Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 694: Devastated

Afterwards, Su Chen entered the mountain gate and walked along the road.

Su Chen saw the scenery along the way. This was the place where he once lived. Every plant and tree was familiar to him, but it had nothing to do with him now.

However, he remembered very clearly the injustice and cold shoulder he received here.

Soon, a group of people wearing the uniforms of ordinary Zhengyi Sect disciples heard the sound of signal flares and poured out of the buildings on both sides of the road.

"Who dares to break into Zhengyi Sect without permission?"

"You are so brave, you even dare to break through the Zhengyi Sect's mountain gate, I think you are going to die!"

Many Zhengyi Sect disciples spoke up and reprimanded Su Chen.

However, Su Chen turned a deaf ear and just walked forward.

"What kind of thief did you come from? Do you think you don't take our Zhengyi Sect seriously?"

A big and round disciple jumped out and yelled at Su Chen, "I will kill you here today so that others can see that our Zhengyi Sect is not someone to be trifled with!"

As he said that, he pulled out his weapon with a "choking" sound and rushed towards Su Chen.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, Su Chen waved his hand and a flying sword flew away, slicing his throat and causing blood to spurt out.


Suddenly, the disciples all around were in an uproar!

This disciple, one of the most powerful among ordinary disciples, had his throat cut by an outsider so casually?

For a moment, other disciples present felt timid!

Most of the originally high arrogance was instantly dissipated because of the death of that disciple!

"Why do I feel like this person looks familiar?"

"Wait a minute, isn't this Su Chen who quit the Zhengyi Sect? Why is he back?"

"Su Chen? I remember that when he was in the sect, he was just a disciple who had not yet grown up. How could he suddenly become so powerful? What happened?"

"Why did he come back? Could it be that he came to fulfill the promise he made back then and defeat the Shoichi Sect?"

Everyone was talking in fear.

Panic continued to spread in the rainy night.

Su Chen continued to walk up the mountain. The killing he just did was just to scare the monkeys. Ordinary people from the Zhengyi Sect were not within the scope of his revenge, but if someone was ignorant, he would not be polite.

When he reached the halfway point of the mountain, Su Chen saw from a distance a group of Zhengyi Sect disciples wearing elite disciple uniforms, blocking the path he must pass.

These elite disciples are different from the ordinary disciples just now. Those with the lowest cultivation level have all reached the late stage of the Transformation Realm, and some are even at the Lingtai Realm.

In Zhengyi Sect, these elite disciples occupy most of the resources and most of the right to speak.

When Su Chen was still in the Zhengyi Sect, he had often seen the arrogant faces of these elite disciples.

At this moment, this group of elite disciples had obviously learned that Su Chen had come to join the Zhengyi Sect. They all came out of their respective residences and gathered on the road.

A group of elite disciples faced off against Su Chen alone.

"Su Chen, as an abandoned disciple of the Zhengyi Sect, you dare to break into the mountain gate of the Zhengyi Sect. Are you going to die?"

"That's right. Who gave you the courage not to take us seriously?"

The elite disciples spoke one after another and looked at Su Chen with contempt.

"Su Chen, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe I can consider begging the higher-ups to spare your life."

An elite disciple came out, looked at Su Chen in a condescending manner, and said lightly.

Su Chen recognized this elite disciple's name as Zhang Xi. When he was still in Zhengyi Sect, he often saw Zhang Xi following Lu Yuan like a henchman, supporting Lu Yuan.

Now that he came to break into the Zhengyi Sect, he jumped out like a pioneer.

Su Chen said calmly: "If you commit suicide now, I can consider it and not cut off your head later."


Zhang Xi's expression changed and he said without hesitation, "Everyone, listen to my order, kill the rebels of this sect, and clean up the door for the orthodox sect!"


The other elite disciples responded loudly, and hundreds of people crowded around Su Chen.

They are all in the late stages of the Transformation Realm, and quite a few of them are still in the Lingtai Realm, and they are powerful in numbers. So facing Su Chen, they were naturally confident.

It's a pity that they don't know that the strength they are proud of is only a difference between one move and two moves in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen just glanced at them and activated the Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation. Under the sword light, many people's arms and legs were cut off instantly.

In an instant, people were lying around Su Chen, and mourners were everywhere.

This was because Su Chen had shown mercy, otherwise, there would have been corpses all over the place by now.

However, Su Chen showed no mercy to Zhang Xi and cut off his head with one sword. Zhang Xi continued to groan.

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