Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 772 Dragon Scale Ginseng

Su Shi'an is an example. His disappointment in Su Jingyun's "partiality" and his jealousy of Su Shicheng eventually turned into hatred, causing Su Shi'an, who could have done something great, to end up where he is now.

Therefore, on the premise of getting rid of Su Shi'an, Su Chen finally chose to forgive Su Jingyun.

"All of us owe Su Chen an apology..."

The eldest elder of the Su family also said with mixed feelings.

The young man who was once looked down upon and ignored by them finally came back with glory and became the great benefactor who saved the entire Su family.

If Su Chen hadn't cured Su Jingyun's illness, the Su family would have been occupied by Su Shi'an, and all of their old subordinates who were loyal to Su Jingyun would have died.

At this moment, in their hearts, in addition to guilt, there is also heartfelt joy!

With a promising junior like Su Chen, the Su family's strength will definitely reach a higher level in the future.

"Pass my order to make the news of Chen'er's return to the public immediately. I want everyone in Duyang City to know that our Su family has such a proud junior like Chen'er, and let everyone know that King Chen Dan is Chen'er. !”

Su Jingyun immediately announced that he was looking forward to what the other people in Duyang City would look like when they knew Su Chen's identity.

Su Jingyun is really proud to have such an outstanding grandson.

The other Su family elders present also looked excited. Originally, Su Shi'an's conspiracy to oppose the Su family should have been a bad thing, but now this bad thing has turned into a good thing. The Su family has experienced this hardship, and the cohesion will be greatly improved. Enhance.

"Master, what should we do with the clan members who once followed Su Shi'an?"

The great elder asked.

Su Jingyun looked solemn: "Those who always follow Su Shi'an and refuse to repent until death will be killed without mercy!"

"As for those who voluntarily quit Su Shi'an's camp after I spoke, let them serve their crimes and make meritorious deeds. Depending on their performance in the next period of time, we will decide whether to punish them."

Su Jingyun knew that those people were largely coerced by Su Shi'an and had no choice but to side with Su Shi'an.

In addition, they finally withdrew from Su Shi'an's camp, so it can be said that their crime was worthy of death. Asking them to make meritorious deeds is also to observe whether they sincerely repent.

After all, these are clansmen with the blood of the Su family flowing in their blood. Su Jingyun would not want to take their lives if it was not a last resort.

"In the future, we will strengthen our contacts with the Zhang family. As for the other two families, we will keep in contact with each other for everything."

Su Jingyun issued another order.

"In addition, I hereby announce that I will hand over the position of heir to the family head to Shi Cheng. After my death, Shi Cheng will be the head of the family!"

Su Jingyun obviously learned the hard way because he had not decided on the successor to the family head before, which was why Su Shi'an caused the chaos.

In addition, now that the only biological son has returned, the position of heir to the family head has naturally been settled. If it is not passed to Su Shicheng, who else can it be passed to?

"Shicheng, hurry up and take your wife back to your home. She has worked so hard to take care of you for so many years, and I have wronged her."

Su Jingyun said to Su Shicheng.

"Yes, father."

Su Shicheng nodded with emotion. Xu Wei's background was not bad, but she followed him over the years, living in a dilapidated house, wearing commoner clothes and hairpins, and suffered a lot of hardships and grievances.

Now, the clouds are finally clearing and the moon is clear. After Xu Wei returns to the Su family, she will also be the future mistress. If nothing else, she will definitely have a glorious life.

Su Chen felt that his mother was indifferent by nature, and the position of being the matron of the house might not be attractive to her. Like now, having a small yard of her own and being able to see her husband and son every day is already a dream life for Xu Wei.

However, if Su Shicheng can resolve the feud with Su Jingyun and return to the Su family, Xu Wei will definitely be happy for her husband.

The Su family's affairs quickly spread like wildfire and spread throughout the streets and alleys of Duyang City.

King Chen Dan who treated Mr. Su Jingyun turned out to be Mr. Su Jingyun’s biological grandson, Su Shicheng’s son Su Chen!

This explosive news caused a sensation throughout Duyang City.

Regarding Su Chen, many people don't even know that this person exists, because Su Shicheng was kicked out of the Su family many years ago, and no one knows about Su Shicheng's son.

But from now on, no one in Duyang City will know that Mr. Su Jingyun has an outstanding grandson!

The next day, Su Shicheng and Xu Wei officially returned to the Su family.

Su Chen naturally moved to the Su family with his friends.

Su Chen's treatment in the Su family now is completely different from a few years ago. A few years ago, he lived in the most remote courtyard of the Su family, with no servants around him, and had to rely on his own efforts for everything.

But now, he lives in the most spacious courtyard of the Su family and enjoys the best treatment.

People in the family have also grown up

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