Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 667 The Genius Sword Discussion Begins

After handing Songyundan to Emperor Yunyuan, Su Chen left the palace.

He returned to Rongxian Chamber of Commerce and began to devote all his energy to cultivation.

In half a month, it’s time for the genius sword debate to begin.

In the past half month, Su Chen took another rare treasure of heaven and earth to upgrade his cultivation from the tenth level of the Huanhui Realm to the half-step Spiritual Platform Realm.

If the cultivation level is improved too quickly, there may be problems with the instability of the cultivation level. So at this stage, Su Chen can only take one Heaven and Earth Treasure every once in a while.

After being promoted to the Half-Step Lingtai Realm, Su Chen was not idle, taking advantage of the opportunity he had just broken through to strengthen his existing martial arts skills one by one.

Fish-Dragon Transformation, Five Elements Fist, Overlapping Waves, Eye of Heavenly Eye, Ear of Downwind, Heart of Rock...

Half a month passed and Su Chen came out of seclusion feeling refreshed.

"We are still one step away from entering the Lingtai realm. I wonder if there will be any changes in the Demon Emperor's arm if he breaks through to the Lingtai realm?"

Su Chen looked at his right arm that was fused with the Demon Emperor's arm and muttered to himself.

During this retreat, he strengthened and upgraded all his martial arts and techniques, except for the "Ninth Level of Sword Origin" and "Eight Desolations Demon-Breaking Sword Formation" which he had not yet had time to strengthen.

Regarding these two techniques, Su Chen's plan was to wait until he was promoted to the Lingtai realm.

The date for the sword debate between geniuses has finally arrived.

Early in the morning, the Canglan Martial Arts Arena in the center of the imperial capital was crowded with people.

This Canglan martial arts arena is the property of the Yunyuan royal family and was built for the purpose of holding genius sword debates. Therefore, this place is extremely majestic and can accommodate 200,000 spectators at the same time. The circles of stands are like a mountain.

Su Chen brought Xue Yong, Gu Qianyin and Jian Qi to participate in the genius sword discussion today. The three of them came mainly to experience the atmosphere of the genius sword discussion and to hone their own atmosphere. They did not expect to get a high ranking.

Xue Yong is now at the peak of the ninth level of the Transformation Realm, one step away from reaching the tenth level of the Transformation Realm, while Gu Qianyin is at the ninth level of the Transformation Realm, with the highest level of Jian Qi, and like Su Chen is half a step to the Lingtai Realm.

As for Li Shitong, Gu Qianxue and Huang Ying'er, they had no plans to participate in the genius sword debate and instead went to the audience seats in the stands.

Su Chen and the others were just about to enter the arena when they suddenly heard a voice not far behind: "Hey, Lin Qi?"

Hearing this voice, Jian Qi couldn't help but shake his shoulders.

Su Chen and the others turned around and saw a group of young men and women from the Lin family standing not far away. One of the girls pointed at Jian Qi and said, "Isn't that our Lin family's servant Lin Qi? Why is he not dead?"

The eyes of the other Lin family disciples also showed surprise. They all thought that Lin Qixing failed to assassinate Su Chen and had been beaten to death on the street. They did not expect to see him here now.

Especially Lin Wei, whose eyes burst out with incredible light. He personally ordered his men to beat Lin Qi to death. How could he survive with such serious injuries? And he was actually with Su Chen?

Su Chen, all this must have something to do with Su Chen! It's Su Chen again!

Lin Wei gritted his teeth, his eyes gleaming with resentment.

"Even if he is not dead, he is just a useless person now!"

A member of the Lin family said disdainfully.

Another disciple of the Lin family walked out of the team and yelled at Jian Qi: "Lin Qi, you are a servant of the Lin family. When you see us, you don't kneel down immediately!"

Jian Qi's eyes turned cold, and he immediately glared at the Lin family disciple with sharp eyes.

When the Lin family disciple saw Jian Qi's eyes, he couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. But then he thought that Jian Qi was practicing the Fragment of the Murderous Sword, and since he had not obtained a new formula for so long, his martial arts must have backfired and his meridians were petrified.

If that's the case, what are you afraid of him doing?

"Hmph! You are a lowly servant. Do you still want to overthrow the world? Today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the Lin family."

As he spoke, the Lin family disciple took off a nine-section whip from his waist, shook it hard, and then swept the whip away, hitting Jian Qi's waist.


The sword light flashed, and no one saw how Jian Qi moved. They saw that the Lin family disciple was hit by the sword light, vomited blood and flew backwards. A long gash was cut on his chest, and blood was flowing out.


Everyone in the Lin family stared angrily, never expecting that Jian Qi would actually dare to attack someone from the Lin family.

Only Su Chen knew that Jian Qi had restrained part of his strength. If he had used all his strength, the Lin family disciple would have been cut into two pieces by his sword.

"Lin Qi, you are looking for death."

"Lin Qi, are you a white-eyed wolf? You will follow anyone who gives you meat to eat, and you have completely forgotten your old master?"

Everyone in the Lin family started cursing and getting excited.

Jian Qi stood there proudly, like an unsheathed sword, and said: "Ever since you beat Lin Qi to death with sticks on a rainy night, Lin Qi has been completely dead. Now my name is Jian Qi, and I am with you. It doesn’t matter at all.”


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