Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 779: Let you be a sensible person

"Otherwise, if you can't produce evidence, I will go to the streets tomorrow and tell everyone that the Zhang family, in order to maliciously lower prices, slandered the medicinal materials in the hands of individual warriors as fake."

The middle-aged man said with a sneer.

Zhang Yuan ignored him and directly brought Wuyinzhi in front of Su Chen.

"Master Su, look at this Kirigakurezhi, is there really something wrong with it?"

Zhang Yuanke asked politely.

Su Chen took the Wuyinzhi, smiled faintly, looked at the middle-aged man, and said: "Today, for the sake of the Zhang family leader, I will let you be a wise man and let you know where your flaws are. ”

The middle-aged man was glanced at by Su Chen, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of guilt, but he quickly returned to normal and sneered: "I'm all ears!"

Su Chen held the Wuyinzhi in his hand, faced the many guests present, and said, "Everyone, when you look at this Wuyinzhi, you will feel that it is very full of spiritual power. It must be a treasure, right?"

Everyone nodded one after another. This Kirigakure mushroom really gave them such a feeling, so they did not doubt this Kirigakure mushroom at first.

Su Chen continued: "But in fact, you should also know that what we warriors see with the naked eye may not be real. Although his deception is clever, it still cannot hide it from the real people who know how to do it."

As he said that, Su Chen raised the Wuyinzhi to show everyone: "The real Wuyinzhi that has reached a thousand years of age should be green in color, and even the roots are as green as jade. And his plant Although the aura emitted by Kirigakure Shiba has been perfectly fake and is no different from the real aura emitted by Millennium Kirigakure Shiba, there is a big flaw in its color. "

"It is conceivable that the person who committed the fraud has never seen the real Millennium Kirigakure. They take it for granted that the color of the Millennium Kirigakure is the same as the color of the century-old Kirigakure. Therefore, this Kirigakure He didn’t mess with the color of the mushroom. Take a closer look at the roots of this Mist Hidden Mushroom. What color are they?”

Everyone looked closely and saw that the roots of Wuyinzhi in Su Chen's hand were white.

The middle-aged man lost his composure and said loudly: "You are talking nonsense. Why do you say green is green? What evidence do you have? If there is no evidence, then you are slandering!"

King Yi Dan on the side also had a face as deep as water, and said in a deep voice: "Master Su, since you said so, Yi can't help but say a few words. Have you seen the thousand-year-old Wuyinzhi with your own eyes? If you haven't I’ve seen it with my own eyes, why do you say that the roots of Millennium Kirigakurezhi are green?”

Su Chen said calmly: "I am not as ignorant as you, so I have seen it with my own eyes. But you, who have never seen the real Thousand-Year-Old Mist Hidden Zhi, dare to identify the Thousand-Year-Old Mist Hidden Zhizhi, which is really laughable."

King Yi Dan was speechless for a moment.

Su Chen said calmly: "Look at the leaves of this Kirigakurezhi. For a truly thousand-year-old Kirigakure, the texture of the leaves should be like a dragon and a snake swimming around, which is very impressive. And this Kirigakure, The texture of the leaves is just formed, and it is far from the image of a dragon or a snake swimming around! "

"Then let's look at the texture on the main stem of this Kirigakure mushroom..."

"Actually, few people understand that the texture on the main stem of the Kirigakure mushroom represents the year of the Kirigakure mushroom, just like annual rings, which appear every thirty years."

"If it's a thousand-year-old Kirigakure mushroom, it should have at least thirty textures. And look at this Kirigakure mushroom. How many textures does it have?"

When everyone heard Su Chen talking freely, they were skeptical at first, but gradually they were shocked.

I didn’t expect that the appearance of this Millennium Kirigakure Zhizhi is so particular. Could it be that this Millennium Kirigakure Zhizhi is real or fake?

And when they looked carefully at the main stem of the Mist Hidden Mushroom in Su Chen's hand, they suddenly discovered that the main stem of the Mist Hidden Mushroom only had six textures.

As for the middle-aged man, at this moment, his expression finally changed, and there seemed to be beads of sweat on his forehead, and he was not as calm as before.

"What you said is just your one-sided statement."

At this moment, King Yi Dan suddenly started talking, "The so-called root color, the so-called leaf texture, the so-called main stem growth rings... those are all your words. In fact, the meanings of those colors and textures represent , maybe it’s not what you said.”

"Unless you come up with really strong evidence, I insist that this is a Millennium Kirigakure Shiba."

King Yi Dan's tone was clearly in conflict with Su Chen.

"You want evidence, right?"

Su Chen glanced at King Yi Dan meaningfully, "Since King Yi Dan you want evidence, it's okay, I will explain to you how this Wuyinzhi faked it."

"This fraudster thinks that his counterfeiting methods are very clever, but in fact, it is nothing more than a special potion. After soaking Kirigakurezhi in it, it can temporarily urge all the spiritual energy in Kirigakure to emanate from the surface, causing An illusion of extremely rich spiritual energy. Using this method, even two-hundred-year-old Kirigakure Shiba can look like a thousand-year-old Kirigakure Shiba.”

"But in fact, this is just an illusion. In fact, all the spiritual energy in Kirigakure Shiba has been pushed to the surface. Kirigakure Shiba itself has become an empty shell and is worthless."

"in other words

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