Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 691 Four Elephants Fist

I saw that the spiritual platform in Dantian changed again and began to split!

Su Chen was also slightly surprised, what is going on?

When he was in the realm of transformation, his True Essence Sea had dual attributes of ice and fire. Could it be that now, the spiritual platform will be split into two spiritual platforms?

In Su Chen's surprise, the spiritual platform actually split from the middle, forming an upper and lower spiritual platform.

These two spiritual platforms, one on top and one on the bottom, are like heaven and earth.

And that's not all. One spiritual platform rotates clockwise, while the other spiritual platform rotates counterclockwise, just like the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram.

This made Su Chen couldn't help but think that since he started practicing in this life, every major realm he has reached is different from others. In the Condensing Yuan Realm, other people's true essence cores are one by one, and one's own is composed of five small cores. As for the realm of transformation, others have a single attribute of the True Yuan Sea, while I have dual attributes of ice and fire. Now in the Lingtai realm, there are two more Lingtai.

Moreover, these two spiritual platforms did not completely inherit the two attributes of ice and fire from the realm of transformation. Instead, they changed on the basis of ice and fire and evolved into the two attributes of yin and yang.

The yin and yang attributes are also two rare attributes. In essence, they are variations of the ice and fire attributes.

Gradually, the two spiritual towers of Yin and Yang finally completed their final shape and became completely stable. The size of the two spiritual platforms is fully five times the size of an average person.

And this also means that Su Chen finally truly entered the Lingtai realm.

As Su Chen thought, the Yin and Yang spiritual platforms immediately began to rotate.

The two spiritual platforms moved up and down, one rotating clockwise and the other counterclockwise, like a millstone, with yin and yang facing each other, and a very turbulent true energy suddenly spewed out!

Su Chen casually punched with his left hand, sensing the power in it, he couldn't help but nodded. His current strength was comparable to the eighth level of the Lingtai realm!

This is very terrifying. As soon as I stepped into the Lingtai realm, I already had power that could rival those in the later stages of the Lingtai realm. Then when I enter the late stage of the Lingtai Realm, I might be able to have a power comparable to that of the Reincarnation Realm!

You must know that the gap between the Lingtai Realm and the Lingtai Realm is not huge. From the tenth level of the Lingtai Realm to the Lingtai Realm, it can be called a leap between heaven and earth. The improvement in strength is incomparable to the progress from the Transformation Realm to the Lingtai Realm. .

To be able to compete with the Lingtai Realm in the later stages of the Lingtai Realm is simply unimaginable to ordinary people and is absolutely impossible to happen.

Because the higher the level of martial arts, the higher the level of each step, which makes the challenge of leapfrogging more and more difficult.

However, Su Chen's solid foundation in martial arts gave him the incredible ability to leapfrog challenges.

The functions of the two spiritual towers of Yin and Yang are actually similar to those of the Ice and Fire True Essence Sea.

"Now it's time to see if there are any changes in the Demon Emperor's arms after reaching the Lingtai realm?"

Su Chen tried to infuse a little bit of true energy into his right arm, and found that the muscles on his entire right arm suddenly expanded. The expansion speed was so amazing that the sleeve of his right arm burst in an instant.

Later, the naked eye could see the green veins on his right arm spreading like earthworms, and there was obviously terrifying power underneath them.

Su Chen walked outside to the yard and found a metal target standing in the yard, which should be used for practicing boxing and the like.

Su Chen raised his right arm and hit the metal target. With a heart-stopping sound, the metal target was broken into two pieces in the middle!

At this time, Li Shitong and Gu Qianyin also walked into the courtyard. When the two women saw this scene, their eyes widened in surprise.

Su Chen nodded at the two women, and then walked back to the training room to retreat without thinking of talking.

When the two women saw the interrupted metal target, they both looked at each other.

"He interrupted?"


Both women couldn't help but be speechless, this power was too incredible.

When Su Chen returned to the training room, he looked at his right arm carefully. When he withdrew the trace of true energy from his right arm, his right arm slowly returned to its original shape like a deflating balloon, and the veins on it also disappeared. Disappeared.

"It turns out that this demon emperor's arm contains extremely terrifying physical power."

Su Chen secretly thought that he didn't use his true energy to punch that punch just now, he just used a trace of true energy to activate the Demon Emperor's arm. The terrifying force of that punch was entirely the physical strength of the Demon Emperor's arm itself.

And the power of this punch punched by pure physical strength can be compared with the punch he punched with real power before. This is very abnormal.

You must know that the physical strength of ordinary Lingtai realm warriors is not very strong, and their combat power mainly relies on the power of true energy.

"If true energy is added to the Demon Emperor's arm, the physical power and true energy will be superimposed, and a stronger combat power should be obtained."

Su Chen suddenly had an idea in his mind and thought of this.

"It just so happens that it's time for my unarmed martial arts to be updated. I'll take this opportunity to practice another unarmed martial arts suitable for the Lingtai realm."

"Is it the boxing technique? Or the palm technique?"

Su Chen is in the brain

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