Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 784 Gambling

"Of course!"

Zhang Lin opened his eyes as big as copper bells, as if he was greatly offended, "Since you know black gold steel, don't you know how heavy it would be to make such a big hammer with black gold steel?"

"I'm not bragging. Apart from me, there are definitely no more than three people in the Lingtai realm in Duyang City who can carry this hammer. As for you, you are definitely not among them!"

Zhang Lin said, snorting disdainfully.

"How about we make a bet?"

Su Chen said with great interest, "If I can carry this sledgehammer, you can be my follower for a year, what do you think?"

"Tch, just bet, am I afraid of you?"

Zhang Lin snorted, "If you can't carry this sledgehammer, then call me Grandpa Zhang Lin three times! The one who doesn't bark is a puppy!"


Su Chen looked at Zhang Lin who looked like a fighting cock and couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Yuan looked at it from the side and shook his head. His second brother was really like a child. Su Chen might have just said it casually, but in the end he took it seriously.

However, seeing that Su Chen didn't say anything, Zhang Yuan didn't say anything to stop his second brother.

Most importantly, he was also curious about what would happen if Su Chen offered to try the sledgehammer.

However, no matter how he thought about it, Zhang Yuan felt that it was impossible for Su Chen to be able to carry this sledgehammer. He might just want to try this sledgehammer out of curiosity.


Zhang Lin pointed provocatively at the black gold steel sledgehammer leaning against the corner and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen casually moved his muscles a few times, walked up, and looked at the black gold steel sledgehammer with a look of eagerness in his eyes.

Then, Su Chen stretched out his hands and grasped the handle of the black-gold steel sledgehammer.

He first used only 60 to 70% of his strength to lift it up, but the sledgehammer didn't move at all.

Zhang Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "What am I talking about? If you want to use this sledgehammer, you are simply asking for humiliation."

Su Chen ignored Zhang Lin. Although he didn't lift it just now, he could roughly feel the weight of the sledgehammer.

With his current pure physical strength, it is indeed difficult to lift this sledgehammer.

However, Su Chen does not underestimate himself. Now he is only at the third level of the Lingtai realm. He is still far from Zhang Lin's cultivation level. Even if he cannot lift it, it is normal.

"If I successfully cultivate the sixth version of the Nine Transformations of Diamond Power, I should be able to lift this sledgehammer with pure physical strength."

Su Chen thought to himself.

He had finally achieved his goal and tested the limits of his pure physical strength.

But at the moment, Su Chen didn't forget that he and Zhang Lin had made a bet, and he didn't like to call others grandpa.

Although Su Chenguang was unable to lift the sledgehammer with his pure physical strength, he had other methods.

As long as his demon emperor arm is injected with true energy, it can explode with extremely abnormal power, superimposed on his original strength.

In other words, as long as Su Chen uses the Demon Emperor's arm, his own strength will be superimposed with the strength of the Demon Emperor's arm, and he should be able to try to lift the sledgehammer.

"How about it? You know how powerful my sledgehammer is, why don't you call me master..."

Halfway through Zhang Lin's words, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was extremely surprised to see Su Chen using his hands again to lift the sledgehammer easily.

"How can it be?"

Zhang Lin opened his mouth in disbelief and watched as Su Chen imitated what he had done just now and put the sledgehammer on his shoulder.

After a while, Su Chen put the sledgehammer back on the ground. As soon as the heavy sledgehammer touched the ground, it immediately smashed a crack into the smooth bluestone floor.

Zhang Lin stepped forward with an unbelievable look on his face, picked up the sledgehammer with all his strength, and weighed it. Yes, it was his own hammer, and it had not become lighter.

But why was he picked up by Su Chen?


Zhang Yuan on the side also took a breath of air in disbelief. He knew very well about Zhang Lin's black-gold steel sledgehammer. Even many strong men of the older generation of the Zhang family could not lift this hammer. Only Zhang Lin, who specializes in physical training, can lift it.

But now, Su Chen, as a third-level warrior in the Lingtai realm, can actually carry this sledgehammer.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Yuan wouldn't believe it at all.

The entire elixir shop was silent at this moment, and everyone was shocked.

If we say that Su Chen was just an alchemy genius in their eyes before, although he was worthy of respect, it was not enough to make them fear him.

But at this moment, in their eyes, Su Chen had become mysterious and had an aura that was not to be underestimated.

He is only sixteen or seventeen years old and has such a talent. How will his future be limitless?

"I'll be a good boy...

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