Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 749: Family Reunion

Among them, Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong asked the most enthusiastically. They were very curious about what kind of experiences Su Chen had when he was a child.

Su Chen gave a few more instructions, asking everyone to take care of Uncle Song, and then exited the Mustard Seed space.

"Master Chen, where are we going?" Jian Qi asked when he saw Su Chen coming out.

"Duyang City!" Su Chen only said three words.

Rescued Uncle Song, which settled his worries.

Next, it was time to return to the Su family in Duyang City to meet his parents.

Su Chen and Jian Qi returned to the nearest city, hired a carriage, and drove towards the Yunyuan Empire.

Duyang City is located within the Yunyuan Empire, surrounded by mountains and dense forests. If you are an ordinary person, once you approach Duyang City, you will definitely get lost in the deep mountains and forests and be unable to get out.

Only those who are really familiar with Duyang City can find the way into Duyang City.

The four major hidden families of the Yunyuan Empire all live here.


Su Chen looked at the lush jungle in front of him and took a deep breath. Many memories from his childhood came to mind.

For this life, the memory of Duyang City is only the memory of a few years ago. But in fact, for the reborn Su Chen, hundreds of years have passed since those events!

However, even though such a long time had passed, Su Chen remembered the road to Duyang City very clearly.

At that moment, Su Chen spread his body skills and jumped into the jungle, followed closely by Jian Qi.

It only took half a day for the two of them to cross the jungle and arrive at the gate of Duyang City.

The gate of Duyang City was empty, and there was not a single guard, because anyone who could walk through the jungle without getting lost had proven to be very familiar with Duyang City.

Entering the gate of Duyang City, Su Chen took the familiar route and went straight to a small courtyard in the city with Jian Qi.

This small courtyard does not look like the mansion of a wealthy family, but just a few ordinary houses.

Su Chen pushed the door open and called out: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

"Xiao Chen?"

From a bungalow in the yard, a plainly dressed woman in a Jingchai sarong walked out. A pair of extremely beautiful eyes looked at Su Chen in disbelief, surprised and delighted.


Su Chen immediately walked over quickly and took the woman's hands.

"Xiao Chen, aren't you dreaming? Are you really back?" The woman's eyes were slightly moist, and her long, white hands held Su Chen's hand hard, as if she was afraid that Su Chen would disappear in the blink of an eye.


The door of the bungalow was pushed open again, and a tall and imposing man came out. When he saw Su Chen, he was stunned on the spot.


Su Chen shouted at the man.

"Chen'er is back, okay, okay."

The man was obviously not good at words, he just kept nodding his head, but the joy in his eyes was obvious.

This man and woman were Su Chen's father, Su Shicheng, and his mother, Xu Wei.

Looking at the two of them, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a little sore in his nose. On the surface, he had only not seen his parents for four years, but in fact, counting from his previous life, he had not seen his parents for hundreds of years.

Now, his parents were standing in front of him alive, his father's figure was still majestic, and his mother was still very young and beautiful. This feeling made Su Chen almost think that he was dreaming.

He pinched himself hard and woke up. This was not a dream. He already had a new life.

"Xiaochen, my child..."

Xu Wei looked at her son whom she had not seen for four years. Her tears were like a faucet that had been turned on. She hugged Su Chen and refused to let go.

Jian Qi, on the other hand, showed a hint of surprise. Su Chen's parents, whether they lived or dressed, were completely different from what he had imagined. They did not look like members of a high-ranking, reclusive family at all.

However, Jian Qi was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. He just stood aside quietly holding his sword.

Xu Wei took Su Chen's hand and sat down on a chair in the yard. When the mother and son talked, Xu Wei basically asked Su Chen how he had been in the past few years and why he was no longer in the Zhengyi Sect.

Su Chen naturally reported the good news but not the bad news. He just said that he left the Zhengyi Sect and later encountered some opportunities. Now he has reached the second level of Lingtai Realm.

Xu Wei was naturally shocked and speechless. It took a long time before she cried with joy and said, "Shicheng, our child is indeed outstanding. Even without the resources of the Su family to support him, he is still as good as anyone else."

Su Shicheng also nodded, looking at Su Chen with eyes full of pride and admiration.

After talking for a long time, Su Chen pointed to Jian Qi beside him and said, "Father, mother, this is my friend, Jian Qi."

Jian Qi immediately knelt down quickly and said: "Greetings to my old lord and mistress!"

Su Shicheng and Xu Wei were startled, and quickly helped Jian Qi up, exclaiming again: "What a good child!"

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