Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 744: Dark Prison Area

Liang Bo looked at Su Chen and asked, "How long has it been since the person you are looking for came to the Prison of Life and Death?"

"Eighty or nine years ago." Su Chen said.

There was a hint of understanding in Liang Bo's eyes. It had been eight or nine years. For such a long time, an ordinary prisoner would definitely be in trouble in the Prison of Life and Death.

However, Liang Bo was sensible and didn't say anything at this moment. He just accompanied Su Chen and the two of them to continue searching.

The cell area of ​​the Prison of Life and Death was very large, and the three of them inquired about everyone they saw, and their progress was also very slow.

"You two, go ahead and you'll reach the core prison area. The prisoners living there are all powerful men with relatively high status in the Prison of Life and Death."

With that said, Liang Bo walked over with Su Chen and the others.

When the prisoners in the core cell area saw Liang Bo and the others, they also swarmed over and looked at the three of them without hesitation through the thick iron fence.

"Hey, Captain Liang, didn't you go home? Why are you back again? Seeing that you are looking here and there, are you planning to find a place for yourself in the Prison of Life and Death?"

These prisoners didn't seem to be afraid of Liang Bo at all, but were quite hostile to Liang Bo. If it weren't for an iron fence blocking it, they would have pounced on it long ago.

Liang Bo shouted in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense. I'm looking for a prisoner. If any of you can provide clues, I will reward you heavily."

"Is there a reward? What reward is there? Haha, can you still let us out?"

The prisoners said in mocking tones one by one.

Liang Bo glanced at Su Chen, who smiled faintly and took out a heavy bag from the space ring.

"There are one hundred non-attribute spiritual stones and five Qing Yuan Pills inside. Anyone who can tell me the clues I need can take away this bag." Su Chen said in a crisp tone.

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, the eyes of these prisoners immediately lit up, and they couldn't wait to say: "One hundred non-attribute spiritual stones? Five Qingyuan Pills?"

You know, they haven't seen any cultivation resources in this prison of life and death for who knows how many years. Now, when they hear that there are cultivation resources, their eyes naturally turn green.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Prison of Life and Death is already thin, and so many prisoners living there for many years have exhausted the little spiritual energy. But warriors always have to practice. The aura of heaven and earth and the resources for cultivation are as indispensable to warriors as food.

Therefore, if they want to practice, they can only kill each other and absorb the essence of other warriors' Dantian from the corpses of other warriors.

But at this moment, when they heard that there were non-attribute spiritual stones and Qingyuan Dan, they suddenly felt as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

"Me, me, me, look for me, there is nothing in this core prison area that I don't know about."

"Go away and let me come. Do you know more people than I do? I dare say I know every face in the core cell area."

"Stop talking nonsense, let me come. When it comes to recognizing people, who can be better than me? Let me come, I will definitely be able to help."

These prisoners changed their previous mocking attitude and became arrogant and respectful one by one.

To be honest, if they were in the outside world, these ordinary cultivation resources might not be so attractive to them. But this is in the prison of life and death, and the value of every cultivation resource will be infinitely magnified.

Su Chen shrugged, put the bag away, and said calmly: "Don't rush to confirm it yet. Who can provide me with useful clues to get the training resources? Just relying on deception is useless."

"Hey, sir, how dare we deceive you? It's too late to provide for you."

The prisoners all had flattering looks on their faces. It had to be said that each of these guys were capable of bending and stretching. When they saw Su Chen cultivating resources again, his attitude immediately changed from before.

Su Chen took out a pen and paper, drew a portrait of Uncle Song on the spot, showed it to all the prisoners, and said: "If anyone can provide clues about these two people, who did those spirit stones and Qing Yuan Dan belong to just now?"

A group of prisoners cheered and surrounded him, looking at the portrait through the iron bars.

Suddenly, someone among the prisoners said "Hey" and said, "I have seen this person before!"

Su Chen immediately looked at the prisoner who made the noise and asked, "When and where have you seen this man?"

The prisoner was about to speak when he suddenly found himself being stared at fiercely by the prisoners around him. He shuddered immediately, realized something, and muttered: "I can't speak until you help me change the cell area."

When Su Chen saw the prisoner's expression and the expressions of the prisoners around him, he knew that the prisoner was worried that if he provided clues and obtained the resources, he would be killed by other prisoners and his training resources would be taken away.

In the prison of life and death, this kind of thing is 100% likely to happen.

"Okay, then I'll change your cell area."

Liang Bo happily agreed. This kind of thing is not difficult for him anyway. He is the captain and can directly change the opponent's cell area.

The prison areas in the Prison of Life and Death are not all connected together, but are also divided into several cells, separated from each other by iron fences.

At that moment, Liang Bo opened the cell area and let the prisoner come out. Together with Su Chen and the others, they walked to a secluded corner.

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