Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 662 White Stone Cloud Python

When we got here, the air was really hot. Su Chen looked forward and saw a piece of red lava in front of him.

Looking over, the lava is endless as far as the eye can see, and there is still lava surging in it, making people feel numb.

"The source of fire from heaven and earth is most likely here."

Su Chen was overjoyed. Based on his experience, nine out of ten situations like this were caused by fire from heaven and earth.

And looking at the freshness of the lava, the source of heaven and earth fire should have appeared here recently. However, because the temperature of the lava is extremely high, people who find this place cannot enter the lava area, and those who have the ability to enter the lava area have not yet Got the news.

"What a coincidence, I came just in time. If I had come a little later, the news about the source of the fire in the world might have been known to some powerful people and they would have come and taken it away."

Su Chen thought of this and called out the Skyfire Baby.

"Master, there is a source of heaven and earth fire nearby..." The sky fire baby took a breath of cold air as soon as it landed on the ground.

Su Chen said: "You cover me and go in to collect the source of fire from heaven and earth."

The Skyfire Baby nodded, then opened his mouth and spit out a pillar of fire, wrapping Su Chen in it.

Su Chen released the ancestor of the soul-eating Gu worm again and asked him to stay where he was to avoid being burned by the lava. Then, one person and one fire walked towards the lava area.

Stepping into the lava area, the skyfire baby's flames immediately formed a barrier around Su Chen, as if he was wearing a suit of flame armor, blocking out the heat of the lava.

Su Chen walked forward like this, but when he walked a kilometer or two, more and more lava turned into magma, which continued to seep in through the flame barrier.

This magma was extremely powerful. When it came into contact with Su Chen, it immediately created scorched holes.

Fortunately, Su Chen had the body of a thunder-fire dead wood. Even if he was injured, he would not bleed, and he would heal quickly. He was injured and healed while walking, supporting himself and walking forward.

At this time, the source of fire from heaven and earth also appeared in sight, still a few hundred meters away from Su Chen at most.

This is obviously a nascent fire source of heaven and earth, only as big as a fist, wrapped in a white stone. The white stone is not transparent, but it can be seen that the fire source is inside the white stone, which is very magical.

Su Chen quickened his pace and walked in the direction of Baishi.

Soon, Su Chen arrived near Baishi.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters...

The white stone was already within reach, but the Skyfire Baby's flame barrier could no longer hold up. More and more magma penetrated the flame barrier and poured in, burning Su Chen's skin and making him feel as if his whole body was on fire. .

"Hold on a little longer!"

Su Chen thought to himself, we are all here, we can't fall short.

He quickly took a few steps forward and reached out to grab the white stone, hoping to see if he could directly put the white stone into the space ring.

But the result failed, because the white stone was firmly fixed on the ground, and it was impossible to collect the space ring in this situation.

Su Chen's hand flashed with light, and the Blood Demon Sword appeared in his hand. He used the sword as a shovel to dig out the source of the fire from the white stone.


A sword was cut on the white stone, and countless sparks suddenly burst out, leaving a shallow mark.

Ding ding ding ding!

Su Chen used the sword as a machete and kept slashing at the white stone.


The Skyfire Baby also spit out a pillar of fire from its mouth, trying to burn the white stone, but was quickly stopped by Su Chen, because it was of no use. Instead, the energy of the fire pillar would be absorbed by the fire source in the white stone.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

Su Chen's body was burned by the magma, and he was in great pain. He cut faster and faster with his hands. Finally, only a trace of Bai Shi was left. Su Chen let out a long roar and slashed with a sword light wrapped in sword energy, finally cutting off Bai Shi completely. It shattered, and the source of fire inside was exposed.

"Little fire!" Su Chen shouted immediately.

The skyfire baby opened its mouth and swallowed the fire source whole at once.

Afterwards, Su Chen immediately used his body skills and wanted to leave here immediately with Xiao Huo.


At this moment, the ground shook, and where Bai Shi was just now, the ground cracked rapidly with cracks.

The next moment, with an earth-shattering sound, a huge shadow burst out of the ground with astonishing power.

Immediately, Su Chen saw clearly that the huge shadow was a huge python. Its huge body was dozens of feet long. The scarlet snake vomited and vomited, and it looked very scary.

"It's Baishi Tongyun Python!"

Su Chen took a breath. He finally knew why the white stone was so hard and difficult to cut.

After working on it for a long time, I realized that it was the accompanying white stone on the person's head. The characteristic of the White Stone Cloud Python is that there is a hard white stone on the top of its head, but this one is special. There is actually a source of fire from heaven and earth in the white stone.


Su Chen didn't want to confront this python, so he immediately pulled Xiao Huo away.

Boom boom boom!

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