out from the chest of the corpse.

Su Chen picked it up and saw that it was a piece of white bone, as smooth as jade, without any flaws. It's more like an ornament than a bone.

"Evil bone relics?"

Su Chen was a little surprised, this evil bone relic was a rare thing.

The bones of a very small number of powerful people are exposed to evil spirits. Over time, these evil bone relics will form. It is equivalent to concentrating all the martial arts essence in the bones of that strong man into a small relic.

If other warriors obtain this evil bone relic and absorb the essence of martial arts in it, they can greatly improve their cultivation level in a very short period of time. This effect is similar to the Lingtai relic that Su Chen obtained from the cave ruins in Anyang County.

However, the essence of martial arts gathered in this evil bone relic is much richer than that of the Lingtai relic.

"You're lucky. Not long after entering the palace, I found such a good thing."

Su Chen was also quite excited. This evil bone relic was exactly what he needed now.

If this evil bone relic falls into the hands of those powerful people in the Reincarnation Realm, the effect will be average.

"Senior, if I get a relic from you and help you bury yourself in peace, we can be considered even."

Su Chen bowed to the corpse, dug a hole with the Blood Demon Sword, and buried the corpse in it.

Afterwards, Su Chen called out the Little Heavenly Fire from the Mustard Seed Space and told it to guard the door of the small room. Then he sat cross-legged and held the evil bone relic in his hand, preparing to immediately absorb the essence of martial arts in the evil bone relic.

At the same time, the old man who followed Ruan Yanran also returned to the main hall where Ruan Yanran was.

"Miss, are you okay?"

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