Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 715 Xuan Lei Sword Tang Ming

Seeing Zheng Fang's very confident look, Su Chen said nothing more.

"Brother, we are leaving. You must remember Little Ling'er from now on."

Little Ling'er stood next to Zheng Fang and waved desperately at Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and nodded, watching the people from the Chihong Mercenary Group leave.

As for Su Chen himself, he naturally planned to set off to find the newly born treasure deep in the Dark Night Mountain Range.

He returned to his room, tidied up, and prepared to leave the inn.

When he walked out of the inn, he found that the open space outside the inn was very lively, with many people gathered, and he didn't know what they were doing.

As Su Chen got closer, he heard that these people were talking about the treasure born deep in the Dark Night Mountain Range.

"I heard that the treasure is very magical. It is a stone tablet. Anyone who comes close to it will be inexplicably teleported away and appear thousands of miles away from it."

"Real or false? Such a thing is simply unheard of. What on earth is that stone tablet?"

"No matter what it is, it is definitely not an ordinary thing. I heard that many powerful people from all over the East Continent know about this stone tablet, and they are all on their way from all directions."

Su Chen stood on the periphery of the crowd and listened to the crowd's discussion for a while, and finally understood the matter.

It turns out that the treasure stele was discovered by an expedition team half a month ago. At that time, the stele emitted waves of powerful energy fluctuations, which attracted the attention of the expedition team.

However, when the expedition team tried to get close to the stone monument, something strange happened. One by one, they were transported away by the stone monument, and they all appeared thousands of miles away from the stone monument.

Logically speaking, when their expedition team discovered this magical treasure, they should have hidden it secretly without telling others, and then privately gathered more powerful friends to go back together to explore again.

But why is it now widely known? It turned out that after their expedition team was teleported away by the stone monument, they were not transported to one place collectively, but each person landed in a separate place, but these places were thousands of miles away from the stone monument.

So a few of them were panicked and didn't understand what was going on, so they accidentally leaked the news about the stone tablet to others, and then the news spread quickly.

Warriors are the most sensitive to treasures, especially this unheard-of magical treasure, which is likely to contain powerful power. So in an instant, it was spread from one to ten or to a hundred, and most of the powerful Sanren in Eastern Continent knew about it.

Now it is only spread among ordinary people, but if time goes by, the powerful royal families and powerful sects of major countries may also know about it. By then, it is conceivable that a large number of powerful people will come over.

Even the powerful men of the eight ancient families may be alarmed. After all, this kind of treasure has never been heard of before, and it is worth sending people to find out.

So the people who have gathered in Yinfeng Village are all discussing that they should set off to find the stone tablet immediately. Otherwise, if the delay is too long, more and more people will come after hearing the news.

No one knows exactly where the stele is located deep in the Black Night Mountains. Everyone only knows a general area. After all, the expedition team that first discovered the stele did not tell the exact location of the stele.

After Su Chen heard the ins and outs of this stone tablet, he couldn't help but start to think about it. If this stone tablet could really teleport people who were close to it thousands of miles away as they said, wouldn't it be very similar to Space Dust?

Could it be that the stone tablet contains space dust, or is the entire stone tablet made of space dust?

But it is a little different from space dust. The transmission of space dust only accurately targets the area one foot around. That is to say, if a person stretches his arm into the area one foot around the space dust, but other parts of the body do not enter, the space dust will only transmit Taking away his arm would be equivalent to cutting off his arm with a super-fast knife.

When Su Chen killed Demon Emperor Huntian's Yuanshen Demonic Shadow, he relied on this simple and crude function of Space Dust to directly transfer the demonic shadow's head away.

But now according to the rumors, no one said that anyone close to the stone tablet was missing arms or legs, so it was very possible that the stone tablet was not space dust.

Su Chen became very interested in that stone tablet and decided to go and have a look at it.

"What do you guys think of that stone tablet? Why do so many powerful people come to find out?" Someone in the crowd asked curiously.

"Because that stone tablet is likely to contain spatial attributes."

A faint male voice came from a distance and answered the man's question.

When everyone looked around, they saw a man wearing a white Liuyun sword robe walking from a distance with his hands behind his back. He was tall and slender, carrying a sword box on his back and wearing a bamboo hat on his head. He looked very imposing.

"It's 'Xuan Lei Sword' Tang Ming!"

"Oh my god, this person is a powerful person in the Wheel Realm, and he will actually appear here."

"He is very famous in the Sanren world of Dongzhou. I didn't expect that the birth of this treasure would attract him."

Everyone's discussion

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