Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 687: The Old Assassin

However, in the previous life, Gu Qianyin only started to make a name for herself in the martial arts world of the Yunyuan Empire when she was twenty-five years old. Then she climbed up step by step and finally became a powerful person, earning the title of "Qingyin Fairy".

But now Gu Qianyin is only nineteen years old, and he has cultivated to the same strength as the twenty-five-year-old in his previous life. Compared with his previous life, he has made many fewer detours.

Su Chen taught Gu Qianyin the formula for the fourth level of "Five Colors Divine Sound".

He was in a good mood and said, "You go and practice. I'll go back to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce to have a look."

Gu Qianyin said quickly: "I'll go too. I haven't seen sister Rong Xian for a long time. I want to see her."

The two of them walked out of the Marquis Mansion and walked towards Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as he walked out of the Marquis Mansion, Su Chen's expression changed slightly and he sensed an extremely dangerous aura not far away.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qianyin asked without knowing why when Su Chen stopped.

But then, Gu Qianyin's expression also changed, and he also sensed the dangerous aura.

"There are red-clad guards from the royal family patrolling here day and night. How can dangerous people sneak in?" Gu Qianyin murmured to herself.

Su Chen calmly said, "That can only mean that this person has a good background, and may be related to the royal family."

Gu Qianyin exclaimed in a low voice: "Are you talking about Prince Rui?"

The two of them just talked to each other like no one else, and finally the man in the dark couldn't help it anymore.

A cold voice came from a big tree not far away: "Boy, have you said enough? Do you really think I am dead?"

As these words came out, an old man with wrinkled skin like tree bark jumped down from the big tree and landed not far in front of Su Chen and Gu Qianyin.

The old man seemed to be shrouded in shadow, making it difficult for people to notice his whereabouts. But there was a powerful threat coming from him, and his cultivation level was at least the eighth level of the Lingtai realm.

At this moment, the old man's eyes fell on Su Chen, and his whole body was filled with cold murderous intent.

But looking around, there wasn't even a patrolling guard in red.


Su Chen stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Blood Demonic Sword appeared in his hand, lying in front of him, resisting the pressure from the old man.

This old man's cultivation level was extraordinary, so when facing him, Su Chen had no idea of ​​conserving his strength. He directly urged a green lotus sword spirit out of his dantian, lingering on the body of the Blood Demon Sword, ready to attack at any time.

"Boy, was it you who killed Lin Jingtian?"

The old man said coldly.

"Who are you?"

Su Chen asked back.

"Jie Jie! You don't need to worry about who I am, but you killed Lin Jingtian, which is very difficult for me to handle."

The old man laughed gloomily a few times, and walked towards Su Chen. At the same time, he also pressed with pressure, and came towards Su Chen overwhelmingly.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows slightly. The old man's temperament did not look like someone from the Yunyuan Empire.

Because if he is from the Yunyuan Empire, he should be a powerful person from a big family in the imperial capital. He has a high status and cannot have a shadow-like temperament like this old man.

But listening to the words from the old man's mouth, Lin Jingtian was mentioned again, so it was either related to the Lin family or Prince Rui. And at this moment, all the red guards on the nearby streets have been cleared. It is conceivable that it is probably the work of the Lin family or Prince Rui.

Could it be that the Lin family or Prince Rui are still related to forces outside the Yunyuan Empire?


The old man regained his momentum, rushed towards Su Chen with even stronger pressure, and struck out at Su Chen.

At the same time, Su Chen also slashed out with a sword, and five sword energies and a green lotus sword spirit shone at the same time.


The palms and swords collided, and the old man's powerful palm force shattered the Qinglian Sword Spirit into pieces.

Then, the old man's palm struck the body of the Blood Demon Sword like copper pouring iron. A huge vibration force was transmitted along the sword body. Su Chen suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was knocked backwards by the vibration force. go out.

Su Chen was also surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that this old man was so powerful, beyond his imagination. Even though he has used a Qinglian Sword Spirit, he is still no match for the opponent.

Su Chen flew back ten or twenty feet before stopping. After standing firm, he immediately raised his head and looked at the old man.

The old man, taking advantage of this opportunity, had already flown towards Su Chen, with his true energy once again condensing in his palms, and he was obviously ready to give Su Chen another heavy blow.


Seeing this situation, Gu Qianyin flew out without thinking and stood in front of Su Chen.

"In the way!"

A fierce light suddenly appeared in the old man's eyes, and he slapped Gu Qianyin hard with his palm.

When Su Chen saw this, he was about to think of a way to save Gu Qianyin.

But at this critical moment, a burst of black energy suddenly escaped from Gu Qianyin's body, blocking her chest and acting like armor, which offset most of the old man's damage to Gu Qianyin.

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