Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 646: A foodie

There were twenty or thirty strong men in this group, all stripped naked except for a pair of underwear, and hung at the gate of the Immortal Pavilion. The scene was quite spectacular.

Soon, a large group of people gathered at the entrance of the Immortal Pavilion, pointing and watching, mainly to watch these people's jokes.

However, although there were many people watching the excitement, no one entered the Xianren Pavilion to eat, because everyone knew that doing so would definitely provoke enemies in the Xianren Pavilion, and they did not want to be involved.

Although the dishes in Xianren Pavilion are indeed delicious, you won't die if you skip such a meal. The most important thing is not to get into trouble.

However, just as it was about to reach dinner time in the evening, a very frivolous-looking young man in rich clothes came over with a group of followers and stopped at the entrance of the Immortal Pavilion.

"Hahahaha, interesting!" The young man who looked like a young man couldn't help laughing when he saw the people hanging at the door. With a wave of his hand, he strode into the Immortal Pavilion with his entourage.

There were no other guests in the lobby of Xianren Pavilion at this moment, only a group of waiters. A waiter came up to him and asked, "What kind of food would you like, sir?"

The young man waved his hand and said: "I heard that the dishes in your store are very famous. Let's do this. Give me one of each of your signature specialties, and I want a big one!"

"Okay, sir, wait a moment!"

The guy immediately turned around and left.

Not long after, dishes were served one after another.

The young man sat swaggeringly at the table, with the entourage standing behind him.

The young man picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of food, took a bite, and immediately opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "It's delicious!"

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!" the young man was full of praise. "Although the raw materials of these dishes are just ordinary ingredients that can be found everywhere, the combination of ingredients and cooking techniques are so wonderful that it will be unforgettable after one bite. Wonderful!”

After saying that, he buried himself in his meal and ate very quickly, finishing the entire table in no time.

This surprising speed of eating also made everyone in the lobby dumbfounded.

"Put the same dish on the table again!" the young man shouted, still wanting more.

A waiter walked up and said: "Sir, our restaurant has regulations. Each dish is limited in supply. You ordered too many dishes and it has exceeded the limit. Please come back next time."

This is also the rule that Su Chen set early in the morning. Because the food in Xianren Pavilion is so delicious, there is no guarantee that someone will order it again after finishing it. But in that case, because of the limited seats, other guests will not be able to come in and taste it.

Therefore, Su Chen made a rule that each customer could only order once. If he was still unsatisfied after eating, he could only come back next time.

"What kind of broken rule is this?" the young man complained angrily, "I have money and I can pay three times the price for it. Isn't this enough?"

"Sir, this is the rule set by the big boss of our store. Please come again next time." The waiter replied.

The young man slapped the table and said dissatisfied: "Where is your big boss? I want to see him in person now!"

The waiter couldn't help but feel dizzy, thinking that he had thought that no one would come in to eat, but instead a person like this came in. He was also a big eater. So many dishes were not enough, and he had to order more.

"Sir, our boss is very busy——"

Just as the guy was halfway through speaking, he saw Su Chen coming out from behind.

The guy immediately stopped talking to the young man and subconsciously shouted: "Boss!"

"Are you the boss?"

When the young man heard this, he immediately looked at Su Chen with sparkling eyes, "Hey, didn't you say that the shopkeeper of Xianren Pavilion is a woman? Why is she a man and still so young? Younger than me?"

"What do you want from me?" Su Chen asked.

The young man quickly said: "Can you ask someone to serve me another table of the dishes just now? I can pay three times or even five times the price!"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "My guy just told you that we have a limited supply of dishes here. If you want to eat, come back next time."

The young man rolled his eyes and said, "My name is Ren Xiaozhou. May I ask what my brother's name is?"

As soon as these words came out, the waiter next to him suddenly looked shocked, Ren Xiaozhou, he was Ren Xiaozhou!

I didn't expect that he would come here, and he would even take the initiative to call the boss a brother-in-law and contact him about his identity. This was really shocking.

It is said that Ren Xiaozhou is a gluttonous foodie, and now it seems that is indeed the case.

Su Chen glanced at him and said, "My name is Chen Shu."

"Hey, Brother Chen, from today on, you are my brother!" Ren Xiaozhou immediately put an arm on Su Chen's shoulders and said with enthusiasm, "Since we are brothers, you can open a back door for me... ...how?"

Before Su Chen had time to answer, another angry voice suddenly came from outside the gate: "People from the Immortal Pavilion, get out of here, young master!"

Following this voice, a person walked in from the outside with an extremely ugly face, it was Zhou Yi.

After Zhou Yi walked into the lobby, he first glanced at the lobby.

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