Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 703 Weird Necklace

"Chen Shu."

Su Chen reported his name.

"Brother Chen, just call me Lao Hu."

Zheng Fang seemed very enthusiastic and introduced himself, "We are members of a mercenary group. In addition to collecting herbs this time, we are also responsible for escorting the employer's belongings to the core of the Dark Night Mountains."

As he spoke, Zheng Fang pointed to a small locked box surrounded by several warriors. It was obviously what he said belonged to the employer they were responsible for escorting.

"Brother Chen, please wait for us to rest for a while and we will set off soon."

Zheng Fang greeted warmly.

Su Chen nodded and said: "Captain Zheng, go and do your work. You don't need to greet me."

Zheng Fang then walked to several injured members and began to check the members' injuries.

Su Chen himself sat aside and took a short rest.

"Brother, where are you from?"

The little girl just walked up to Su Chen, stared at Su Chen, and suddenly asked a question.

She was only six or seven years old, with bulging cheeks and an innocent look that reminded people of Gu Qianxue.

"I'm from the Yunyuan Empire."

Su Chen smiled and said.

"Hey, are there any young warriors as powerful as Big Brother in Yunyuan Empire?"

The little girl asked in surprise, her big eyes flashing with no malice, just pure curiosity.

"Of course." Su Chen smiled slightly.

He knew that the little girl's reaction directly showed that the Yunyuan Empire was indeed a weak country in the minds of people from other countries in the East Continent.

"Tch, I didn't expect that the captain actually asked that guy to join the team and go with us."

Several young warriors were whispering beside them.

"Shh, keep your voice down, after all, he was the one who saved little Ling'er just now." Someone said.

"What's so big about that? It just happened suddenly and we didn't react. In fact, that monster is not very powerful at all. If it were one of us, it could be killed by one of us. "Someone retorted.

Su Chen didn't care at all what these people were talking about behind their backs. His eyes fell on the dark forest in the distance.

In this dark night mountain range, most of the leaves of the trees are black, and they are so dark that they look really depressing.

"This mercenary group does seem to be targeted by monsters."

With his Third Eye, Su Chen could vaguely see the looming silhouette of the monster beast in the forest, as well as the dots of light, which were the shining light of the monster beast's eyes.

These monster beasts did not retreat, and were still watching from a distance.

"I hope this journey can be peaceful."

Su Chen himself was not worried about his own safety. He had his own way to save his life.

But Zheng Fang is a passionate person, and Su Chen doesn't want him to encounter any danger or be buried in the belly of a monster.

After all team members had recovered from their injuries, they set off again and continued walking deeper into the Night Mountains.

Along the way, all members felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were vigilantly paying attention to the movements around them.

Obviously, although some of them did not admit it, they knew in their hearts that their team was repeatedly attacked by monsters, which was indeed not normal.

Su Chen's soul power also sensed that some monsters were vaguely following him in the distance.

He couldn't help but wonder, what was there in this team that attracted those monsters to follow them one after another?

Could it be the small box they escorted?

Su Chen's eyes fell on the small box and asked, "Captain Zheng, what is in this box?"

Zheng Fang obviously understood what Su Chen wanted to ask, and said quickly: "Brother Chen, this box should not be the source of the monsters following us, because we are just a small mercenary group, and no one will entrust us to escort very valuable items." Things, there are just some ordinary medicinal materials in this box."

Su Chen nodded. There was indeed no special aura coming out of the box. It probably wasn't the box.

Moreover, the mercenary group, as a paid escort, has no right to open the box and see what is inside.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and suddenly, a bag filled with water was handed to Su Chen.

"Little brother, drink some water."

A man's honest smile appeared in front of Su Chen. This was a veteran warrior in the team named Zhu Zhi. Apart from Zheng Fang, he is the strongest person in the team, having reached the seventh level of the Lingtai realm.

"Thank you."

After Su Chen thanked him, he took the water bag and took a big gulp.

Then, he looked strange, because the water bag contained not water, but a high degree of spirits.


When Zhu Zhi saw Su Chen's weird look, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. He punched Su Chen hard and said

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