Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 725: Broken Stone Stele

Of course, Su Chen wanted to use Zhang Yunshan to put enough pressure on himself so that he could understand the fourth level of the ninth level of Jian Yuan.

A strong but simple-minded guy like Zhang Yunshan is perfect as a sparring partner. If he misses it, he won't know where to look, so of course Su Chen won't miss it.

Boom boom boom, the two quickly exchanged dozens of moves, leaving the surrounding rocks and trees in a mess.

Su Chen stood on a big rock, his clothes had been blown to pieces by Zhang Yunshan's palm, but he still maintained an upright posture like a sword soaring into the sky, with the Blood Demon Sword in his hand glowing slightly.

Zhang Yunshan was panting, his eyes were fixed on Su Chen, and he said ferociously: "Boy, go to hell."

As he said that, he struck Su Chen with another palm.

Su Chen's eyes suddenly flashed with light, and then he stabbed out with a sword. This sword seemed to have traveled through the cycle of life and death, and revealed the truth of yin and yang.


There was a muffled sound.

Zhang Yunshan's eyes widened, and he watched in disbelief as Su Chen's sword penetrated his body defense with devastating force, pierced into his heart, and opened up a large amount of blood.

Until he fell, Zhang Yunshan couldn't believe that he had broken through to the eighth level of the Lingtai realm, but he was still killed by Su Chen, the second level of the Lingtai realm.


Zhang Yunshan's body fell to the ground, dead.

Su Chen sheathed his sword. At that moment, he had naturally fully comprehended the fourth level of the ninth level of the sword. Otherwise, he would not have been able to stab the sword that contained the yin and yang principles of reincarnation.

He let out a breath. If anyone were around at this moment, they would see patterns like yin and yang Taiji fish flowing in his eyes.

Comprehending the fourth level of the ninth level of sword essence, Su Chen's sword technique power took a big step forward.

Moreover, what is even more surprising is that the fourth level of the ninth level of Jian Yuan is based on "Yin and Yang", which is also in the same vein as Su Chen's Yin and Yang Spirit Platform.

In other words, after Su Chen understood the fourth level of the ninth level of Jian Yuan, his understanding of Yin Yang Lingtai has also reached a new level, and his future cultivation will be more effective with half the effort.

Su Chen showed a satisfied look. When he met Zhang Yuanshan as his sparring partner, he not only broke through to the second level of the Lingtai Realm and condensed the sixth sword energy, but also comprehended the fourth level of the ninth level of Sword Element, which was a great harvest.

A large part of this was due to Zhang Yuanshan. Su Chen felt that strictly speaking, he had to thank Zhang Yuanshan.

After searching Zhang Yuanshan's body, he found several bottles of elixirs and a book of magic skills copied by hand.

Su Chen briefly browsed the contents of the magic book, then lit up the elixir fire and burned it. Magic skills are too harmful, and they are fatally attractive to warriors who pursue strong strength. It is better not to exist in the world.

What puzzled Su Chen was where Zhang Yuanshan got the magic power. Since he had magic power in his hand, did the other members of the Dongchan Sect know about it or not?

Su Chen retracted his thoughts. Now he should focus on the stone tablet in the cave.

After all, there are other people who are eyeing the stone tablet. Now those people are looking for other entrances and exits of the cave, but if they don't find it, they will come back here sooner or later.

There is not much time left for Su Chen.

Suddenly, an idea came into Su Chen's mind. He took out the gold box containing space dust from the space ring and put it in the pocket of Zhang Yuanshan's body.

Then, he picked up Zhang Yuanshan's body and threw it into the cave entrance like a cloth bag.

This is an experiment done by Su Chen. You must know that space dust is a thing with space attributes. If the stone tablet in the cave also has the power of space, Su Chen is very curious. When the space power of the stone tablet meets the space attribute Will it still be able to function as usual when using something?


The body fell into the cave with a muffled sound.

The Skyfire baby jumped over and took a look. He suddenly showed a surprised expression and said, "Master, the body is still inside and has not been teleported away!"

Su Chen couldn't help but smile. It seemed that his guess was correct. Due to the special nature of spatial attributes, two spatial attributes with different origins would be mutually exclusive.

In other words, when the space dust is close to the stone monument, the space power of the stone monument will lose its effect.

As long as you make good use of this, you can get close to the stone monument.

Su Chen did not hesitate and immediately took the Skyfire baby into the cave.

As soon as he walked into the cave, a strange smell suddenly hit his face, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted, making the scene he saw seemed a bit unreal.

Every time you take a step forward, you will feel that the surrounding scene seems to change, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is no change at all, everything is just your own illusion.

Su Chen knew that this was because the power of the stone tablet distorted the space in the cave, which resulted in this result.

He walked to Zhang Yuanshan's body, stretched out his hand, and a suction force erupted from his palm, sucking the Geng Gold Box from the body and holding it in his hand.


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