Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 696: Greed for life and fear of death

Su Chen smiled faintly: "Am I going to kill them all? Or did you go too far, Elder Xingyun?"

In fact, during this period of time, Su Chen had also thought about whether he should be cruel to the Zhengyi Sect. But in the end, he decided to stick to his original intention and show absolutely no mercy to those who had wronged him, ridiculed him, or looked on coldly at him.

As for those who were not involved at the beginning, Su Chen would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. He had always been a person with clear grudges.

However, generally speaking, the Zhengyi Sect gave Su Chen the impression that it was cold from top to bottom and did not give him any warm feeling.

This may be related to the sect culture of Zhengyi Sect.

"Su Chen, if you spare my life, I will repay you like a cow."

Elder Xingyun couldn't control that much anymore. It was more important to save his life now, so he said quickly.

"Forget it."

Su Chen snorted lightly, raised his sword and walked towards Elder Xingyun.

Elder Xingyun's eyes widened, and the reflection of Su Chen holding the sword was reflected in his eyes. It was hard for him to imagine that one day he would really die in Su Chen's hands.

But Lu Yuan, the disciple he had worked so hard to train, was of no use at this time, and no one even knew where he was hiding.


With the sound of the sword breaking through the wind, Elder Xingyun's eyes suddenly straightened and lost all brilliance.

After Su Chen killed Elder Xingyun, he shook the blood dripping from his sword and left the square at the entrance of the Elder Hall.

He went straight to the area where his direct disciples lived and found Lu Yuan's yard.


Su Chen kicked open the courtyard door. The courtyard was quiet and empty.

He walked into the rooms in the courtyard and searched one by one. Finally, in one of the rooms, he found a shivering person lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt.

Su Chen pulled the man off the bed and found that he was not Lu Yuan, just a trembling follower.

"Excuse me, I, I, I am not Lu Yuan. It was Lu Yuan who asked me to lie here in his place." The attendant was so nervous that he could not speak clearly.

Su Chen was speechless. He didn't expect that Lu Yuan, who looked like a human and a dog, was such a greedy person and fearful of death. He actually let his entourage lie here to hide from others. If he was that kind of careless person, he might really think that he was Lu Yuan. Killed with one sword.

"Where has Lu Yuan gone?" Su Chen asked.

"He escaped from the back mountain of the sect." The attendant said repeatedly, "I have told you Lu Yuan's whereabouts. I hope you will spare my life."

Su Chen left Lu Yuan's yard and headed towards the back mountain.

His speed was very fast, and within a short time, he found Lu Yuan fleeing in a hurry in the back mountain.

Su Chen flew over and grabbed Lu Yuan. As the number one genius of Zhengyi Sect, Lu Yuan had no resistance in front of him and was directly held in his hand.

Seeing that it was Su Chen, the muscles on Lu Yuan's cheeks kept shaking, and he was speechless. He couldn't say a word. Only the two legs under his robe kept shaking, betraying the panic in his heart.

Seeing Lu Yuan like this, Su Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and directly arrested Lu Yuan and brought him back to the main peak of the sect.

Returning to the main peak of Zhengyi Sect, Su Chen threw Lu Yuan into the square.

When Lu Yuan saw the dead and wounded elders in the square, his face was full of horror. When he saw the body of Elder Xingyun, his lips suddenly trembled sharply, showing an expression of shock and disbelief.


Lu Yuan murmured to himself, his pupils constricted, looking at the body of Elder Xingyun, he couldn't believe it at all.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan took two steps back and said urgently: "Elder Xingyun has nothing to do with me. In fact, I have long been dissatisfied with the things he did... I promise, as long as you don't kill me, I will go far. I will never seek revenge from you in the future."

When Su Chen heard this, he couldn't help showing contempt. I remember when I was in the Zhengyi Sect, I had the impression that Lu Yuan often wore white clothes, giving people a very dignified impression. Unexpectedly, he was actually just a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death. In order to survive, even his master could say no to him.

Of course, this could also be what Lu Yuan said on purpose, just to trick Su Chen into letting him go so that he could wait for an opportunity to come back for revenge in the future.

However, no matter what the situation was, it was the same to Su Chen, because Su Chen had no intention of letting him go.

But at this moment, Su Chen had no intention of killing Lu Yuan immediately. He was looking at a mountain peak in the distance, as if waiting for something.


Suddenly, from the direction of that mountain peak, an angry scolding came from afar.

Then, a figure came through the air from that direction, striding through the air, and quickly rushed to the direction of the main peak.

"finally come."

Su Chen looked calmly at the figure coming from a distance. This figure was none other than the master of Zhengyi Sect, Feng Jinrui.

This sect leader usually doesn't care much about the affairs of the sect. He spends most of his time in seclusion and will not come out unless something important happens. Back then Su Chen

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