Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 723 Space Power

"Forget it, it's only right to take advantage of the fierce fighting here and find a way to explore the situation of that stone tablet."

Su Chen thought to himself that when he first came to the entrance of the valley, he wanted to go in and explore it alone. It's just that there were too many people around at that time, and it was inconvenient to see too many people.

And now, taking advantage of the opportunity of several powerful men in the rotation realm to fight against Jin Lingying, it is the perfect time to enter the valley.

Su Chen stood up, and his move made the eyes of the people around him almost drop. You must know that many people are unable to move under Jin Lingying's pressure, but this young man can't move. Can you move freely?

Even the old man from Shenxiu Tower, who was at the sixth level of the Lingtai Realm, twitched his face and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go and see the excitement." Su Chen shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the entrance of the valley.

The old man could only stare at the direction Su Chen was leaving, his face twitching violently. You must know that he himself was at the sixth level of the Lingtai realm and could not move under the pressure of Jin Lingying, but Su Chen could easily move around. Moving around under this pressure?

Did he think he just recruited cannon fodder, but in the end he recruited a monster?

Su Chen walked towards the entrance of the valley, taking care to avoid the fight between Jin Lingying and the four powerful men of the Reincarnation Realm. What surprised Su Chen was that there were actually many late-stage Lingtai realm experts heading towards the entrance of the valley.

Su Chen smiled slightly. It seemed that they couldn't sit still anymore. They all thought of taking this opportunity to go to the valley to see what the space stone tablet was about.

Soon, dozens of people entered the valley, and Su Chen followed.

Behind them, Jin Lingying and the four Rotation Realm experts were still fighting vigorously.

After entering the valley, Su Chen galloped behind everyone, and soon came to a cave.

When they arrived at the cave, everyone slowed down, and one of them said: "The stone tablet seems to be in this cave."

"Want to go in?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock. If they entered the cave and approached the stone monument rashly, they might be teleported thousands of miles away.

Although there is no danger in being teleported away, it is unrealistic to rush back in a short time. In other words, as long as you are teleported away, you basically have no chance of obtaining the stone tablet.

Therefore, everyone was hesitant for a moment as to whether they should be the one to enter the cave.

A big man said with a voice like Hong Zhong: "Get out of the way, I'll go in first and take a look. I don't believe in evil. There are still such weird things in the world. I want to see if I will be teleported away by the stone tablet." "

With that said, the big man walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Everyone was watching this scene intently, wanting to see if this big man would be teleported away.

When the big man was halfway through, he also paused, then turned around and said to his companions: "You guys just wait here. If I enter the cave and am not teleported away, I will shout and you can follow." ”

After saying that, the big man strode towards the cave.

Everyone stared at the back of the big man, and saw the big man walking into the dark cave, walking forward, and his figure disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

Logically speaking, the next step should be for the big man to shout in the cave, indicating that everything is normal and that he has not been teleported away.

However, it was quiet in the cave, not even a sound was made.

Only the dark cave entrance was still there, like a big mouth capable of swallowing everything.

At this moment, everyone felt cold in their hearts. Could it be that the big man was really transported away by the power of the stone tablet?

Although they had previously said that the space power of the stone tablet could teleport people away, they were still dubious until they saw it with their own eyes.

But now, after seeing with their own eyes that the big man disappeared after entering the cave, they had no choice but to believe it.

Of course, there are some smart people who still don’t believe it. In their opinion, maybe the big man was not teleported away at all, but just created an illusion so that others would not dare to enter the cave, so that he could swallow up the stone tablet treasures in the cave.

"Tch, I've seen through your tricks. Aren't you just trying to trick us into retreating? I won't be fooled by this."

Another warrior suddenly spoke up, and then walked towards the entrance of the cave. As he walked, he said, "I'll go in and take a look. I'm not as bad as the guy just now. As long as I'm not teleported away, I will definitely let you know." hear."

With that said, the warrior also jumped lightly and entered the cave.

"Huh? Isn't it normal here? There is no space power. I..."

The warrior's voice suddenly stopped midway through, and the second half of the sentence was completely lost.

Then, there was silence, and no sound was heard again.

At this moment, everyone outside looked at each other in shock and broke out in cold sweat.

"It seems that there is indeed space power in the cave."

"Then wouldn't it be impossible for us to get close to that stone tablet?"

“I’ve traveled thousands of miles to get here, can’t it just be a wasted trip?”

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