Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 701: Re-exploring the Dark Night Mountains

Because what the emperor lacks now is not resources, but a higher level of martial arts understanding. The skills Su Chen taught him obviously made up for this shortcoming.

After leaving the palace, Su Chen went to King He Yandan again.

In the alchemy world of the Yunyuan Empire, the person Su Chen trusted most was naturally Alchemy King He Yan. Therefore, Su Chen selected several suitable ones from the double-effect elixir formulas he had and gave them to Lord He Yan.

With King He Yan's alchemy attainments, it is not difficult to master the prescriptions of these double-effect elixirs. By then, the Yunyuan Empire's elixirs will be guaranteed.

Alchemy and martial arts complement each other, and it is only a matter of time before the Yunyuan Empire becomes stronger.

Of course, the core of all this is the Divine Star Grass. If the Yunyuan Empire did not happen to have a large area of ​​Divine Star Grass growing there, even if Su Chen was the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life, it would be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

After returning from King He Yandan, Su Chen distributed the resources obtained from the emperor to his friends.

It has to be said that they were continuously hit by Su Chen's massive resources, and they almost fainted. Fortunately, each of them has good physique and talent. Among them are top martial arts geniuses like Jian Qi and Gu Qianyin, and people with exotic bloodline like Xue Yong, so they can still digest so many resources.

As for Xiao Huo and Lu'er, two loyal subordinates, Su Chen naturally left enough resources for them.

In this way, everyone's cultivation progress is also under Su Chen's control.

I believe that soon, batches of brand new strong men will be born in the Yunyuan Empire.

After arranging everything, Su Chen took some pills and equipment and left the imperial capital again.

Su Chen's way is different from other people's. He attaches great importance to the training of the basics, and lays an extremely solid foundation at every step. In this way, he often has the ability to turn the tide in actual combat.

Now that he has just broken through to the Lingtai realm, with Su Chen's style, he naturally wants to go out to practice and consolidate his combat power.

Moreover, from another perspective, since the Yao family is now listed as the enemy, it is not Su Chen's style to sit back and wait for death. Going out for training is the best way to improve his strength.

The last time Su Chen came back from Winterland City, he passed by the Dark Night Mountains, which seemed like a good place for practical training. At this moment, he headed straight for the Dark Night Mountain Range.

Because Su Chen went to the outskirts of the Dark Night Mountain Range last time, the terrain there was gentle and the monsters were relatively less threatening. Relatively speaking, there are more powerful monsters gathering inside the Black Night Mountains, which is also more challenging for warriors.

So Su Chen planned to go directly to the depths of the Black Night Mountains this time.

For him now, monsters below the seventh level of the Lingtai Realm are not much of a threat to him.

Arriving at the outskirts of the Black Night Mountains, a large number of warriors had gathered here.

The Dark Night Mountain Range is an unowned land. Every day, many adventurers and a large number of mercenaries enter here to collect herbs, hunt for treasures, gain experience or find opportunities. If they are lucky, they will rise to great heights, but if they are not, they will die in the Dark Night Mountain Range.

To put it bluntly, the interior of the Black Night Mountains is a place where opportunities and dangers coexist.

At this moment, there are many adventure teams on the periphery, recruiting team members.

These are adventure teams preparing to go deep into the Dark Night Mountains. Since there are many dangers in the depths of the Dark Night Mountains, they usually choose to temporarily form a team on the outside to enter the Dark Night Mountains together.

Although this kind of temporarily formed team is often unreliable, it is still much more secure than going alone.

Just like the young woman Su Chen met when he entered the Dark Night Mountain Range last time and the escort team she summoned, this was the form.

Inside the Black Night Mountains, it doesn’t matter about background, only about strength.

Even if someone with a high status comes, it will be very dangerous if there is no strong person to protect them.

However, Su Chen did not stop to form a team, but walked straight towards the Dark Night Mountains alone.

"Little brother, are you planning to go deep into the Dark Night Mountain Range? Do you want to join our team? We have two powerful men at the sixth level of the Lingtai Realm sitting here."

Soon someone noticed Su Chen and greeted him.


Su Chen smiled faintly and continued walking into the Dark Night Mountains without stopping.

"Tch, if you don't understand good people's hearts, a few lives won't be enough for a young boy who wants to go deep into the Dark Night Mountains."

As if he felt offended, the man spat at Su Chen's back.

Su Chen turned a deaf ear and walked into the Black Night Mountains.

He doesn't team up with others, mainly to better hone his strength. There are many inconveniences in teaming up with others, and it is difficult to display his own strength.

Entering the Black Night Mountain Range, Su Chen moved forward at full speed. Within a short time, he left the periphery of the Black Night Mountain Range and entered the depths of the Black Night Mountain Range.

The monsters appearing all around are getting stronger and stronger. Even, occasionally, there would be terrifying existences that even Su Chen would have to take a detour from.

Su Chen was calm and maintained his own pace, hunting monsters while continuing to advance deeper into the Dark Night Mountain Range.

As he moves forward

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