Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 755: Serious illness

Su Xinyu obviously didn't expect to be blocked by Su Shi'an here.

After all, she was a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She had little experience in dealing with this kind of situation, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, Su Chen's voice was heard faintly: "So this is the attitude your mansion has towards Alchemy King who comes to treat the family leader? That's all, in that case, I'll just leave."

With that said, Su Chen turned around and made a gesture to walk out.

He Peng was smart and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's not easy for Prince Dan to come to the house for treatment, but he is blocked from entering. What's the point of this?"

He Peng's voice alarmed many people, and more people immediately walked out of Su Jingyun's yard, all of them senior members of the Su family.

"Old He, what are you doing? You are yelling outside. If you disturb the head of the family, what crime do you deserve?" An elder from the Su family frowned and asked He Peng.

He Peng shouted: "The Dan King that Miss Xinyu finally invited to treat the family head, but Uncle Shi'an blocked him from entering. I really don't understand the reason for this."

Su Shi'an didn't expect that He Peng would make things worse. At this moment, facing the puzzled looks of several Su family elders, Su Shi'an was a little worried. He Peng's words seemed to be talking about him. Su Shi'an didn't want the head of the family to recover, so he deliberately stumbled.

At the moment, Su Shi'an said calmly: "When did I stop her from entering? I just questioned the alchemy king she brought. Is this wrong? After all, the health of the family owner is of great importance and cannot be ignored!"


Several elders from the Su family finally understood.

At that moment, an elder with white beard and hair looked at Su Chen and said tentatively: "I didn't expect that this Alchemy King is so young. I have never heard of such a young Alchemy King before. Not only Shi'an was confused, but even I I’m also doubtful. If it’s convenient, how about asking Lord Dan to show his identity?”


Su Chen deliberately snorted, and then took out the Alchemy King's identity token from the space ring, and directly injected the true essence into it to match the token.


The Alchemy King Token emitted a faint light, proving that the token indeed belonged to Su Chen himself.

The face of the elder with white beard and hair changed slightly. He quickly stepped forward and took the identity token from Su Chen's hand. After reading the name on the token, he clasped his fists and said, "It turns out to be King Chen Dan. There were so many people just now." Offended."

"Where is the patient!"

Su Chen said in an impatient tone.

"King Chen Dan, please come this way."

The elder with white beard and hair quickly made a gesture of invitation, his attitude seemed very kind.

There is no way, there are too few high-level alchemists, just like rare animals, so no matter where the Alchemy King goes, he is surrounded by stars.

Not to mention that someone like Su Chen who had obtained the title of Alchemy King at such a young age would have a bright future. Even if the family head's condition cannot be cured, being able to make friends with such a person would be extremely beneficial to the Su family.

Su Shi'an's eyes followed Su Chen's back, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes, and he murmured to himself: "King Dan Chen? Such a young King Dan?"

The confidant next to Su Shi'an also quickly whispered: "Master, I think this so-called King Chen Dan is just a fake. If he wants to see it, let them show it to the family master. I'm sorry he can't see the reason. !”

Su Shi'an said calmly: "That's natural. Even the Dan King of the Nine Star Dan Society is helpless. What can a wild man do?"

But despite saying this, Su Shi'an couldn't be 100% assured, so he still said to his confidant: "Follow me and take a look."

The confidants understood, nodded, and followed in the direction of Su Chen and the others.

"King Chen Dan, please come this way."

The white-haired elder led Su Chen and the three of them to a courtyard in the garden. With a gentle push, the courtyard door was pushed open.

Su Chen also had an impression of this white-haired elder. This white-haired elder was the eldest elder of the Su family. In his impression, except for being a bit pedantic, he had no major problems in other aspects.

The group of people walked into the courtyard and went straight into one of the main rooms.

As soon as he came in, Su Chen smelled a strong medicinal smell, mixed with various herbal scents.

Looking around, I saw that the main room was very large, divided into two rooms, inside and outside. On the big bed in the back room, an old man with a withered face was lying on it with his eyes closed. On the chairs next to the big bed, there were several senior members of the Su family sitting there, all with sad faces.

When they heard someone coming in, they all looked over and were not surprised to see it was the Great Elder and Su Xinyu.

But then, their eyes fell on Su Chen.

"What is this?" an elder asked with a frown.

The great elder introduced: "This is King Chen Dan, who is here to treat the family master."

"Alchemy King? Such a young Alchemy King?"

Several elders had suspicious looks in their eyes, but out of respect for the great elder, they didn't say anything.

"Please, King Chen Dan."

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