Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 642 Immortal Pavilion

Next, the auction will continue.

After the small climax caused by the long sword just now, Feiyun Auction House took out many rare elixirs, exercises, martial arts, etc., and auctioned them one by one.

The starting price also ranges from five hundred thousand taels to several million taels.

However, for Su Chen, these naturally found it difficult to arouse his interest. From beginning to end, he just leaned on the back of his chair, closed his eyes and rested, and occasionally paid attention to the situation on the auction stage.

"The next auction item is called Qingming Fruit..."

As the auctioneer announced the name of an auction item, Su Chen finally became interested and sat up straight from his chair.

The reason why I am interested is because this Qingming Fruit is one of the main materials necessary to refine the longevity elixir for Emperor Yunyuan. It is an extremely precious material and cannot be found in the Yunyuan Empire.

When Su Chen made a list and asked Guan Qiyun to find ways to find the materials, Qingming Guo was also one of them.

"I actually saw Qingming Fruit here..."

Su Chen thought about it and thought it was normal. After all, Donglin City is the place where the top resources of the thirteen Eastern Continent countries circulate. If a medicinal material cannot be found here, it will be difficult to find it through other means.

Thinking of this, Su Chen decided to take a photo of the Qingming Fruit and treat it as a coincidence.

"The starting price of Qingming Fruit is one million taels of silver."

"One million and one million."

"One million and two thousand."

Many people started bidding, but the bidding range was very low, with prices rising from ten thousand to ten thousand.

This is because although the Qingming Fruit is a rare alchemy material, many people want to buy it back to stock up. There are no people who are really in urgent need of it now, otherwise the price would never be possible.

Su Chen waited until the price reached 1.23 million before he started bidding. Because of his status as a preparatory member of the Jiu Xing Dan Society, many people were unwilling to bid with him, so he easily bid for 1.23 million. Arrived at Qingmingguo.

Su Chen discovered that the status of a preparatory member of the Nine-Star Pill Society was really useful in Donglin City. At least the people in Winterland City had a kind of awe for the members of the Nine-Star Pill Society.

However, as the auction ended, Su Chen discovered that this identity also had troubles, that is, many people came to his box in a swarm, shamelessly wanting to make friends with him, and some wanted to ask him for advice. road.

Su Chen was so annoyed that he finally got rid of the people gathered in front of the box, then took the two items he bought and left the Feiyun Auction House.

He went to another place in Donglin City, which was Murong Shan's temporary residence.

Walking into the courtyard, Su Chen shouted smoothly: "Miss Murong, I brought the Zixin Zengyuan Pill."

"Mr. Chen."

Murong Shan's figure immediately walked out of the back room, looking at Su Chen with gratitude in her eyes.

Su Chen took out the elixir bottle containing the Purple Heart Zengyuan elixir from the space ring and handed it to Murong Shan.

"Thank you Mr. Chen."

Murong Shan thanked her, took the elixir bottle, and gently uncorked the bottle. When she found that there was not one, but six Purple Heart-increasing Pills in the elixir bottle, her beautiful eyes were filled with laughter. Suddenly, he showed a stronger expression of surprise and gratitude.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your great kindness. I really don't know how to repay you."

Murong Shan said with sincere gratitude. She could feel the obvious kindness of the young man in front of her towards her, but she didn't know where this kindness came from, so she could only thank her again.

"It's just a little effort."

Su Chen said that he vaguely remembered that Murong Xin had a pretty good relationship with this cousin in his previous life. If not for this, he would not have helped Murong Shan.

Just as Su Chen turned around and was about to leave, Murong Shan chased after him: "Mr. Chen, if you need any help, let Shan'er help you. Please, even if you let me do the washing and cooking, Give me a chance to repay your kindness."

Of course, Su Chen didn't need help with washing and cooking, but Murong Shan insisted, so he thought for a moment and said, "I'm planning to open a restaurant in Donglin City, so you can help me manage and run the restaurant."

Su Chen would like to open an elixir shop, but the elixir shop requires a large number of alchemists, and the managers need to be experienced. In addition, Su Chen will not stay in Winterland City for a long time, so these people need to be trustworthy.

Now Su Chen doesn't have so many professional manpower, so he decided to open a restaurant first. The manpower required for a restaurant is relatively much simpler than that for an elixir shop, and Su Chen had mastered many recipes in the elixir realm in his previous life, and just a few of them would be enough to satisfy the people in Winterland City.

Although everyone is a warrior, it doesn't matter if they don't eat or drink for several days, but after all, people have appetites. Many warriors have even more appetites than ordinary people, so restaurants are also a promising place to make money. industry.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I will definitely do my best." Murong Shan was a little nervous. She was a lady and had never done business before, but she believed that with her intelligence, she could get started quickly.

"Okay, let's go and buy a restaurant." Su Chen waved.

The two of them immediately went out and walked to the busiest area of ​​Winterland City.

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