Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 734 The strong man attacks

Su Chen is now concerned about the Yao family, but for now, there is no movement on the Yao family's side.

Emperor Yunyuan also talked to Su Chen about Liu Yunlan: "That girl Yunlan still blames me a little because I executed her biological mother back then, and she still refuses to talk to me. Even though she has restored her status as a princess, But he stayed in his bedroom and never came out."

"This requires Your Majesty to slowly untie her knot."

Su Chen smiled. He completely understood Liu Yunlan's current mentality. Although she knew her life experience well for so many years, she probably never regarded Emperor Yunyuan as her father in her heart, so she has this attitude now. That’s normal.

Emperor Yunyuan said helplessly: "I was indeed young and impulsive back then, and I made a mistake and killed Yun Lan's biological mother by mistake. It is completely understandable that she holds a grudge. But I have always had some affection for Yun Lan, and there were many in those days. Everyone advised me that since the Ji family had colluded with foreign enemies to rebel, Yunlan should be eradicated, but I didn't listen and instead allowed King He Yandan to take her away. "

"For so many years, I know that she has been living well under the care of King He Yandan, so I didn't bother her." Emperor Yunyuan added.

Su Chen listened quietly, knowing that Emperor Yunyuan might just need someone to talk to.

In the final analysis, this is still the father and daughter's own business, and they can only solve it themselves, and no outsiders can get involved.

After chatting with Emperor Yunyuan for a while, Su Chen took his leave and left Emperor Yunyuan's palace.

Before leaving, Emperor Yunyuan said: "I know that you have some friendship with Yunlan, and she has no other friends among her peers. If you are free, I ask you to sit in Yunlan's palace and persuade her. , just think of it as interceding for me.”

Su Chen agreed.

After leaving the emperor's palace, he walked towards Liu Yunlan's palace.

Not long after walking, I saw a familiar figure facing me, it was the imperial concubine Guan Qiyun.

"Hey, isn't this our new Marquis? It's been a long time." Guan Qiyun smiled and twisted her waist to greet him, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the princess's palace." Su Chen said with a faint smile.

"Go to that girl Liu Yunlan?" Guan Qiyun's face suddenly fell, "That girl is so difficult to deal with. I have been staying at her place the past few days, trying to get closer to her, but she didn't even pay attention to me. "

As she said that, Guan Qiyun seemed to feel a little annoyed and stamped her feet, causing a turbulent wave.

Su Chen shrugged: "In her mind, you are the one who took away her father's favor, and you were even indirectly the accomplice who killed her mother. Of course she won't feel good about it."

Guan Qiyun shouted repeatedly: "Then I am really unjust. There is really nothing between me and Your Majesty."

Su Chen couldn't help but become curious. This was not the first time that Guan Qiyun said that there was nothing between her and Emperor Yunyuan, but wasn't she a noble concubine? How could there be nothing?

He asked: "What do you mean you keep saying there is nothing?"

Guan Qiyun was about to answer when suddenly several guards hurried in from the direction of the palace gate. As they ran, they shouted in panic: "It's not good! It's not good!"

Guan Qiyun frowned. When the guard ran by, she stretched out her hand to stop him and asked, "What's the matter? Are you in a hurry?"

The guards calmed down and quickly lowered their heads and said, "I have seen the imperial concubine."

"What are you so worried about?" Guan Qiyun asked.

"Your Majesty, someone broke into the palace without permission!" The guard looked panicked again and reported.

"What? Breaking into the palace without permission?" Guan Qiyun was surprised, "How could someone break into the palace without permission?"

You know, the imperial palace is the most defensive place in the entire Yunyuan Empire. Even the imperial palace can be broken into without permission. Who can do that?

The guard said: "It's absolutely true, they are a group of six people. The guard commander at the palace gate couldn't stop them at all. He was sent flying out by one of them with one move. Now they are walking all the way this way. "

After hearing this, Guan Qiyun's face changed sharply, and she couldn't help but murmured: "Who could that be?"

However, Su Chen had a premonition in his heart. The person who dared to break into Yunyuan Palace in broad daylight was definitely not an ordinary person. Could it be...

"Send someone to report to His Majesty, and at the same time summon all the red guards to stop them!"

At this time, Guan Qiyun gave the decisive order.

Soon, waves of red-clothed guards gathered here.

At the same time, Su Chen and Guan Qiyun also saw a group of people walking along the palace road, heading this way.

"Hold them off!"

A group of red-clothed guards took the lead and rushed towards the group of people.

"The mantis' arms are like a chariot!"

From a distance, the man furthest away from the group of people could be heard snorting coldly.

Then, the man casually waved his sleeves, and a terrifying amount of true energy roared out from his sleeves, directly blasting towards the group of red-clothed guards who were charging forward.

With a few sporadic muffled hums, most of the red

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