Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 710: A guilty conscience

Su Chen smiled faintly: "I have to say that you and your accomplices are very smart. The appearance of these two medicinal materials, ground forest ginseng and red snake ginseng, is very similar. If the spiritual energy in them dries up, only empty shells will be left. Most people are more It’s difficult to tell the difference between the two medicinal materials based on their appearance.”

Jiang Laosan said coldly: "It's nonsense and lies to confuse the public! If you have evidence, just show it. If you don't have evidence, quickly hand over a thousand non-attributed spiritual stones."

As he said this, Jiang Laosan stared at Su Chen with a sneer, as if he was sure that Su Chen would not be able to produce evidence.

Su Chen said in a leisurely tone: "As I said just now, the appearance of ground ginseng and red snake ginseng are indeed very similar. If the spiritual energy of the medicinal materials is dried up, and it cannot be judged from the intensity of the spiritual energy emitted by the medicinal materials, then there will be almost no other Methods can distinguish these two medicinal materials.”

"In other words, the ground ginseng with dried spiritual energy and the red snake ginseng with dried spiritual energy are almost identical, and it is extremely difficult to tell them apart."

At this point, Su Chen's tone suddenly changed, "However, few people know that the appearance of these two medicinal materials is actually different."

"The difference lies in the roots. The number of roots of red snake ginseng is usually an odd number, such as three, five, seven... while the number of roots of ground ginseng is usually an even number, such as four, Six." Su Chen said slowly.

And when Su Chen finished speaking, Jiang Laosan couldn't help but have a flash of surprise on his face, and then he quickly suppressed it.

Obviously, Jiang Laosan had never heard of this method of identification that Su Chen mentioned.

At this moment, Jiang Laosan's eyes fell on the batch of medicinal materials in the box, and he couldn't help but start counting the roots of the medicinal materials.

One stick, two sticks, three sticks...


At this moment, a clear childish laughter suddenly sounded throughout the entire restaurant hall.

The person who laughed was none other than Xiao Ling'er. She covered her mouth and chuckled, saying, "Brother, I didn't expect you to tell jokes seriously. It's so funny."

Jiang Laosan looked up in astonishment and saw Su Chen's playful eyes.

"Boy, are you kidding me?"

Only then did Jiang Laosan react.

I was actually deceived by a young boy!

Su Chen smiled faintly: "That's right, there is no rule about odd and even numbers at all. I'm just talking nonsense."

"However, after you listened to what I said just now, your first reaction was to count the roots of the medicinal materials in the box. If you were not guilty, why did you count them?"

Su Chen asked calmly.

At this time, other people present also came to their senses and realized that Su Chen was deceiving Jiang Laosan.

Jiang Laosan's face changed, and he was a little angry. He stood there, wishing he could slap himself in the face a few times. Why did he count the roots of those medicinal materials just now?

But at this time, it was too late to regret, as the whispers around him had already begun.

"Jiang Laosan was really counting the roots of those medicinal materials just now. Is he really guilty?"

"Yes, if the medicinal material in the box is really red snake ginseng, there is no need for him to count the number of roots. Unless he knows that the medicinal material in the box is not red snake ginseng at all, he will count it out of guilt. "

Everyone was talking about it, putting Jiang Laosan in an extremely unfavorable position.

Jiang Laosan naturally refused to admit that he had been manipulated by Su Chen. He sneered and said, "That's a bunch of nonsense. Besides, to put it another way, even if there is ground ginseng in this box, it will not be the same as the one handed over to you." It was fresh ground ginseng at that time, but now it is dried ground ginseng. Didn't you tamper with it? "

Su Chen said calmly: "I heard that there is a vitality potion that can temporarily keep the appearance of dried up and expired medicinal materials. It's just an appearance. In fact, the spiritual energy inside has already been dispersed. And this potion only lasts for seven days. It will take up to seven days for the herbs to become completely dry.”

"Jiang Laosan, tell me, if I ask someone to test the vitality potion content in this box of medicinal materials now, will I be surprised to find that there is a large amount of vitality potion remaining in this box of medicinal materials?"

Su Chen asked this question in a calm tone, causing everyone present to gasp immediately.

"Could it be that the medicinal materials in this box are about to dry up and expire? Jiang Laosan used special potions to make the medicinal materials look fresh, but in fact, the inside of the medicinal materials has long been rotten."

"In this way, even if the Chihong Mercenary Group has not touched the medicinal materials, the medicinal materials will automatically dry up when the seven days expire."

"If that's the case, Jiang Laosan also lied that these medicinal materials were red snake ginseng and demanded sky-high compensation from the Chihong Mercenary Group. As expected, it was a big deal."

The public discussion put Jiang Laosan at a disadvantage once again.

"This Jiang Laosan is not a good person at ordinary times, so it is not surprising at all that he would do this."

"Yes, if this young man hadn't noticed everything clearly, Jiang Laosan might have succeeded."

"Is there anyone who knows about vitality potions? Come and identify them. Just check this box of medicinal materials.

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