Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 789 Ruined City

He looked around and saw that there was mist under the cliff, but he could still vaguely see clearly that there was a large rift valley under the cliff. Judging from the freshness of the crack, it was obvious that it had just opened not long ago.

And in this Great Rift Valley, there is a huge city ruins, with no end visible at a glance.

Even Su Chen couldn't help but gasp. This is incredible. The Dark Night Mountains actually hide such a city ruins. And it seems that it should have been buried underground and only reappeared not long ago. .

This can explain why evil energy suddenly appeared in the Black Night Mountains. It turns out that the source of death energy is here.

The entire city is in ruins, windy and lifeless, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

However, it is not like other places in the Black Night Mountains where there are many monsters contaminated with death. Instead, it is extremely quiet. Except for the whistling wind, there is no sound at all. It is as if there are no living things. Feeling creepy.

Su Chen looked at the buildings in the ruins and found that most of these buildings had collapsed, and the walls around the city had also collapsed. The entire city was completely in ruins, without any life.

"This city should be a city many years ago..."

"Later, for some unknown reason, a war or disaster occurred, and the entire city was destroyed. Then it was buried for a long time without seeing the light of day, and grievances accumulated, which is why such a strong evil atmosphere was formed."

Su Chen quickly made a guess in his heart.

He looked around, but there was no sign of Ruan Yanran.


A figure suddenly appeared from behind a broken wall and rushed towards Su Chen.

This figure looks a bit like a human being, but it has long gray hair on its body and a strange red light in its eyes. It is intertwined with numbness, bloodthirsty and madness, without any human emotions.

"This is an evil corpse..."

Su Chen recognized this figure at a glance.

Some corpses will transform into corpses under the influence of evil spirits for a long time. These are evil corpses. They do not rot, do not need to eat, live by devouring evil spirits, and their only instinct is to kill.

As soon as he saw this evil corpse, Su Chen understood in his heart that the people who used ropes to climb down the cliff must have been torn apart by the evil corpse that emerged just as they reached the bottom of the cliff.

Evil corpses are also divided into levels, with different strengths. This kind of evil corpse with long gray hair has a strength equivalent to that of a human being at the spiritual stage.

For Su Chen, he could basically handle this level of evil corpses.


The Blood Demonic Sword in Su Chen's hand pierced the evil corpse's head fiercely.

The evil corpse fell down, and a trace of milky white evil essence emerged from the corpse, which was absorbed by Su Chen.

After absorbing the evil essence of this evil corpse, Su Chen clearly felt that his soul power level had increased.

The evil essence of this evil corpse is not comparable to those evil beasts outside. The evil essence of one evil corpse is at least worth dozens of evil beasts.

Su Chen is not like other alchemists. Others may need to worry about the backlash of so much evil essence entering their bodies.

But for Su Chen, this is not a problem at all. Soul power is his best field. If his method of controlling soul power cannot cure even this bit of evil essence, then his reputation as the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life will be lost. It's all in vain.

It can be said that for Su Chen now, as long as there are enough evil corpses for him, he can always absorb the evil essence in them to increase his soul power without worrying about any side effects.

At that moment, Su Chen locked a direction and walked towards the ruined city.

The further you go, the thicker the evil atmosphere becomes, the fog becomes foggy, and the visibility is extremely low.

Su Chen simply used his soul power to replace his eyesight, so that he could see more clearly.

Su Chen simply released Xiao Huo and Lu'er from the Mustard Seed Space. These two guys can also swallow the essence of evil spirits to improve themselves. The evil corpses here are also the nourishment they seek.

At that moment, the three of them started looking for evil corpses in this area of ​​ruins and started hunting them to their heart's content.

Su Chen may not be very efficient on his own, but the efficiency of the three of them together is very terrifying, especially Xiao Huo and Lu'er. One of them can burn a bunch of evil corpses to death with one breath of fire, and the other can spit out poisonous insect venom. Just corrode an evil corpse.

Although these evil corpses are not very powerful gray-haired evil corpses, they are more numerous. The number of evil essences stacked together is also a considerable number.

Moreover, there were a few evil zombies among them, which were relatively powerful among the gray-haired evil zombies, and it really took the three of them a lot of effort to subdue them.

Of course, the evil essence contained in these evil corpses is much richer than that of ordinary evil corpses.

Over the course of a day and night, Su Chen and the three of them cleared away all the evil corpses in the nearby ruins.

The soul power of the three has also increased a lot.

What particularly surprised Su Chen was that not only did his soul power increase, but his cultivation level was also in the fight with the evil corpse. From the third level of the Spirit Platform Realm,

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