Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 728 Vomiting eight liters of blood

Doesn’t this mean that herbs grown in the mustard space for one year are equivalent to growing in the outside world for a thousand years?

It is important to know that the quality of herbs depends largely on the year they are grown. The longer the year they are grown, the better the quality of the herbs.

Many high-end elixir recipes have requirements for the quality of herbal medicines, which often require herbs that have been grown for hundreds or even thousands of years. But in fact, after generations of warrior alchemists picking them, there are still so many old herbs that are rare in a hundred years.

This is also an important reason that restricts the current development of alchemy.

And if there is this mustard seed space, one month of herbal growth here is equivalent to more than 830 years, and one year of growth is equivalent to one thousand years. Then the restriction of the herbal years will completely disappear.

For an alchemist, this is tantamount to a supreme treasure. Even if the Mustard Seed Space only has this function, it is enough to make an alchemist ecstatic.

Su Chen thought about the herbs that grew in the mustard space. If they had been growing here, wouldn't they be trillions of years old?

Of course this will not happen, because the age of many herbs has an upper limit, and after reaching the upper limit, it will not increase anymore.

Su Chen suppressed his inner excitement and wandered around the Mustard Seed space again. Because the Mustard Seed Space is now under his control, he is equivalent to the master of the Mustard Seed Space. He can freely make rules here, fly wherever he wants, and teleport whenever he wants.

If there are other creatures here, no matter how powerful they are, they can be suppressed by him. This is the power of rules.

Su Chen suddenly remembered and asked, "Can I bring other creatures in?"

"Yes, but the person you bring in cannot resist, otherwise you won't be able to bring them in." The tree spirit said.

Su Chen nodded, and with a thought in his mind, he stepped out of the Mustard Seed space.

He returned to the mustard monument, where Xiao Huo and Lu'er were anxiously waiting for him. When entering the Mustard Seed Space before, only Su Chen entered alone, while Xiao Huo and Lu'er were left beside the Mustard Seed Monument.

Seeing Su Chen at this moment, Xiao Huo's eyes lit up and he immediately rushed over and asked, "Master, where did you go just now? I can't find you no matter how hard I look."

Lu'er also grunted and came over with infinite grievance, her eyes even filled with mist.

Su Chen said: "I'll take you two to a place. Don't resist."

"Oh." Both of them nodded in vague understanding.

Su Chen grabbed one with one hand, and with a thought, he appeared in the Mustard Seed Space again.

"Wow!" Xiao Huo looked around with a surprised expression, "Master, is this the space in the stone tablet? Can it really come in?"

Lu'er, on the other hand, didn't know anything. She just looked up blankly at the ancient tree not far away, then showed a happy expression and climbed towards the ancient tree happily, climbing up the trunk of the ancient tree in a few clicks.

Su Chen was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Lu'er to like this ancient tree so much. But it makes sense when you think about it. After all, Lu'er is a demonic beast with the wood attribute, and the ancient tree is also a wood-attribute spirit, so it can naturally attract Lu'er.

The tree spirit didn't seem to reject Lu'er very much. Instead, he quickly started playing with Lu'er, and they were quite happy with each other.

Xiao Huo seemed quite cold and did not mix with the tree spirit and Lu'er. Instead, he said to Su Chen: "Master, I will go to other places to take a look. If I encounter danger, I will pass on my soul." I have a message for you, you have to come and save me,"

"Go ahead."

Su Chen nodded and said.

Xiaohuo jumped away.

Su Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and looked around. Now this Mustard Seed Space was his own, but for the time being, he had no other ideas about how to use this Mustard Seed Space besides growing herbs.

Seeing how Xiao Huo and Lu'er were adapting very well to it, Su Chen couldn't help but think that it might be a good idea to let them live in the Mustard Seed space.

In this way, they don't have to hide in their arms all the time, which is safer and more convenient.

Thinking of this, Su Chen waved his hand and created an antique palace in the first layer of mustard space.

Although Xiao Huo and Lu'er are not humans, they can't be careless about where they live. Anyway, it's free to build buildings in the Mustard Seed Space. If it weren't for the fact that no one lives there, they can build a palace complex if they want.

Of course, Su Chen cannot create things in the Mustard Seed Space without limit, as that will affect the balance of Yin and Yang of the Five Elements in the space, and it will be bad once the Mustard Seed Space collapses.

In his mind, he told Xiao Huo and Lu'er a few words, telling them that they could live in this place in the future.

Then Su Chen's figure flashed again and left the Mustard Seed space.

After arriving in the outside world, the Mustard Seed Monument appeared in front of him again. Su Chen stretched out his hand to grab the Mustard Seed Monument. Whoosh, this time the Mustard Seed Monument no longer remained motionless as before, but turned into a glimmer of light and fell into Su Chen's hands.

In fact, the mustard seed monument was transformed into the size of a mustard seed, so that it could be hidden directly on Su Chen without being discovered by anyone.

Su Chen quickly walked out of the cave. There was no one outside the cave at this moment. It must have been all

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